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originally posted in: Reverse Mail Sack.
9/21/2012 3:36:31 PM
[quote]What do you think is missing from video games right now?[/quote] Good gameplay in games are missing. It's all about interactive and not some side dish to another medium. although all kinds of mediums are injected in the most beautiful of games. Thanks Marty. Gameplay is king - Gamers game. Games are missing their mojo once they hit a peak of quality and instead of establishing a foothold for that IP change for the sake of change to "keep up with the market" focusing only on sales. Consoles are fundamentally flawed for this very reason and a successful advertising campaign will only make a poor product fail faster. The relentless remakes nobody asks for is testament to this. EA sucks. Forever. Forever EA suckage. Nailing the most potent gameplay flavor of a game series as the first installment is the best thing I feel you can do. And that makes for a beautiful F2P convenience model. The gamers will WANT TO PAY for more once a trusty brand has been established -as soon as Gamers feel they've been shortchanged they will embark on an online crusade against the devs. I believe modding support will be reserved for the best AAA games in the future. What better way to establish permanent relation with your gamer base in the connected age. The internet is an engine of connection. It has been from the start (email, chat, forums, blogs, social media...) One reason that so many of the most popular games are those that permit people to express and expose their ideas in the game's engine is that is what we care most about. The Game's longevity is sealed if fostered right. Instead of denigrating user-generated content (what an obscure way to describe human stories), marketers need to understand that this is what we care about. I don't have to worry about Bungie because you guys make games you want to play. And good taste in games. The game industry needs more Bungie Aerospace!

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