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1/3/2007 7:13:51 PM

Halo 3 Beta Update

In light of the recent Microsoft press release, we give you some more details on how to ensure your participation in the upcoming Halo 3 Beta program, and a few more tidbits about how we plan to take care of the Bungie faithful.

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  • oh thnx im watching the vid = )

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  • 4) Finally, will there only be an exclusive offer of Crackdown with the Halo 3 Beta Test code in it? If that answer is a no and all of the games have tyhe ability to unlock the Beta then Blockbuster can expect to see me the day they get Cracktown. **cough**cough** I mean Crackdown.

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  • You are all going to love me for this.. (or at least you should). GO HERE :) [url][/url] [b] Anyone who doesn’t like two-for-one offers, especially those connected with popular video games, should stop reading right now. For the rest of you, here is some exciting news: Gamers who buy Crackdown™ are guaranteed a place in this spring’s Halo 3™ multiplayer beta program! Truly a unique, value-packed, action-filled two-fer if ever there was one! [/b]

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  • How do you have this kind of time to bag on us? You need not post your words, they are unnecessary, now back to the topic, please. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] GitSome13 This is retarded...thanks a lot MSFT. I either have to spend 60 dollars on a game that I have no interest in (not happening) or I have to be a complete nut with no life and stay up until 3:01 in the morning and then be lightning fast on Someone said it earlier and I agree, the only people getting into this beta are: fanatics who are willing to spend 60 dollars on a BETA (wow...) or fanatics who have absolutely nothing better to do then play halo. I've read a couple of pages of posts and I can't believe how many I see that play 4+ hours every day (WTF!?! Get a job, get a do you have that kind of time?).[/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SpecOps527 Questions regarding the Beta Frankie please clarify. 1)Do the games have to be matchmaking...(if so does it have to be actual gameplay or does the matching part count as well?) Or can it be a custom game? 2)What if you think you played three hours but aren't sure, will tell you you need to play more or will you have to find out the hard way? 3)This one everybody wants clarified...will the oppurtunity for the Beta in Crackdown only be in "Specially Marked Packages" or all of the copies? Please answer these questions. Sincerely, SpecOps527[/quote] I think it would be necessary for these questions to be answered. Good idea, Spec Ops! But, the thing is, as Bungie said, they don't have very many answers right now, Microsoft does. Nevertheless, I would like these questions answered as well, especially #1, as I could see this being taken advantage of, with people just leaving their Xboxs/Xbox 360s on and not even doing a thing, then going to the computer 3 hours later and WA-LA, register for Halo 3. I have to add a question to this, though. 1) Do you have to be playing matchmaking for a total of three hours, or just be logged onto Halo 2 on Xbox Live for three hours? 2) What if you think you have played for three hours, but you actually haven't? 3) How does recognize that you have played for a total of three hours; must your gamertag be registered? 4) Finally, will there only be an exclusive offer of [i]Crackdown[/i] with the Halo 3 Beta Test code in it? Answers would be lovely to have to these questions, whenever possible. Thanks! : )

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  • yeah ther r new H2 mmaps in the nnear future

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  • I was already gonna buy Crackdown now there is just more reason to get it. PS: Is there gonna be any info on the new Halo 2 map for us 360 players anytime soon?

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  • is n e 1 reading what is say?

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  • Amen to that comment Thresh! Halo 2 has to be the greatest game ever invented for the Xbox, though in the whoel entire gaming community I'm goign to have to go with Zelda: Orcarina of Time for N64 =P

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  • they should of sign up like a month ago when i did. tee hee

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  • This is retarded...thanks a lot MSFT. I either have to spend 60 dollars on a game that I have no interest in (not happening) or I have to be a complete nut with no life and stay up until 3:01 in the morning and then be lightning fast on Someone said it earlier and I agree, the only people getting into this beta are: fanatics who are willing to spend 60 dollars on a BETA (wow...) or fanatics who have absolutely nothing better to do then play halo. I've read a couple of pages of posts and I can't believe how many I see that play 4+ hours every day (WTF!?! Get a job, get a do you have that kind of time?).

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  • Here is a POSSIBLE way to get in the beta without paying (Well sort-of). When Crackdown comes out and it hits rental stores go and rent it that way if you realy don't want to buy the game you just rent it and pop it into your 360, and bam you SHOULD be able to get the beta IF the games the rental store has and the ones for sale are the same.

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  • NYC John wow that's close xD I'll be turning 17 three months latter. No Beta testing here =(

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  • what the official crackdown URL?

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  • Well, i will leave Crackdown as my last resort, but I actually don't want to do this the easy way. I actually am going to try and play Halo 2 as much as I can, provide appropriate feedback, and then participate vastly on the forums like I have been. Just one thing: my 360 is broken right now, and I will be getting it fixed within the next week or two, and hopefully (and most likely) have it back by Feb. 3rd. Thanks to Bungie and Microsoft for opening up more opportunities to play the greatest game in the world!

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  • it sucks im 13 does that mean i can't play the beta. = ()

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  • I'll be 17 on May 11 of 07, does this mean I can still have a chance is being picked or does it all fall on when its released?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] glitches this is an excelent marketing idea for both halo 3 and crackdown.[/quote] A good marketing idea eh... Well what does that tell you about the game? It is going to be bad. So bad that they need to add the incentive of the Halo 3 Beta. If the beta had been attached to another game, like Gears Of War before it came out then I might consider it. But with crackdown? Why Crackdown? Not everybody will want that game. Why not attach the beta to ALL soon to be 360 games. Or even put it on Marketplace like they should have from the start. That would be fair to everyone around the entire World. [Edited on 1/3/2007]

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  • If you are worried that you don't have the money to buy Crackdown then just hang out on IRC, make some websites for distributing custom game types, author a blog about good sportmanship, create a halo themed mini game and submit some fan art. If you do that kind of stuff you're in, no other questions asked, no money needed. *runs to create minigame about grunts flinging plasma grenades while riding shotgun in various halo vehicles*

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  • i think this beta idea is a wonderful one, i belive itll be a lot of fun and also crackdown looks like an awesome game, but the fact that is comes with an invitation to halo 3 it makes it ten times better, this is an excelent marketing idea for both halo 3 and crackdown.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ValenceElectron [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wicked Evil One This whole thing is so stupid. If you do this and that and spend another $60 on a crappy game you can play in our half %^$ broken beta. Give me a break will ya. I'll give ya 300 MS points to play the beta. If you can't make it any more simple, and not try to pawn off a game I don't want on me (cracktown), then I'll just wait till the game comes out without glitches and bugs. I'd be willing to help but not at the cost and all the stipulations attached. No THANK YOU !!![/quote] you sir...are a jerk...this is about HALO ...we're talking about HALO 3 in the only thing ive been looking forward too since ive been married!!!! if you dont agree with SHOULDNT BE ON THESE FORUMS!!!..WE LOVE HALO AND WE ARE ALL VERY PREVILIGED FOR THE BETA TEST!!... You arent paying 60$ for a -blam!-'re paying 60$ for a pretty anticiapted game! it looks good...and ffs it's got ONLINE COOP!.... so just...common.....give Bungie a break...all they did was make a GREAT -blam!- GAME.... microsoft is the one taking your money.... LOVE YOU BUNGIE -.^[/quote] Might I remind you that you're paying for the beta not the game. Yes siry $60.00 to TEST a BETA full of BUGS. (Not to insult Bungie on thier game design, but all betas and tests have bugs. Thats why it was free to begin with.)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Johnrap [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] maddog 06 I shouldn't have to pay Microsoft to test THEIR game.[/quote] You don't want it. I'll take it. I'd happily pay Microsoft to test their game. Seriously, there should be some program like if you pay Microsoft $1,000 per year, you get to be part of their around the world Xbox Live beta testing crew. Basically, you pay them for the privilege of testing all the games. Honestly, I'd test any game, Halo or otherwise. Please, someone invite me to beta test something. I'm completely available for this.[/quote] Ok you spend YOUR available money on a beta. Fine, don't have money to buy the full version of Halo 3. I have saved up more than half the money I need to buy the legendary edition. I've already reserved my copy. But I'm not going to save up another $60.00 to buy a game I don't want or need. But go ahead. YOU'VE got plenty of money to buy it with. But other people don't. Bungie please don't turn this beta into a biding contest.

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  • Wow 88% under 12. No wonder its easy to kick their ass! I reckon this halo 3 beta idea is great it gives u a chance to play it before it comes out and you get to piss your mates off by saying "i tell you what, that spike grenades annoying when your in the turret on... OH YEAH! THATS RIGHT, HAH!!! You havent played it av ya!" ___.............._______/```````````````:::--. |.==,-.~;. ____:._______ __’__’__’_ _ _\= |................--:---:--:--‘---:,, ,,, ,,, ,,,:---: /== `-.,.__._._,,...---:::"

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SpecOps527 Questions regarding the Beta Frankie please clarify. 1)Do the games have to be matchmaking...(if so does it have to be actual gameplay or does the matching part count as well?) Or can it be a custom game? 2)What if you think you played three hours but aren't sure, will tell you you need to play more or will you have to find out the hard way? 3)This one everybody wants clarified...will the oppurtunity for the Beta in Crackdown only be in "Specially Marked Packages" or all of the copies? Please answer these questions. Sincerely, SpecOps527[/quote] Exactly what I was about to post.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] maddog 06 I certainly hope there will be more ways to get in. Because at this rate it looks like the ones that pay will be the ones that play.[/quote] We must both be pessimists, because to me it looks like no matter how much I pay I'm going to be locked out. Whereas every person that uses MOAP or another HBO IRC channell is basically guaranteed a personal invite.

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  • Questions regarding the Beta Frankie please clarify. 1)Do the games have to be matchmaking...(if so does it have to be actual gameplay or does the matching part count as well?) Or can it be a custom game? 2)What if you think you played three hours but aren't sure, will tell you you need to play more or will you have to find out the hard way? 3)This one everybody wants clarified...will the oppurtunity for the Beta in Crackdown only be in "Specially Marked Packages" or all of the copies? Please answer these questions. Sincerely, SpecOps527

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