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originally posted in: A huge problem with this community
1/2/2013 6:52:16 PM
What can we do as a community to improve the quality of the site? 1. Don't respond to bait. The only reason offensive discussion goes on is because people respond to it. You have to have enough common sense to enter an offensive thread, report it, and leave without responding. What do you do when someone throws an insult at you? Nothing. Go on with your discussion like nothing happened. If you're hard-skinned and have an understanding of self-control then this is common sense, the problem is people can't seem to grasp this simple concept. Recon hit the nail on the head.[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Recon Number 54 One can participate in the serious and non-mudslinging discussion and ignore the airborne sludge. Those who look and are wise enough to "stay out of it" have my respect, but albeit my respect for their non-participation. Those who have the spirit and the ability to ignore barbs, not bite at bait, and (if there is one) focus on the matter being discussed and utterly ignore the whirlwind of distractions... those people are towers in a storm.[/quote] 2. Use the report button wisely. If someone is being a jerk and crossing your line, then you should report them. I bet the Ninja's would much rather see too many posts in their report queue than members getting away with being jerks. 3. Lead by example. New members are going to look up to people with shiny bars, be the person that the new members want to be. Don't participate in the immaturity that some people display. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Coxx153 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Recon Number 54 So, OT. Are we through here? Or are there new points/issues to be discussed?[/quote] We're through.[/quote]

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