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originally posted in: I-Doser - Audio drugs for the mind
4/9/2011 2:04:25 AM
Not all I-Dosers are placebo. If you're not buying the I-Dosers from the I-Doser store, chances are the torrent/file itself you downloaded somewhere else, doesn't work.. Also, I-Dosers are not so effective if you don't believe they work, at least 10% ( stated on I-Doser ) are immune to all I-Doser songs.... also, you need to be calm, MUST have headphones on, since headphones are Binaural, and earphones produce, mono/stereo sound... hence Binaural beats. The more you do these doses, the better the effects, do it long enough, may do better than an actual drug. [Edited on 04.08.2011 6:05 PM PDT]

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