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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update: 8/01/08
8/3/2008 12:56:41 AM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] IOuTsTaNdInG dude if it wasnt for mlg this game would be nothing. mlg gives this game so much publicity at events. this game is trash now. there's so many other games out there. im done. the competitiveness is now gone and all these crappy grade 2 commanders and -blam!- are so happy now because they can finally get their general after 1 year. h2 mm system FTW. i quit H1>H2>H3[/quote] I like your wishful thinking. Too bad it doesn't matter wether or not MLG is here... Go ahed and quit. Oh no we will miss you so. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] broncoaj16 wow that has got to b the stupdest update i have ever heard y would u ruin such a perfect game if u follow throudh with this update then u can kiss my ass good bye alnog with thousands of others i lost a lot of respect 4 bungie for creating such a retarted ass update i really thought u guys had something going with halo 3 but can can kiss that all goodbye with this -blam!- ass update[/quote] Halo isn't perfect. But who cares. Why don't all you who whine and complain about EVERYTHING go do something about it??? Why don't YOU go create your own -blam!- top of the world video game. Go ahed, according to yall it isn't THAT HARD!

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