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4/17/2007 3:55:41 PM

New Halo 2 Maps are Here!

The new Halo 2 maps are here. Bug fixes, workarounds and more - for folks having troubles, inside.

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  • I had problems downloading them too but I just sat there trying again each time it failed. About the fourth time it worked.

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  • There were any problem charging my credit card... Paid on 18th and still no Maps... S U C K S

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  • Oh my goshessness!!! Somebody else feels my pain. Yeap, I'm frustrated too. This is not like Bungie and Microsoft.

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  • still cant get the new maps, only been TWO WEEKS!!! you are hopfully working on this but its takin along time...

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  • i give up til the new update. But still am a loyal fan, and cant wait for Public Beta. And in the long run Halo 3.

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  • New Halo 2 maps are not downloading...ARGG! It keeps saying something about INSTALLATION OF CONTENT FAILED. I've purchased it and everything! It just wont download...I really need some help here...I SPENT 4 DOLLARS FOR NOTHING?????? BUNGIE! EITHER YOU FIX THIS BUG FOR THE 360 OR I WILL ALMOST KILL MYSELF! All my other friends have these maps!

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  • more the NEW HALO 2 Maps are Not Here! i need real help with this if any one has the time Please post a detailed PROBLEM FIX LIST

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  • Why doesnt bungi release another multiplayer pack disc like they did when they released the other new maps, that way everyone still gets a chance to get the maps, and it also gives a chance to add any small patches or tweaks to they game, and there will be no problems for anyone trying to download the content. Also by doing this they could put it on an orignial xbox disc so both orignial and 360 players can get the content. while still offering a profit ? personally i think it would be a good idea. [Edited on 04.28.2007 8:52 PM PDT]

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  • i have a "wega" tv is that y i cant dl the maps?

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  • i still can't download these maps. i've even deleted all HALO releated content on my 360. it even says i've "PURCHASED" the new maps. this is bullsh1t.

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  • This has sucked for too long. A week has gone by and nothing but some false hope from the Bungie (wishful thinking) PR Department. Luckily I could get them through other means which although is wrong means I can get on with it. Before you cry foul, you have my $4 and I couldn't get the maps from you so I got them from elsewhere. Now I just need to get the hardware to transfer them (on order) to my 360 which means that I have to mod the box and NO I dont want to but whilst you are inept, you leave us with no choices. Seriously guys, this is so damn sad and yet sadder that you have done nothing about it. Your credibility is shot to pieces and I know of too many people that are giving up on of the Halo faithful has just dumped his 360 and bought a PS3 following this latest debacle ....are you getting are losing....... [Edited on 04.27.2007 3:30 AM PDT]

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  • I just tried & I still can't get it to work either. Whatever, -blam!- this, I'm calling Visa tomorrow and getting my $4 back. Not like 4 bucks is going to make a difference to Microsoft but its the priniciple of the thing. Games are supposed to be fun, this is stupid. The whole point is to be able to play with my friends but none of them can DL the maps either, so there's no incentive to mess with this anymore.

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  • I still haven't gotten it to work, so I tried this & it doesn't work. If Bungie doesn't fix the problem or make it downloadable on XBL Marketplace I'm going to be POd. Bungie put this on the downloader so that the original Xbox whimps who don't have the money to buy a 360 can get it. The problem is that they can get it, but the better console with all of the better upgrades doesn't get it. Marketplace was made to avoid these problems, so make the maps downloadable on there too. Maybe bungie should take a day out of playing H3 humpday challanges and fix the problems for their ex-loyal fans. We provide the money in their pockets through buying the games so do us a favor in return. I don't like using a credit card on something I can't even get. Now if people don't get the maps then there will be less people on matchmaking. Bungie is making the maps required for matchmaking so that they can get money from our sorry asses that can't get the maps. It's been over a week now and they said the problem would be fixed by Monday, but its Thursday. GEt your facts straight Bungie before you say something. If this persists I just won't get the maps and Bungie will lose a loyal matchmaking player. I will just play some 360 games that don't give me problems. Real Nice Job Bungie!!! [sarcastically].

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  • Its almost 11pm CT & its still not working for me. Is there anyone who couldn't DL the maps before who has had success with them now?

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  • Cna't believe you guys are having so much trouble with the maps. Loaded mine fine first try!!! :) Sickin awesome by the way Frankie. They are great, the graphics are the best, I think you put all you guy's skills in this one. Can't wait to see them in matchmaking that ought to be fun snipin some people out in Tombstone(always thought that was such a big complex map). That was the first map I was aquainted with on Halo, I was so excited you picked that one. The graphic and art was some thing else out of this world to. Shows me how much better the Halo 3 maps will be.

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  • I just tried again with no success. C'mon, its freakin' Wednesday here & I still can't DL the maps. This is some kind of joke; put out a map pack people have to have to play 90% of the online game but then don't supply enough server support to get it out. Don't forget to charge 'em money for it too.

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  • still cant download the maps, i have done everything, but its still skips the download in like 1 second, and then says installation failed! please help, it has been over a week!!!

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  • UGHHH Does Anyone Have A Real Reason Why I Cant Download The New Maps! Its Already Tuesday And Its 6:44 PM I Keep Trying And Trying But Still..Wont ..Work!!!

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  • who cares about getting the maps, how about the pistol on Tombstone? Help me get that and I'll give you the maps!!LOL! Help me get the pistol butt holes!

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  • a [Edited on 04.24.2007 10:10 AM PDT]

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  • Premium Purchases FIX!!! After reading every post with "premium" in it (34 pages is a lot), I almost wonder if XBox Live got my premium purhcases setting cleared up while I was just messing with the 360 family settings. Like many, I couldn't enter the last 4 digits of my credit card on my Original XBox's Dashboard 'cause I upgraded to a 360 (got technical difficulties error). The problem is...I'm not sure how I fixed it. But I can tell ya all that I did and didn't do. I didn't have any family settings enabled to start with so I couldn't hit the Disable Family Settings button (greyed out). I didn't add no 2nd credit card er mess with any, no. All I think I did was restrict all family setting, like ONLY Allow G-Rated TV 'n everything (I created a 2nd gamer profile--no credit card er nothin'--to do this, but I don't think that's necessary) settings, restart the 360 (don't think the restart was necessary, but couldn't hurt), AAAHHH, now the Disable Family Settings button isn't greyed out...HIT IT!!!! (I deleted the new gamer profile just before this step and signed back into my regular gamer profile, but again, I don't think that 2nd gamer profile is necessary) I think this is the only way in a 360 to allow Premium Purchases. Save settings, restart (again, don't think restart is necessary). No more premium purchases error on either the 360 or the was just the installation error after that...which is server congestion...just keep trying. If you're getting purchase error...I've got nothing for ya...try using a different credit card. If you never had a 360 and get the technical difficulties error when entering the last 4 digits of your credit card in the XBox Dashboard...well...I think you're screwed...either 1-800-4MY-XBOX or get your account onto a friend's 360 temporarily to try this. [Edited on 04.24.2007 10:12 AM PDT]

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  • If you don't have a credit card you can use a bank card. If you have a bank account you can get a bank card, you just go to the bank and ask for one.

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  • i thought you could use mircrosoft points...but its funny how theses downloads are working. me and two friends were hooked on the same connection and i took about 15 trys, 1 friends download started instantly, and the other couldn't get it to work...i guess its just ify

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  • damn, i don't have a credit card, and most of my friend don't have either. they need to make them available for microsoft points.

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  • this is pissing me off so much.. this "INSTALLATION OF CONTENT ERROR" is making me hate my life. i just wanna play the new let my friends w/ 360's dl them but noyt mee.. -blam!- bull-blam!-

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