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1/3/2007 7:13:51 PM

Halo 3 Beta Update

In light of the recent Microsoft press release, we give you some more details on how to ensure your participation in the upcoming Halo 3 Beta program, and a few more tidbits about how we plan to take care of the Bungie faithful.

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  • The info in the Crackdown news release [i]suggests[/i] that the beta invitations will be valid in Europe as well as the rest of the world - excerpt from it reads "Crackdown is scheduled to hit store shelves across the planet on Feb. 20, 2007. When the Halo 3 multiplayer beta surfaces in spring 2007, owners of Crackdown simply need to load their copy of Crackdown into their Xbox 360, use the disc as a key to download the Halo 3 multiplayer beta from Xbox Live Marketplace, and join the battle." As I live in England, here's hoping!

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  • I find it truly sad how Halo has become such a cash-in. Making people go and buy another game just to play a demo? I hope Bungie feel guilty that some of their fans in, in a nutshell, will be paying $60 for a demo. You can argue that Bungie isn't forcing anyone to do anything but for some poor folk, a chance to play an early version of Halo is worth this. Doesn't take a label on the box to tell you that Bungie is owned by the #1 money maker who doesn't care about their customers. Bungie talk about ruling the world, well, your already ripping the world off, congratz.... [Edited on 1/4/2007]

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  • Is this beta testing offer open to european players? Or is it just state side?

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  • -blam!- Europe?

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  • I usually dont post on forums, but since you've all been wondering if the beta only comes in marked boxes of crackdown, i can tell you this isn't true... this is what i picked from the crackdown site... "Anyone who doesn’t like two-for-one offers, especially those connected with popular video games, should stop reading right now. For the rest of you, here is some exciting news: Gamers who buy Crackdown™ are guaranteed a place in this spring’s Halo 3™ multiplayer beta program! Truly a unique, value-packed, action-filled two-fer if ever there was one! Crackdown is scheduled to hit store shelves across the planet on Feb. 20, 2007. When the Halo 3 multiplayer beta surfaces in spring 2007, owners of Crackdown simply need to load their copy of Crackdown into their Xbox 360, use the disc as a key to download the Halo 3 multiplayer beta from Xbox Live Marketplace, and join the battle." so you see that the only thing you have to do is buy the game.. simple as that... for the rest, bungie keep up the good work, im really eager to see what H3 looks like. please keep in mind you've got european fans as well.. give us some more info PLEASE (a)

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  • i think bungie should make the graphics more interesthing. It should better be lik Gears of War only , it gotta be a first-person shooter. Halo 3 needs: - first person - great graphics - fast gameplay - online great gamer system - better than Halo 2 and better than gears of war if this notes al should reached than is Halo 3 defenitely gonna be the best!!!!! bye !!! ^^ XBOX 360 the best!!!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Scott2k44 nice... the americans get there keys this month but the europeans need to wait before we can even sign up. good job bungie.[/quote] Yes, the europe/america situation is a bit funny... but then... Im from Britain. Well done Scott2k44, I'm sure everybody here is thrilled by your flagrant racism. Go enjoy yourself, go on, like, a LONG way away from these forums where NOBODY wan't to listern to your bull-blam!-

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  • Problem with people from Euro~ Complaining is, Microsoft is based in America, know all that sweet nintendo stuff from Japan thats been around for more than 15 years that you cant get in the US or Euro~? Same thing chief. They are concerned mostly about sells here, due to xbox having a numberous American audience. ( If you have ever looked at the numbers, the xbox/products sold number is far lower in regions of the Middle East) Either way, everyone who misses the beta test, will get the real game that is meant for actually trying to be the best at within the year, so enjoy some almost halo good games in the meantime, super smash bros brawl, lost planet, bioshock, zelda twilight~ I'm sure the list goes on, looking forward to a great 2007 in gaming, followed by the completion of the greatest trilogy known to man.

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  • nice... the americans get there keys this month but the europeans need to wait before we can even sign up. good job bungie.

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  • I think im jst gonna buy crackdown. It looks like a decent game newayz

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  • For those who live in pacific time, does 12:01 est mean 9:01 pacific time and accordingly to all other time zones?

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  • I'm going to rent crackdown, and aquire the beta for free MWAHAHAHAHA lol jk I wonder how this will all play out?

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  • I'm Bungie sure personel visit these forums frequently, so if any of them happen to see this please let us know where the best place to post our thoughts on the beta. Because theres going to be alot of them and it would be nice to have them in a desgnated place. That is all...

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  • Hey, do you have to insert [i]Crackdown[/i] each time you want to play the Beta, or can you just download it? I'm not going to to a free 7-day rental from Gamestop.... What are you talking about? Anyhow, I hope I get picked even though I don't know that I have 3 hours, but hopefully I do, to play Halo 2 on XBL... Although this has been said before; Bungie, I know you guys don't control the Beta policies, this is BS :| [quote][quote]For those of you who are too lazy to copy + paste; here's the link to the registration: [url=]Halo 3[/url][/quote][/quote]

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  • Sounds good Bungie. Now we wait to buy Crackdown. :)

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  • i have a brilliant plan! ill just buy this garbage crackdown game, maybe play it for an hour, keep my demo, then sell it on amazon!

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  • Wow. Just Wow. I think you have the worst hand writing I have ever seen my whole life. I think I wrote better than you in 2nd grade than you do now. For a 13 year old that is terrible handwriting. Otherwise about Halo 3 I think it is total bull--blam!- on Microsoft's side. The main reason people are buying 360's is because of Halo 3 and no one is buying any on the other -blam!-y games besides GoW, Microsoft is headed towards failure, and the only thing keeping out of the hole is Halo. So now they are making us buy some -blam!-y game, made by some morons who dont know what the hell they are doing when it comes to video games. Bungie is doing their job, Microsoft is just being -blam!- as usual and promoting their -blam!-y games with Halo (because Halo clearly owns :P).

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  • That is an awesome idea....but is it especially marked copies? Oh and the age limit is kinda dumb...I mean..I missed by 5 months...not bad is it? I can still get my cousin to sign in...(he doesn't like halo 3 lol) but he is soooooo gonna make me be his !Blam! from now to Feburary 2nd. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Se7en7hDes7royer What if you hav ur parents buy crackdown, u just pop it in ur 360 and vuella! u hav the halo 3 beta. I'm just 13 so i hope that they dont track the age beacuse not all kids under 17 r immature. Also, if u want to get in badly, but dont hav the money; save $2 a day in leftover change, and you'll be well on ur way to get crackdown (feb. 20) and Halo 3 (November).[/quote]

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  • What if you hav ur parents buy crackdown, u just pop it in ur 360 and vuella! u hav the halo 3 beta. I'm just 13 so i hope that they dont track the age beacuse not all kids under 17 r immature. Also, becuase it is the "Play to Win" dont u think that it might be 3 different types of games for 3 hours each. That way, Halo 2 would blow GoW out of the water and only serious fan would play 9 hours total. I mean i'm up for playing halo 2 for 9 hours in 3 days, but only the serious fan will play for 9 hours straight. Also, the first 13,333 people who play for 9 hours would actually earn to be the winners of "Play to Win". And those who live outside of the US, just buy crackdown, and get the Halo 3 beta. I mean microsoft definately wants ur money, but other than Lost Planet/Mass Effect what other must get game is coming out on the 360 until fall. Crackdown isnt that bad of a game, i mean online co-op, what other game has that (not including GoW). Also, if u want to get in badly, but dont hav the money; save $2 a day in leftover change, and you'll be well on ur way to get crackdown (feb. 20) and Halo 3 (November).

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  • hi ppl

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  • :D COOL! i wish i was in america right now :(

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  • Sweet deal buy this game crackdown get the h3 multiplayer beta sounds sweet i just hope i have my pay check when it comes out lol.

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  • Okay, crazy question; If I only registered at the website back when the 'window of entry' was open (i.e when the new TV spot was airing), do I still have to try the other two newer methods to get into Beta testing? (Crackdown/Rule of Three). I only ask because my 360 is in for repairs for 4-6 weeks at Futureshop, and I have no intention whatsoever of buying Crackdown.

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  • what if I play the tree hours, I all ready registred, and i buy crackdown, do I get an assurance of entry. also, i sent bungie ppl a christmas gift!!!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Halodude4ever 100% Lame. I'm not going to buy "Crackdown", it looks ridiculous. I don't even think I like Halo anymore, I've been playing Oblivion and GoW so much. 13,333 get to play? Lame. Sorry for ranting, but I suddenly don't feel excited about Halo 3 anymore. And it's definitely not "The most anticipated game of 2007". -Halodude4ever[/quote] You might want to think about changing your name after reading that post you made......anyhow, no one is forcing you to buy anything, if you aren't a halo fan then don't buy the game like a fan would, instead you can just sit there by yourself with the other people that enjoy playing the one game type on gears of war (though it is a good game) while we true halo fans get to enjoy playing and possibly aid in making the MOST ANTICIPATED GAME OF 2007. With a name like "halodude4ever" you would think you would have a little more faith in bungie and actually be happy they are giving you these chances to participate in this multiplayer beta. Maybe your name should be "Halodude4afewyears."

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  • haha amen brother, thats exactly how i see it

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