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5/5/2007 12:39:13 AM

Bungie Weekly Update

This week there is a LOT of information. You pretty much have to read this one. Seriously.

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  • beta woot woot :)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Jrwill181 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Tangent6 The huge large-scale battle all sound so rediculously amazing, but the thing I'm worried about is when I can't kill most of the things around me because they are killing each other or my allies are killing them. I want to kill most of the things there.[/quote] Looks like you will be doing a lot of Team Killing. LoL[/quote] Haha true. But then my minor OCD tendencies kick in along with some moral conflictions and I feel bad for killing my allies, regardless of how awesome ragdoll physics look.

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  • Good update Frankie, Not only has it got me pumped for the Beta, but also for the fall, I WANT TO FINISH THE FIGHT! Oh and Any chance WE Can see a fully rendered Human Face any time soon, I know we saw about half of a marines face in the last vidoc, but how about Sgt. Johnson, any chance we can see him or some other humans before the game ships, cause for me the mark of a true next-gen game is in how realistic the humans look.

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  • not bad not bad, but ive been reading ghosts of onyx and all i want is story details no! give them to me, and you will reap the rewards! jk i cant wait for the fall cuz im not gonna burn 60 on a game that isnt very good to play halo 3 for 3 weeks. Ill see yall on live in november (my guess) and by that i mean youll be seeing me walk over your dead body while you wait to respawn

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  • Golden Ticket? Did I mention my name is Charlie Bucket?

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  • 11 more days

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Uber1337noobPwnr [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Frankie Bur programmer emotion?[/quote] ZOMG typo![/quote] Maybe not... think deeper than that my brethren.

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  • Golden ticket you say?

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  • Pretty nice update. Can't wait for the Beta.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Frankie Bur programmer emotion?[/quote] ZOMG typo!

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  • i know how u feel. i can't wait for halo 3 to come out. but it kills me that it's the end of MC's story. i want it to come out but i don't at the same time because i like the excitement of waiting for it..

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DoOMsLAyeR16 So does this mean there is no stat reset they didn't mention this once in this weeks update. I pissed off now I deranked my account so my little brothers could play an now I'm finding that there was no point in doing that. Still fed up with waiting.........[/quote]Is there ever a point in deranking?

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  • So does this mean there is no stat reset they didn't mention this once in this weeks update. I pissed off now I deranked my account so my little brothers could play an now I'm finding that there was no point in doing that. Still fed up with waiting.........

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  • Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta We were all thinking it, I'm just saying it.

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  • Lol funny funny. :D Anyways THE GREAT HALO 2 MAP FLAP So, after the poor fellows at Xbox Live learned some harsh lessons about how to implement new content internationally, across two different hardware platforms, two different billing systems, two operating systems and 35 different age rating systems, they’ve finally ironed out all the kinks in the somewhat flawed rollout of the Blastacular map pack. Everyone, with scant few exceptions, should now be able to download and install Desolation and Tombstone, the two new Halo 2 maps. But there’s more positive news on that front. After launch, players quickly discovered a couple of geometry flaws in the maps (typical of the kind found in Halo 2) that enabled superjumping and created “invisible walls.” Well the good news is that in part, due to the systems we’ve set up to implement the maps on two hardware platforms, and thanks to heroic work by Certain Affinity (the maps’ creators), we are able to repair the more glaring flaws in these maps. We intend to do this in very short order, and almost immediately thereafter, roll them into matchmaking proper. Now the inconvenience in this is that you will have to update the maps. There are a couple of things to consider here. . Everyone who paid for them already will not be re-billed. The fixed maps are of course free to previous purchasers. That said, a few thousand players managed through a billing system bug, to get the maps for free. Some folks actually did this on purpose, some by accident while trying everything to get the maps to install. Neither group is in any kind of trouble, and both groups are considered blameless. Unfortunately, since the billing bug is fixed – when they get the updated maps they will be successfully charged the original four bucks they evaded first time around Again, apologies for the inconvenience. The new maps are almost ready and we’ll give you full details about the timing as soon as Monday. Both the map replacements and the Matchmaking update are likely to happen next week, but will be separated by a couple of days to give players time to get the replacements. Yea I'm still having problems with the download. :D

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  • 1st page!..ohhh you freaks Amazing post.

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  • By the "invisible walls, they mean there are 2 places in Tombstone that you can stand and not be harmed by grenades or weapons fire directed at you, but you can still fire back and do damage. Infact, one of these spots is inpenatrable to all but beatdowns due to the fact there is a wall behind you and to the side and the invisible wall infront. Those are the ones I am aware of. On another note, I didn't see one, but is there a time frame for when the maps will be re-released?

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  • Great update ...... CAN'T WAIT FOR BETA

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  • WOW, that comment above was misquoted times 10 and I would appreciate it if you weren't such a di#$ about it. I was only trying to be nice.

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  • 35 people for animation, cinematic detail and lighting. People form Shrek, ILM, Wetta. I cant wait to see it!!!!!!!! Great update Frankie!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] shanksterr To Frankies Rosy Red Buttcheeks and everyone else, Please let me get Frankies furry nutbag on my chin, if it helps me get an F&F invite. We have all spent hours playing Halo 1 and Halo 2, our significant other hand may have been mad that we ignored their embrace one too many times. It was worth it every time, especially if you have that darn kleenex and vaseline handy. We have all had this experience and we all can't wait to play this next generation Halo extravaganza and yes I'll be the first to say that I would wash frankies car, dog, and scrub his back in the shower if I got the invite. But for those who do get the invite, PLEASE don't even tell anyobody, anything, ever. We must wait five more days so you should feel sorry for us. Be kind about this brown-nosing situation because I think each and everyone of us are waiting for this thing to come out. So once again I say, I will be a Frankie FanBoy for Life! And everyone say thanks to frankie, my love, my darling. Who I must mention has yet to accept my friend request........ ~Shanksterr [/quote] just say what you really mean why dontcha [Edited on 05.05.2007 11:29 AM PDT]

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  • (quoting frankie here) [quote]In Halo 3 though, we made a deliberate and difficult choice. Believe it or not, it would in some ways have been easier to just storyboard this and hand it off to someone like Digital Domain to render into CG. Instead, we took the harder and seemingly counterintuitive route so that our Cinematics will blend, as seamlessly as possible with our gameplay.[/quote] I can't wait to see this - I was most excited to purchase my 360 for this reason. Games have been evolving, and it's finally at a point where amazing cinematics CAN be what you see in the game, and you'll never know the difference. Great work! [quote]So, after the poor fellows at Xbox Live learned some harsh lessons about how to implement new content internationally, across two different hardware platforms, two different billing systems, two operating systems and 35 different age rating systems, they’ve finally ironed out all the kinks in the somewhat flawed rollout of the Blastacular map pack. Everyone, with scant few exceptions, should now be able to download and install Desolation and Tombstone, the two new Halo 2 maps. But there’s more positive news on that front.[/quote] Great news - I'm glad everyone can enjoy the news maps. Interesting though how blame was pushed entirely on the "poor fellows" at Xbox Live, although they might have the system by which content is delivered, this is your game fellows and therefore ultimately your responsibility, is it not? [quote]After launch, players quickly discovered a couple of geometry flaws in the maps (typical of the kind found in Halo 2) that enabled superjumping and created “invisible walls.” Well the good news is that in part, due to the systems we’ve set up to implement the maps on two hardware platforms, and thanks to heroic work by Certain Affinity (the maps’ creators), we are able to repair the more glaring flaws in these maps. We intend to do this in very short order, and almost immediately thereafter, roll them into matchmaking proper. Now the inconvenience in this is that you will have to update the maps. There are a couple of things to consider here. . Everyone who paid for them already will not be re-billed. The fixed maps are of course free to previous purchasers. That said, a few thousand players managed through a billing system bug, to get the maps for free. Some folks actually did this on purpose, some by accident while trying everything to get the maps to install. Neither group is in any kind of trouble, and both groups are considered blameless. Unfortunately, since the billing bug is fixed – when they get the updated maps they will be successfully charged the original four bucks they evaded first time around Again, apologies for the inconvenience. The new maps are almost ready and we’ll give you full details about the timing as soon as Monday. Both the map replacements and the Matchmaking update are likely to happen next week, but will be separated by a couple of days to give players time to get the replacements. [/quote] What?? I'm confused by these statements. I'm going to attempt to take my time now and iterate my points clearly so I'm not flamed for simply stating my opinion: 1.By "invisible walls", do you mean invisible death barriers that kill you in places where you can legitimately jump to (IE the massive fllood lights that make a great sniper position until you jump and die?) -- Because that would be great. 2. If you are repairing the "flaws" that enable superjumping on the new maps, than why have the old maps not been updated? (Or why were the new ones so bad that they had to be repaired when the other map packs didn't?) - I could be wrong, but I don't ever remember having to re-download map packs after they were already successfully downloaded. Is it just because Certain Affinity was willing to help repair the maps whereas it just wasn't possible with the older map packs? 3. Why re-release the maps to begin with? I know, it's redundant but come on man, are you crazy??? Ok.. <***sigh***> if the maps are really that bad and need to be fixed, fine, fair enough, I will download the maps again and keep my fingers crossed. It just doesn't make any sense to me to, for all intents and purposes, go back to square one, but that is my opinion It seems like I'm already seeing the writing on the wall with statements like "The ([b]NEW[/b])new maps are [b]almost[/b] ready.... timing [b]as soon as[/b] Monday... updates are [b]likely[/b] to happen next week..." -- is this really all going to happen this week? I sure hope so, like I said I'll keep my fingers crossed. As for the beta / friends and family info, all great knowledge to know and I can't wait for the 16th, although I did see some bearded mysterious iceman the other day, so in the spirit of random chance I will be checking on the 11th for the small hope of getting an invite, although I know my chances are slim to none. All I can hope is that my near 10,000 games shows my dedication to the game and the community. ;) Thanks for the updates, and I hope someone actually reads this because I know that reading the first 8 pages of butt-kissing made me dizzy.

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  • Nice update. Thanks guys. ;) peace, BOE

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  • A big welcome to Luke S. and him ressurecting the podcast! I can't believe he finally infiltrated Bungie. You realize this was his plan all along, right? :P

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Tangent6 The huge large-scale battle all sound so rediculously amazing, but the thing I'm worried about is when I can't kill most of the things around me because they are killing each other or my allies are killing them. I want to kill most of the things there.[/quote] Looks like you will be doing a lot of Team Killing. LoL

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  • cheers Frankie well, all I can say is things are sounding awesome, if that amount of tallent is working on cinimatics then halo 3 is going to be so epic visually and story driven wise, must get back and read the rest of the update. sounds frikin fantastic ! but cheers Frankie

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