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3/16/2007 11:54:39 PM

Bungie Weekly Update

This week we talk about AI and graphics in the Campaign, and talk about the thing on everyone's minds today - the announcement and revelation of the Halo Legendary Edition. Lots of froth and panic inside. Enjoy!

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  • Wait, you are saying that if I don't pre order the legendary edition, I won't get it!!!!!!!! that true, (whisper) please let it not be true, please let it not be true. [quote][i][b]Moderator Notice[/b]: Edited to fix the layout. -- Steve[/i][/quote] [Edited on 3/17/2007 by Anton P Nym]

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  • so does this mean the halo3 legendary edition is numbered? so there is only a fixed amount of legendary edtions sold, and no more made? if thats so, that would make me a sad panda.

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  • Feakin sweet, even I can get it in the UK, dudes, you've just given me another reason to spend my B'day money.$130 thats like £66 [Edited on 3/17/2007]

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  • i hope the AI is so much better. i cant wait to whoop some @$$ and laugh about it. the legendary pack looks like it is worth the extra money as well. im getting it! cant wait! [Edited on 3/17/2007]

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  • When I saw the price change announcement on I was hoping that the price was going to be lowered. Turns out the price went up. $100 sounded like a nice deal, but $130 is just way over-priced. After all, this is JUST a game. Collector's edition for me.

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  • What i find particularly interesting is that ive had the legendary edition of halo 3 reserved since late december. I was looking around at when i just so happened to see this little tid bit of information and bungie is just now saying something about it, that is unless bungie has listed it earlier then im going to look like a dumbass. Maybe someone can tell me why this is?? [Edited on 3/17/2007]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] odin1156 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CAVX Examples of people jumping to conclusions: [i][b]The banshee is balanced in multiplayer![/i][/b] What if he was talking about Campaign? [i][b]Why aren't you telling us the Beta release date?[/i][/b] Maybe they don't know yet, either. [i][b]If you r too cheap to buy a 360 or xbox u have no right to complain.[/i][/b] Some people would rather enjoy a game on a platform they already own. [i][b]A computer cost more then an Xbox 360, heck most of our graphics cards cost more then your entire console.[/i][/b] Then again, you probably don't buy a computer just for one game. So naturally it's a more expensive investment. [i][b]You H2V fanboys care more about Halo 3 than Halo 2![/i][/b] I'm not an H2V fanboy, but I think the reason they care about H2V is simply because Halo 3 isn't coming out for their platform. When/if it does, they'll care more. [i][b]Bungie doesn't care about PC gamers.[/i][/b] Everyone knows that isn't true. Now I could quote all the admins who have explained why they have not specifically updated H2V on, and that's primarily because they're not working on the freaking project! But the fact that they allowed Hired Gun to make H2V at all shows that they care. Obviously, a lot of work is going on at Bungie, and they're not big enough to keep track of everything that another developer does. And they don't really need to. It's not any more official if Bungie just copies and pastes what's at IGN. Which brings me to my next false assumption: [i][b]H2V news is somehow better if Bungie posts it.[/i][/b] Well, Hired Gun posts the IGN updates, so it'd actually be LESS accurate and LESS official if Bungie relayed it to you, since they are not developing it. Are people just so lazy that they can't click on a link that Bungie actually did provide to them? It's one link! Then you'll be reading exactly what you wanted. [i][b]Long live the Maw.[/i][/b] While you may wish the Maw to live long, the Maw's lifespan is actually not completely in your control. However, you probably might be able to allow it to live longer if you make it take vitamins, and purchase health insurance. [i][b]When I'm pissed off about something so much, and Bungie hasn't read my illegible post, I'm allowed to TYPE IN CAPS LOCK AND SCREAM AND BREAK FORUM RULES![/i][/b] Actually, no. [i][b]When that guy said he was NOT going to sell his six preordered copies of Halo 3 on eBay, he obviously was being 100% serious and we ought to pester him about it.[/i][/b] Actually, there is a such thing as sarcasm. [i][b]No Beta? No H2V? Bad update.[/i][/b] Actually, this was a damn good update. Please don't make me think that Bungie fans are idiots. Even if you didn't get what you wanted, it was still a great update.[/quote] Wow you are officially my favorite person who posts here i mean i read every comment from beggining to end and yours is the only one that wasnt complaining you basically posted everything i wanted to say just without me having to think of how to word it i would also like to say Bungie keep up the good work i dont believe ive ever complained about lack of information and i dont really think anyone has ever had any reason to do so oh yea and id also like to say that on that whole "Ghost Mortar/Banshee Mortar" thing its quite obvious he was talking about the banshee and seriously do you really think that theyd put the mortar thing in multiplayer i mean honestly that would be like having a juggernaut ranked playlist on XBL i mean seriously people id like to think bungie fans were more intelligent[/quote] very well said. i agree. on a different note, great update

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CAVX Examples of people jumping to conclusions: [i][b]The banshee is balanced in multiplayer![/i][/b] What if he was talking about Campaign? [i][b]Why aren't you telling us the Beta release date?[/i][/b] Maybe they don't know yet, either. [i][b]If you r too cheap to buy a 360 or xbox u have no right to complain.[/i][/b] Some people would rather enjoy a game on a platform they already own. [i][b]A computer cost more then an Xbox 360, heck most of our graphics cards cost more then your entire console.[/i][/b] Then again, you probably don't buy a computer just for one game. So naturally it's a more expensive investment. [i][b]You H2V fanboys care more about Halo 3 than Halo 2![/i][/b] I'm not an H2V fanboy, but I think the reason they care about H2V is simply because Halo 3 isn't coming out for their platform. When/if it does, they'll care more. [i][b]Bungie doesn't care about PC gamers.[/i][/b] Everyone knows that isn't true. Now I could quote all the admins who have explained why they have not specifically updated H2V on, and that's primarily because they're not working on the freaking project! But the fact that they allowed Hired Gun to make H2V at all shows that they care. Obviously, a lot of work is going on at Bungie, and they're not big enough to keep track of everything that another developer does. And they don't really need to. It's not any more official if Bungie just copies and pastes what's at IGN. Which brings me to my next false assumption: [i][b]H2V news is somehow better if Bungie posts it.[/i][/b] Well, Hired Gun posts the IGN updates, so it'd actually be LESS accurate and LESS official if Bungie relayed it to you, since they are not developing it. Are people just so lazy that they can't click on a link that Bungie actually did provide to them? It's one link! Then you'll be reading exactly what you wanted. [i][b]Long live the Maw.[/i][/b] While you may wish the Maw to live long, the Maw's lifespan is actually not completely in your control. However, you probably might be able to allow it to live longer if you make it take vitamins, and purchase health insurance. [i][b]When I'm pissed off about something so much, and Bungie hasn't read my illegible post, I'm allowed to TYPE IN CAPS LOCK AND SCREAM AND BREAK FORUM RULES![/i][/b] Actually, no. [i][b]When that guy said he was NOT going to sell his six preordered copies of Halo 3 on eBay, he obviously was being 100% serious and we ought to pester him about it.[/i][/b] Actually, there is a such thing as sarcasm. [i][b]No Beta? No H2V? Bad update.[/i][/b] Actually, this was a damn good update. Please don't make me think that Bungie fans are idiots. Even if you didn't get what you wanted, it was still a great update.[/quote] Wow you are officially my favorite person who posts here i mean i read every comment from beggining to end and yours is the only one that wasnt complaining you basically posted everything i wanted to say just without me having to think of how to word it i would also like to say Bungie keep up the good work i dont believe ive ever complained about lack of information and i dont really think anyone has ever had any reason to do so oh yea and id also like to say that on that whole "Ghost Mortar/Banshee Mortar" thing its quite obvious he was talking about the banshee and seriously do you really think that theyd put the mortar thing in multiplayer i mean honestly that would be like having a juggernaut ranked playlist on XBL i mean seriously people id like to think bungie fans were more intelligent

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] shazla So is there any news of a EURO release for the legendary edition?[/quote] Well, seeing what they did with Halo 2, I would damn well hope that Halo 3 releases on Europe within the same week as it does in the US. And if the legendary edition wasn't available at all, I would be... Displeased, to say the least. OMG, the main colour pallette choice for halo 3 is: PINK! Wow. I'm going to have so much fun getting the legendary achievements. Edit: How the heck do so many people post so fast these days!? Stupid time-zones making it it the dead of night over here before Frankie posts it. [Edited on 3/17/2007]

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  • Sweet ! the news about the improved AI for the warthog gunner and marines sound great ! and the huge encounter with loads of enimies sounds abserloutly frikkin sweet ! I really am so much looking forward to poping this game in my 360 and seeing all the next gen halo goodness you have poured into this game when it ships this fall, I exspect the uk retail prising for the the Legendary edition (which I plan to get...hopefully) will be in the region of shall we prisey,lol love the look of the lengendary edition to, from the box art to the helmet and game container, all looks fantastic. nice one Frankie, cheers, another stonking update ser !

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] shazla So is there any news of a EURO release for the legendary edition?[/quote] Who knows? But you can set up an email alert for when it becomes avaliable at and you can pre-order the limited edition version. Hope that helps.

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  • So is there any news of a EURO release for the legendary edition?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Jablonzo sweet i read it all i swear[/quote] that and its nice to know that theirs a big battle in kinda helps me sleep at night.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Raiden47 Who's that little guy in the bottom right of the vector pic..? [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Funboy75 Where does bungie and Microsoft(moneysoft) get off charging an extra $30 dollars after I already preorded the legendary for $100? Sounds like someone needs the almighty dollar a little to much. Its sad and so disappointing to see bungie fall to petty greed. BTW I am going to check with a lawer friend to see if that is even legal to do.[/quote] How about, if you read websites or legal materials, it will always say that prices are subject to change. Second, who the heck cares.. it's 30 bucks. Get a job. Oh, and if you are/were a true Bungie/Halo fan, you wouldn't care either.. money is money, faith is faith, halo is halo. Third, your [b]lawyer[/b] (learn to spell) friend, will tell you the same thing, if they even exist. If they believe Microsoft has done something against the law, I'm sure Microsoft would be happy to go to court over it, with their multi-million dollar law group in full tow. Have a good day.[/quote] Excuse me for having a typo but theres no need for making fun of that, btw if you think fandom and loyalty is measured by how much $$$$ your willing to dish out, well then I believe in your case they caught a sucker fish.

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  • Bungie i love you GREAT update really. [Edited on 3/17/2007]

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  • "Halo 3 Slated for September Microsoft pushes for early fall system-selling spree to kick off holiday season. by Douglass C. Perry March 15, 2007 - Microsoft Game Studios and Bungie Studios aim to ship Halo 3 in September, well before the biggest holiday rush begins, IGN learned last week from two independent sources who asked to remain anonymous. A big-name publisher and well-established development house separately revealed to IGN that Microsoft intends on beating this year's stacked holiday rush with a September release, rather than the assumed November timeframe. When phoned, a Microsoft representative said it has only publicly confirmed a fall release, with no specific day or month slated. The developer, which is close with Bungie, said by getting Halo 3 out early it will sell more systems faster and give Microsoft a head start on its competition, which is likely to ship games in the more traditional months of October and November. Halo 3's popularity makes it the perfect killer app and system seller to give Microsoft an edge over Sony's and Nintendo's hefty set of games coming this fall. The original Halo shipped with the launch of the first Xbox in November 2001. The sequel, Halo 2, shipped in November 2004. With both games, Microsoft's strategy was to give Bungie as much time as possible to hone and polish their title before reaching QA and the finalization process. But this time, Bungie is on schedule and aims to surprise the world by shipping two months earlier than assumed. IGN was told that was the goal, at least. With all development processes, nothing is certain, both added. Halo 3 could need another month or two, pushing it to October or the assumed November slot if necessary." this is taken of ign !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • [quote] Posted by: Kuniklo I have a shiny pony. Weeeee! [/quote] Thats spam. You should go in front as a good example, mr. Management Overhead :)

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  • Who's that little guy in the bottom right of the vector pic..? [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Funboy75 Where does bungie and Microsoft(moneysoft) get off charging an extra $30 dollars after I already preorded the legendary for $100? Sounds like someone needs the almighty dollar a little to much. Its sad and so disappointing to see bungie fall to petty greed. BTW I am going to check with a lawer friend to see if that is even legal to do.[/quote] How about, if you read websites or legal materials, it will always say that prices are subject to change. Second, who the heck cares.. it's 30 bucks. Get a job. Oh, and if you are/were a true Bungie/Halo fan, you wouldn't care either.. money is money, faith is faith, halo is halo. Third, your [b]lawyer[/b] (learn to spell) friend, will tell you the same thing, if they even exist. If they believe Microsoft has done something against the law, I'm sure Microsoft would be happy to go to court over it, with their multi-million dollar law group in full tow. Have a good day. [Edited on 3/17/2007]

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  • that was really good thank the lord the marines are smater with vehicles they sucked at it in halo 2 the graphics thing wat kool nice and smooth and omg the legendary pack look freaking sick aniway thanks bungie keep em coming

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  • Where does bungie and Microsoft(moneysoft) get off charging an extra $30 dollars after I already preorded the legendary for $100? Sounds like someone needs the almighty dollar a little to much. Its sad and so disappointing to see bungie fall to petty greed. BTW I am going to check with a lawer friend to see if that is even legal to do. [Edited on 3/17/2007]

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  • beta is not out yet.

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  • Great update! The Legendary Edition package is lookin' good; i'm sure it'll be worth the extra cash.

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  • What's up with all the Bungie staff posting this week?

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  • Halo 3 is coming out tommorrow... Tommorrow never comes... -Blam!-

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  • wheres the mister cheif version of the legendary pack?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Kuniklo I have a shiny pony. Weeeee![/quote]Pix or it doesn't exist.

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