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3/30/2007 5:02:06 PM

New Halo 2 Maps Revealed!

At last we reveal the two downloadable Halo 2 maps coming later this year. And no, it's not an April Fool's. Screens and info inside.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] dirtyone [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Th3 BlAcK D3a7h For all you people who dont use credit cards you can probably use a visa gift card. Im pretty sure that they will work.[/quote] thats pretty good idea put just enough on it to get the maps and protect your actual cards thanks, i think i will try that[/quote] Well, I guess no one listens to me, because I suggested that a while ago. Haha.

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  • Only two maps? They both look awesome but I thought there was gonna be more......whatever, it doesn't matter......But why Derelict? That map was cool in Halo 1, but Sidewinder and Rat Race was so much better....maybe in Halo 3 we will see them....$4 is a good deal but I my 360 is connected to the computer, so will I get them for free? [Edited on 03.30.2007 12:12 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Silverfoxx903 This is garbage. Why do we have to even pay for the maps...Gears of War came out and shortly after that they get FREE maps and we have to pay for 2 maps after the game is 2+years old. Why is that?[/quote] Gears Maps were SPONSORED by Discovery channel, and the bandwidth/development costs were paid by them, so they could advertise their logo and show when people were DLing them. The "Free" Halo 2 maps were free to us because of Mountain Dew. It still cost Bungie time to make them. ~~~~~ $4 for 2 maps is NOT alot to be whining about. And I am a guy that whines about paying .75 cents to do laundry. You will get way more than $4 of entertainment value from these maps. Quit whining, or you might be featured in the next waaaaahhhhhmbulance. ~~~~~~~ For those that dont have credit cards, I have 2 solutions- one that has been repeated numerous times. 1. Give your parent/guardian/overlord $4 that you either find in change lying on the ground (you would be SURPRISED how much money you would have at the end of the day if you picked up every coin. Enough to buy a cheap meal, believe me, I've done it many times), get by doing some odd job for somebody (CHORES! oh teh noes!!!!!!!!!!!11111111oneoners!), or forgo something for a day to get the maps. Once you give them the $4, ask them if you can use their credit card to make a $4 online purchase. Show them the maps online if you wish, and prove that you are responsible, and this is why you need the money, and what you are getting. 2. For those of you that dont have credit cards, or good parental relations; Go to your local supermarket/convience store/etc and pick up a visa/mastercard/card accepted by live gift card. Load it up with $4. Go hom, and use the card to make your purchase. These cards are just like a regular credit card, and act like a debit card. For all intents and purposes, they are little pieces of plastic that give people money that was yours. ~~~~~~~~ Are the maps going to become free after a certain amount of time like the other maps did? ~~~~~~~ Thanks for the low price. I was seriouosly worried about paying $12 for them. $4 ($2 each!) is very reasonable, and I am a cheapskate. ~~~~~~~ Awww.... I was hoping for Chiron and Boarding action! C-mon! */joke* ~~~~~ Count me in as a vote for Damnation. I luv playing Crazy king on that map! Now to speculate on the other maps-Are they going to be remakes as well? Are they going to be revisited maps that were originally developed for H2, didnt make the ship, OR make the map pack? Or are we going to have some Brand spankin New Maps? My PERSONAL vote is bringing Timberland and Danger Canyon from the H1 computer versions to Halo 2...or could we see them in Halo 3?! -Sparky

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Th3 BlAcK D3a7h For all you people who dont use credit cards you can probably use a visa gift card. Im pretty sure that they will work.[/quote] thats pretty good idea put just enough on it to get the maps and protect your actual cards thanks, i think i will try that

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RealMetalHead [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CAVX [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RealMetalHead Now on to the topic at hand. HEH was a great map, but it was a great map for Halo 1. Without the fall damage and without the pistol, it just won't be the same. Sidewinder would have been PERFECT for Halo 2. Also, I feel like I'm being nickel and dimed. The game is 2 1/2 years old already, and these maps are 6 years old. You making me pay? Seriously??[/quote] Actually, the maps are new. Which is why they cost money.[/quote] No, they're OLD maps with a fresh coat of paint. Takes less time and effort to create.[/quote] More than just a fresh coat of paint. They had to change up the levels to make them work for Halo 2 (Achronos said that earlier). So they did have a model to work with. But that doesn't make it easy or fast.

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  • Wow, that's great. I figure "Hey, I'll be able to use these nifty MS points to pay for these new maps because I don't have a credit card." And then this. I'm truely glad that they found a way to screw the least amount of people, but I've had a -blam!- week and this is not what I needed to hear.

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  • No fool!! Gt=Green tomb OHIO #1 March Madness Green in ATL!! I like the new maps!1 Can't what to play them!!

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  • This was a surprise to me. I was expecting Halo 1 remakes, but I wasn't expecting Hang Em' to return (after what Bungie said). My cousin & I were talking a few days ago, & I asked him what H1 map he would like to see for H3 the most, & he said Derelict. I said sure, but only if they make it less Blue (blue team was so hard to see). Honestly, I would have -blam!- myself if Bungie/CA had remade DAMNATION!!!! or Sidewinder. I pray that they return in Halo 3, & please keep their shiny, alien, sci-fi look. If I have one gripe about H2 MP, it's that the maps look industrialized. They don't have that same Sci-Fi look, that the original Halo had. I hope H3 gets back to this look (in MP at least). Halo 1 was epic, & it made you feel like you were battling in alien places, on alien worlds. Halo 2 wasn't the same. It didn't look futuristic or Sci-Fi (in MP). The Shiny/Alien look is what made Halo so special & unique to me at least. Anyways, thanks for the maps. Now I need to get everyone working the same shift, so we can finally have a LAN again...... Btw, please, please, please, remake Damnation & Sidewinder for H3 (& don't mess w/ their look/texture's too much). Thanks

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  • For all you people who dont use credit cards you can probably use a visa gift card. Im pretty sure that they will work.

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  • This is a brilliant move by Bungie.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CAVX [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RealMetalHead Now on to the topic at hand. HEH was a great map, but it was a great map for Halo 1. Without the fall damage and without the pistol, it just won't be the same. Sidewinder would have been PERFECT for Halo 2. Also, I feel like I'm being nickel and dimed. The game is 2 1/2 years old already, and these maps are 6 years old. You making me pay? Seriously??[/quote] Actually, the maps are new. Which is why they cost money.[/quote] No, they're OLD maps with a fresh coat of paint. Takes less time and effort to create.

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  • never mind, found the answer through certain affinity's site. [quote][i][b]These maps are scheduled for release for both Xbox 360 and Xbox (oh yeah, baby!) on April 17th, but check back soon, we've been working with Bungie's community team and we hope to have a few goodies to share prior to that date.[/b][/i] [/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CAVX [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RealMetalHead Now on to the topic at hand. HEH was a great map, but it was a great map for Halo 1. Without the fall damage and without the pistol, it just won't be the same. Sidewinder would have been PERFECT for Halo 2. Also, I feel like I'm being nickel and dimed. The game is 2 1/2 years old already, and these maps are 6 years old. You making me pay? Seriously??[/quote] Actually, the maps are new. Which is why they cost money.[/quote]I agree, why would they spend their hard work and time makking these maps if they werent gonna charge something for it . If you cant scrounge up 4 dollars then you are really cheap.

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  • (Drops Jaw) My prayers have been answered! Finally, a remake of Hang Em' High for Halo 2. Please excuse me while I wipe back tears of joy and try to contain my renewed fanboism. Thanks to the Certain Affinity team for making them and to Bungie as well for making it happen. Can't wait to try them out.

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  • omg... i think a crapped myself.

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  • Interesting. I thought from day 1 that this was slated to be a 360 content only. Has that changed? I understand that the Halo interface is original xbox, so you have to do the DL through the game, but you're making it sound as though the original xbox can get it. Is this true? I wonder. ~soulguard

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Silverfoxx903 This is garbage. Why do we have to even pay for the maps...Gears of War came out and shortly after that they get FREE maps and we have to pay for 2 maps after the game is 2+years old. Why is that?[/quote] The Gears of War maps were sponsored by the Discovery Channel. That's the only reason why they were free.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Th3 BlAcK D3a7h I dont know why everyone is complaining about not being able to use ms points to buy it and having to use a credit card. Correct me if im wrong but dont you have to use a credit card anyways to get ms points?[/quote] nope even wally world sells points cards

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RealMetalHead Now on to the topic at hand. HEH was a great map, but it was a great map for Halo 1. Without the fall damage and without the pistol, it just won't be the same. Sidewinder would have been PERFECT for Halo 2. Also, I feel like I'm being nickel and dimed. The game is 2 1/2 years old already, and these maps are 6 years old. You making me pay? Seriously??[/quote] Actually, the maps are new. Which is why they cost money.

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  • 1 Question: Will the maps be free eventually? (How else will they add them to matchmaking? I guess that makes 2 questions.) I hate that I have to buy them for both sytems. (I don't think we should pay for them at all). My Xbox travels for LAN parties and my 360 stays at home. Now I have to pick one to always play Halo 2 with.

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  • I dont know why everyone is complaining about not being able to use ms points to buy it and having to use a credit card. Correct me if im wrong but dont you have to use a credit card anyways to get ms points?

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  • $4 or 320 MS Points is way too much to pay for only two maps for a game that will be 3 years old this November. Like the original Halo 2 map packs, are these going to be free in a few months or will they be $4 forever? [Edited on 03.30.2007 11:48 AM PDT]

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  • Finally hang em high!!!!!!!! and derelict!!!!!!!

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  • OK, seriosuly whoever is complaining about the fact that you can't use M$ points is retarted. This is an XBOX game, and is running on the 360 THROUGH EMULATION!! Till the 360 came out everyone was fine with using their CC's for everything, but now all of a sudden people like the points?? Hell, I think the points are the most retarted thing about the XBLM. If everything I wanted to purchase had a price tag next to it with REAL DOLLAR VALUES, I'd have spent alot more there already. I have my 360 for about a year already, and to date have only purchase $25 worth of stuff. Those M$ points throw me off and I HATE THEM. Now on to the topic at hand. HEH was a great map, but it was a great map for Halo 1. Without the fall damage and without the pistol, it just won't be the same. Sidewinder would have been PERFECT for Halo 2. Also, I feel like I'm being nickel and dimed. The game is 2 1/2 years old already, and these maps are 6 years old. You making me pay? Seriously??

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  • Well now I got a reason to go back. That and I finally got seriousley...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] dirtyone [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Inqvisitor dark is good :D[/quote] dark = suck when you cant tell friend from foe[/quote] that is why every guy from your team has a square above his head with his symbol, thanks very much, have a good killing spree

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