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3/16/2007 11:54:39 PM

Bungie Weekly Update

This week we talk about AI and graphics in the Campaign, and talk about the thing on everyone's minds today - the announcement and revelation of the Halo Legendary Edition. Lots of froth and panic inside. Enjoy!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SketchFactor P.S. I was crushing Frankie in our 1v1 Halo 3 grudge match and he started CHEATING before the game could officially end. (using our debug builds means Frankie can do devious things like enable 'deathless' mode or simply drop rocket launchers wherever he wants to in a desperate attempt to stave off defeat) Prior to the cheating I was up 8 to 3 and clearly on a roll. Bam. Grudge match score - Sketch: 1 Frankie: 0 [/quote]! Frankie can't suck at Halo! :(

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SOBMAN make the helmet life sized and this is not a petition[/quote] agreed, i wish i had the money for the legendary edetion, and i might try and upgrade my colectors pre-order to a legendary later. But seriously, if the helmet was life sized i would buy it in a heart beat.

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  • Why is the water update so short? I need to know more!!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SketchFactor P.S. I was crushing Frankie in our 1v1 Halo 3 grudge match and he started CHEATING before the game could officially end. (using our debug builds means Frankie can do devious things like enable 'deathless' mode or simply drop rocket launchers wherever he wants to in a desperate attempt to stave off defeat) Prior to the cheating I was up 8 to 3 and clearly on a roll. Bam. Grudge match score - Sketch: 1 Frankie: 0 [/quote]I wanna be able to do that.

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  • oh my god frankie man waz cheating????

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  • k these constant updates are really really making me impatient But nice updates though!!!

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  • P.S. I was crushing Frankie in our 1v1 Halo 3 grudge match and he started CHEATING before the game could officially end. (using our debug builds means Frankie can do devious things like enable 'deathless' mode or simply drop rocket launchers wherever he wants to in a desperate attempt to stave off defeat) Prior to the cheating I was up 8 to 3 and clearly on a roll. Bam. Grudge match score - Sketch: 1 Frankie: 0

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  • Don't dis H2V or you will feel the wraith of the Maw upon you like so many flamethrowers lighting you up. We just want Bungie to post the data we already know so that we can feel like we're noticed. Bungie all you had to do was put in two lines. [quote][b]Halo 2 Vista update[/b] The game is coming out May eighth [/quote] That was all we wanted, eleven little words. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] xxxtgdnightmarex Attention all who are awaiting H2V stfu. If you r too cheap to buy a 360 or xbox u have no right to complain. H2V is probably gonna be like halo 2 on xbox anyways like halo CE on pc so quit friggin complaining. God. Sorry bungie i just cant take it anymore. plz bungie either give them there preciouse info or ban them for friggen taking up room in the forums with this junk.[/quote] A computer cost more then an Xbox 360, heck most of our graphics cards cost more then your entire console. Keyboard and Mouse > Controller Also people who are like this make me want to create an IP viewer, find where you live, and... Well you get the idea. [Edited on 3/16/2007]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] xxxtgdnightmarex [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Omnios [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SketchFactor [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Omnios Bungie, either post an Update on Halo 2 Vista or remove the link from your site. You are clearly abandoning this project before it has even launched. And don't use the look at other sites excuse on me either. There is LOADS upon LOADS of info on Halo 3 but there is next to none on Halo 2 Vista. Post some new screens, post some graphical updates, post something on the editing kit but for god's sake post something or even acknowledge that the game exists OR remove the link to the H2V section from the main page.[/quote] Bungie's next game that our studio is developing is Halo 3. We're not developing Halo 2 for Windows Vista. The game does exist as evidenced by the weekly blog updates that Hired Gun is posting over at IGN. Our new site is launching next week so you might get your wish. [/quote] Sketch [b]MIGHT[/b] isn't good enough. Either post it or tell us you really don't give a -blam!- about how the game turns out. Because god forbid you do your duty to your loyal fans that supported you in the days of Marathon because they don't have a 360 crammed into their -blam!- areas. Oh and by the way not to sound mean but I have dealt with the utter crap that was Halo 1 PC for years the reason it is so is because Bungie wasn't involved they let Ms take care of it. Do not make the same mistake twice. But I really don't care because when Halo 3 is done your out of a cash cow and you'll either have to do something new or actually pay attention to the fans that made you are what you are today.[/quote] Attention all who are awaiting H2V stfu. If you r too cheap to buy a 360 or xbox u have no right to complain. H2V is probably gonna be like halo 2 on xbox anyways like halo CE on pc so quit friggin complaining. God. Sorry bungie i just cant take it anymore. plz bungie either give them there preciouse info or ban them for friggen taking up room in the forums with this junk.[/quote] Good call xxxtgdnightmarex, but it would be nice if just for once, mebe for a few minutes, everyone stopped whining. But who am I kiddin'. That'll never happen! There are too many nerds! In the words of someone very wise: "Shut-up Nerds!!"

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  • hey dumby no one cares about halo2 to for vista?!!?!?!?! really how dumb are yo "i care about halo 2 more than HALO 3" wtf is your problem man

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  • I want that crate gun.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sacui 7o god Too much Marijuana [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Frankie I meant BANSHEE plasma mortar. Fixed. Thanks for not freaking out.[/quote][/quote] Ur gonna take that from him Frankie?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Omnios [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SketchFactor [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Omnios Bungie, either post an Update on Halo 2 Vista or remove the link from your site. You are clearly abandoning this project before it has even launched. And don't use the look at other sites excuse on me either. There is LOADS upon LOADS of info on Halo 3 but there is next to none on Halo 2 Vista. Post some new screens, post some graphical updates, post something on the editing kit but for god's sake post something or even acknowledge that the game exists OR remove the link to the H2V section from the main page.[/quote] Bungie's next game that our studio is developing is Halo 3. We're not developing Halo 2 for Windows Vista. The game does exist as evidenced by the weekly blog updates that Hired Gun is posting over at IGN. Our new site is launching next week so you might get your wish. [/quote] Sketch [b]MIGHT[/b] isn't good enough. Either post it or tell us you really don't give a -blam!- about how the game turns out. Because god forbid you do your duty to your loyal fans that supported you in the days of Marathon because they don't have a 360 crammed into their -blam!- areas. Oh and by the way not to sound mean but I have dealt with the utter crap that was Halo 1 PC for years the reason it is so is because Bungie wasn't involved they let Ms take care of it. Do not make the same mistake twice. But I really don't care because when Halo 3 is done your out of a cash cow and you'll either have to do something new or actually pay attention to the fans that made you are what you are today.[/quote] Attention all who are awaiting H2V stfu. If you r too cheap to buy a 360 or xbox u have no right to complain. H2V is probably gonna be like halo 2 on xbox anyways like halo CE on pc so quit friggin complaining. God. Sorry bungie i just cant take it anymore. plz bungie either give them there preciouse info or ban them for friggen taking up room in the forums with this junk.

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  • Nice update :)

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  • i'm from is it coming to australia because i'm on'y interested in the Halo Legendary Edition

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  • is that mister chief in the background with a melee knife?

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  • Too much Marijuana [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Frankie I meant BANSHEE plasma mortar. Fixed. Thanks for not freaking out.[/quote]

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  • An excellent update Frankie the Hun! Haha the box crate, hilarious. Can't wait to see the factory and more details about the legendary edition. Keep it up ;)

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  • She? No..he just said the Ai will shoot guys wherever you look when you drive...

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  • [quote] The AI improves the predictive targeting of an AI gunner, so that now, he’s going to shoot where he thinks you’re looking, with a frightening degree of accuracy. Balancing that in Campaign would have been problematic in Halo: CE or Halo 2, since it would have been too powerful a weapon, but in Halo 3, there is simply so much going on, and so many targets to focus on, that improving it is actually necessary to stop the game being too hard. It works especially well in letting you steer the vehicle and the camera to tempt the gunner into targeting an individual. So if a brute is giving you a really hard time, lobbing Brute Grenades, for example, you can easily cause the gunner to pick that guy as your next target with simple steering and looking. And it doesn’t matter if he’s in the center of a group of five or six Grunts. If you’re aiming correctly, the AI gunner will know the difference and concentrate on the Brute, not because it’s a Brute, but because you’ve chosen him as the target. [/quote] that makes no sence. is she saying you can play the game with the helmet on?

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  • Awesome update. I'm looking forward to the big battles in Halo 3.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Frankie I meant BANSHEE plasma mortar. Fixed. Thanks for not freaking out.[/quote] You am Welcome Frankie. Next time it will be your head.

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  • nice update---------------------------------keep em coming! ------ add--------------StolenKyle :) [Edited on 3/16/2007]

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  • YAY NEW WEBSITE THANKS BUNGIE U GUYS R AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S. oh yeah guys that were on the first page quit fricken spamming its a waste of space. If ur not gonna post sumthin worthwhile dont post it.

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  • it's almost scary to know that we can make AI that aware of their surroundings. that's awsome! can't wait! nice stuff, keep it coming.

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  • i think all this new stuff is going to make the wait evan more painfull lmao but still that new helmet and bonus video looks sick :)

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