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3/10/2007 6:34:30 PM

Halo 2 crosshair not in centre of screen

Why was the Halo 2 Crosshair in the bottom half of the screen? It was total filth and better not happen in Halo 3.
#Halo3 #Halo

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MLG Cheehwawa [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The BS Police [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MLG Cheehwawa I agree, I hope they fix that mistake from Halo 2 in Halo 3.[/quote] [url=]It's not a mistake though. [/url] [/quote]Bullets come from your head in both games, also your weapon is not in the firing position. The reticle in Halo 2 is down and to the left a little bit, which makes no sense, as one would be aiming straight ahead, not sideways (well, most people with common sense, IMO).[/quote] Actually, it comes from your right shoulder, but close enough.

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  • For anyone who has a problem with the reticule I have a question. When you play Halo CE after playing Halo 2, do you have a problem like shooting over someone's head? I most certainly don't. The FOV's are different, so there is no real way to really compare the two postions of the reticule. When you shoot a gun and aim with a scope, the barrel is still below the eyes. Technically for a gun to be centered on what you are seeing, the barrel would have to be perpindicular and tangent to your eyes. Another way would be that the barrel has to be perpindicular and tangent to one of your eyes, while the other is closed. This is not the case, in Halo and in real life. With the reticule in Halo 2, it is representive of the barrel in reference to your eyes. When you place your eye on a scope, that barrel is below your horizontal eye level. With a reticule down there, it does not mean that you are shooting at an angle.

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  • if you play FEAR on 360, you'll notice that its in the center of the screen. and um...I think that that kind of a reticule it better suited to PC mouse and keyboard, not to a console. dunno why but that's the way I feel. also, excuse me if this makes no sense, I'm tired.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The BS Police [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MLG Cheehwawa I agree, I hope they fix that mistake from Halo 2 in Halo 3.[/quote] [url=]It's not a mistake though. [/url] [/quote]Bullets come from your head in both games, also your weapon is not in the firing position. The reticle in Halo 2 is down and to the left a little bit, which makes no sense, as one would be aiming straight ahead, not sideways (well, most people with common sense, IMO).

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  • if the crosshairs were to be moved up, the guns would be in the way... and that wouldnt be realistic.. you don't hold a gun that high when you shoot it and even if the guns werent to be moved and only the crosshairs were, that wouldnt be realistic either. you'd be shooting at an upward angle =/

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] YakZSmelk [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Likwit I want to know why some people think it's bad. What does it matter? Are they just OCD?[/quote] The reason I don't like it because I have to look up higher to actually shoot what I want. And when you spawn your seeing to much ground and it's not a good ground to area in front of you ratio.[/quote] Thats not a bad thing it's just a disadvantage but everyone gets it so it should not matter at all.

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  • [url][/url] The bullets fire head level in both games not from the weapon itself. A player firing from cover only has to expose the tip of their head to fire.

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  • Maybe they meant to put it below the center? But, really who cares, it puts more realism in the game, since I'm pretty sure chiefy doesn't keep his weapon's barrel at eye level.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The BS Police [url=]It's not a mistake though. [/url] [/quote]That diagram shows the gun on his chest. Also, I think it was down lower because of a glitch or something. Or maybe the smaller fov. I don't know but Bungie will do something.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] G10 I never noticed too but it's true, look by yourself : [url=]screenshot[/url][/quote] I didn't notice that too.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MLG Cheehwawa I agree, I hope they fix that mistake from Halo 2 in Halo 3.[/quote] [url=]It's not a mistake though. [/url]

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  • i hated how it wasnt centered. it was so annoying. to look straight u had to look slightly down.

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  • how does this in any way effect the game? its been good for a few years now, i think you'll live.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] JDizz721 This has been talked about before, and someone made a very convincing diagram of why the reticule is in the bottom half. I will try to dig it up. Edit: Ok I found it. [url=]Diagram[/url]. Note- I did not draw this, the credit goes to SS_Zag 1. [/quote]That diagram isn't right. The weapon is held alot higher, by the head, not the waist.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] granny crotch who gives a -blam!-?[/quote] You're still a dumbass, but I agree with you.

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  • Halo 2 crosshair was about as good as AIDS! Also the gun models were massive and the FOV was totally lewd and/or crude. Halo 1 had such a nicer HUD and FOV which made the game that much more of a joy to play. Halo 2's HUD is worse than a cage of dead babies. Sort it out for H3 !!

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  • Prepare to be locked!

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  • I did not say that this was the best diagram anyway. But it is the only one. So I will be happy to see yours.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] JDizz721 This has been talked about before, and someone made a very convincing diagram of why the reticule is in the bottom half. I will try to dig it up. Edit: Ok I found it. [url=]Diagram[/url]. Note- I did not draw this, the credit goes to SS_Zag 1. [/quote] that isnt realistic. realistically speaking, when you want to aim your weapon, you have the top of the rifle about 1 1/2 to 2 inches from your chin, or even almost on it. in that diagram, the top of his weapon is level to his shoulders/armpits. ill draw a diagram to show you what i mean. [url=]Diagram[/url] [url=]The other guys' diagram[/url] [Edited on 3/10/2007]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Juicy [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] xfire grunt People don't have guns/arms mounted on the sides of their heads. Guns are ussually below your head, which means they are in the bottom half of your perspective. MC would have to arms on the sides of his head to have dead center cross hairs, Halo 2 Crosshairs are more realistic. [/quote] Read up a few posts. It's not realistic at all. For that to be the case, when you look up, you'd have to fall on the ground, for lack of being able to raise your guns up into the air. For that matter, if the visible screen was meant to be a true representation of what you see through your visor, you'd literally see characters running around with the guns up by their chins, because that's how close the guns are to your center of view. (And by the way, they're clearly up close, not held out at arms reach, anticipating the argument). The crosshair is just a representation of where in your view you choose to shoot your weapon. A person is perfectly capable of shooting to the left, or right of their center of view, without putting the gun literally in front of their eyes. It has nothing to do with realism.[/quote] Nu hu.... Spartans have the crosshair uploaded to their visor and have no need to shoulder their weapons to aim... which is the only time the crosshairs would be in the centre of your view (Thats why you click the thumbstick... to centre the aim...) so he can run around "shooting from the hip"... and yes a person is capable of doing that... they can also shooting left, right etc... but think about this... Left stick runs forward and strafes: basically controlling leg movement Right stick turns camera: Controls shoulders and head movement Do you propose a third stick to allow movement from the elbows? or so that the shoulders and neck can move independantly? Its a game! It has certain limitations and must "imitate" life not replicate it... the lower crosshair gives the impression of his arms being in the right place as opposed to emanating somehwhere around his Adam's Apple and as for the comment about the size of the weapons they are in keeping with the feeling of the Haloverse... the slightly bulky, slightly less detailed, slightly cartoon-like aesthetic which makes it fun instead of pretentious.

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  • ohhhhh, 5 freakin pixils down, the world is gonna end now.

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  • Like I said before... Who the -blam!- cares?

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  • When you are aiming right down the barrel of the gun with it touching your face, then yes you are correct. Like COD. However, when you have the gun in a firing position, but not looking down the barrel, then visually it would be like Halo 2. The gun would be resting against your shoulder(not on top), therefore causing you to look down. Which in a videogame would make the cursor be down a little bit. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MLG Cheehwawa It's better to be in the center because....that's how we aim weapons. [/quote] If it was realistic, in the sense of how we aim weapons, then the cursor would be down a little and off to the right(if you are pulling the trigger with your right hand). That point doesn't work for this arguement. I have shot archery(extensively) and weapons before, I would say just from my experience that that is where I would put the reticule. I couldn't tell you why the reticule is that way, or would if it need to be centered for the Halo3 FOV. But having the reticule there does make sense. [Edited on 3/10/2007]

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  • It could very well be a mistake, something overlooked. Look at BXB, bungie obviously left in some cancel feature that made the planned double melee (E3 demo) possible. It's better to be in the center because....that's how we aim weapons. It's also the standard for shooters. Maybe it was offcenter because of the smaller field of view, and it looked wierd with the guns pointing up more. In the pics I saw, though, the field of view looked like Halo's (90) as opposed to Halo 2's which is 30% smaller than that...maybe the reticle in Halo 3 (which is now very misproportionate to the direction of the weapons) will be in the center again.

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  • If you watch the screens in the background in the Brute Vidoc you'll notice that the crosshair is still slightly off center.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MLG Cheehwawa I agree, I hope they fix that mistake from Halo 2 in Halo 3.[/quote] I don't think that it was a mistake, the crosshair didn't just end up there sometime between the end of Halo 1 and the production of Halo 2. I don't see how it is a bad thing. Tell me how it is or why it should be in the center of the screen. It does not make sense that since it was is one game that it should be in the other.

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