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5/8/2004 4:07:19 AM

A Lack Of Moderators Means A return To The Underground Is In Order

There were three topics today in The Underground that got close to flame wars, one of them got pretty hot for a few minutes. It was sucessfully squelched just in the nick of time. I really couldn't figure out who I should contact, I hadn't a clue as to which mod was on at the time. I really think it's high time for everyone to return to The Underground, because if you wait, it'll only get worse as the new people get to know each other before they get to know the older members. This would be bad because we need to brainwash them to our way of doing things; clean and relevant. Someone posted a real winning thread, complete with gteat speculation, and they got flamed almost immediately. Since we only have 3 mods, and Bungie employees are too busy too often, the mature members need to return and force a change instead of waiting for it to come about on its own. [Edited on 5/13/2004 4:23:43 PM]

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  • Ahh, Spanish. I always liked how my 7th-8th Grade Spanish teacher (he's in his 50's) would try to look down girls' shirts and talk about his 20 year old, Mexican wife. -Baerdog7 [Edited on 5/18/2004 8:53:56 PM]

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  • [color=white][b]Halo53[/b], you know... "TENGO UN GATO EN MIS PANTALONES!" was one of the random phrases I found amusing in Spanish class, also. Only mine was "I have a [i]giant[/i] cat in my pants." ;D My "holmies" and I always thought it was funny.[/color] [Edited on 5/18/2004 9:00:00 PM]

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  • Is there a line between an argument and a flame war? There really doesn't seem to be one. Spanish class does bring back memories. Mary, Greg, a cast of others, and whenever we had free time we would sit around and play BS.

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  • Thanks for the translation. I guess I just let a few people ruin my experience without really getting to know the Underground. It's just stupid people like that who really burn me. Also, if your Spanish class is like mine, I can see why you came up with all of those phrases (May 26 and it's done for the year!). -Baerdog7

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  • The underground has gotten better since the return of the Mods. (Star Wars Episode 6 The return of the mod...i) It is great to see some of the newer members also helping out as have the older members you mentioned above. Not everyone who is new has no idea what they are doing. I had no idea when I was new, but thats because I was an idiot :P Umbligo is belly button in spanish. Tengo un umbligo bonito is I have a beautful belly button, or something. just a random phrase. Oh the fun I had in spanish class last year... we had very random phrases like that. Long story.

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  • I read both of the threads on Halo53's post on page 2 and I was appalled(spelling?). I could not believe the flame war going on. It was worse than a thread on the America's Army forums debating whether or not the Honor System was a good idea. I was very tempted to respond but managed to hold my tongue. We have two great mods and a whole slew of older members who try the best they can (Halo53, Regienko, Rip Saw, Go Web, Yoozel, JAF, and KIA_Grunt to name a few). Those posts and a few others that I have read completely soured the taste of the Underground for me. I think the only was to get me to go back, besides a link in a post, would be if I was a mod. Since that doesn't seem probable, It may be a while before you see a post from me down there. By the way, great job Shishka and Stosh(I hope you didn't have too much of that bad pizza at E3)! -Baerdog7 PS- To Halo53: what is an umbligo?

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  • I agree with Reiginko, even though I will still throw out a 'your mom' comeback at random intervals.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Reiginko Well, it is a good idea to ignore the stupid posts that happen every 2 minutes on the Underground, but it is also kind of the responsibility of the older members to help improve the standard of the forums. In many cases, they will have posted a topic the same as one only a few threads down on the first page, so you [i]have[/i] to point out their mistake, just so it isn't repeated. And when we get search, ooh, they'll be in for it. :) Also, if their is a flame war, somebody does have to try and step in, especially if there aren't any mods online. Sure, one person can't stop some of the tides of rubbish that we get on the Underground, but maybe if we (ie the more sensible members) supported each other we could make at least an impression. Don't be afraid of the flamers; if you get flamed by an idiot, it reflects [b]well[/b] on your personality, if anything. I may be an idealist, but that's what I think we should aim for. Stosh and Shishka aren't superheroes! - Reiginko[/quote] I have seen quite a bit of repeated topics (being here all day) so I will always link the repeated topic to the first one. I also try and answer all questions (including the really, really dumb ones) as soon as possible so the topic can get off the first page before the new user is flamed. And if any of you guys need my "support" in a flame war thread just message me or something. Ill be over whenever I get your message, although if stosh/shishka is on its probably better to message them so that they lock it or something. And yes, Reginko is right. Once they have some sort of search engine, it'll be so much better. I am definitley linking it in my sig. :D

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Banshee Barron [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Reiginko Don't be afraid of the flamers; if you get flamed by an idiot, it reflects well on your personality, if anything. [/quote] I've noticed that most of the flamers end up being idiots, and are therefore very easy to prove wrong with "the facts". Once they see they've done something wrong they usually crumble up an apologize (since staying on the forum and looking like an ass isn't very appealing to them).[/quote] i noticed that most flamers end up being pisssed about getting their bottoms kicked by the mods. Ah well, at least they shut up, once their proven wrong. it's a mad world people.

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  • [quote]We don't even have a moderator bible 1.0 yet.[/quote] I'll write one for you. Ahem: Lock any -blam!- posts. Move any incorreclty placed posts. Sacrifice your children to Achronos. Missing anything?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Reiginko Don't be afraid of the flamers; if you get flamed by an idiot, it reflects well on your personality, if anything. [/quote] I've noticed that most of the flamers end up being idiots, and are therefore very easy to prove wrong with "the facts". Once they see they've done something wrong they usually crumble up an apologize (since staying on the forum and looking like an ass isn't very appealing to them).

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  • We don't even have a moderator bible 1.0 yet.

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  • The moderator bible 2.0

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  • I'm a realist! lol ;)

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  • you took the words right out of my mouth Reiginko. And there's nothing wrong with being an idealist. It's better to try something than to do nothing at all.

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  • Well, it is a good idea to ignore the stupid posts that happen every 2 minutes on the Underground, but it is also kind of the responsibility of the older members to help improve the standard of the forums. In many cases, they will have posted a topic the same as one only a few threads down on the first page, so you [i]have[/i] to point out their mistake, just so it isn't repeated. And when we get search, ooh, they'll be in for it. :) Also, if their is a flame war, somebody does have to try and step in, especially if there aren't any mods online. Sure, one person can't stop some of the tides of rubbish that we get on the Underground, but maybe if we (ie the more sensible members) supported each other we could make at least an impression. Don't be afraid of the flamers; if you get flamed by an idiot, it reflects [b]well[/b] on your personality, if anything. I may be an idealist, but that's what I think we should aim for. Stosh and Shishka aren't superheroes! - Reiginko

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  • please someone reply to my post.

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  • I think that everyone especaily the older members need to just take a step back and think about a couple of things. 1. Why did you join the 7th column in the first place. 2. If someone goes off randomly about somthing pertinent or not, will it effect your continued posting to this forum. 3. If you see a post like that in the first place should you take affense to it. I don't post very often but I have been reading for a while now, and I can see that there is a network of older members that discuss things in a friendly manner and that all of you know each other fairly well. It is apparent that there is going to be a very large influx of members to the 7th column becaus of E3, and Halo 2. It will take those people a while to get their bearings straight. Until then I there will be misplaced redundant topics, the occasoinal lunitic, and lets face it just some ignorant people. (I Don't claim not to be these) I think that you should continue to do your best to keep the exsting atmosphere that you have devloped here, to trust you mods to do their jobs, which they do fine, and just don't pay atention to those new people who choose to say such stupid things. [Edited on 5/18/2004 1:35:32 AM]

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  • Yup, there is a lack in mods...This post changes subjects so quickly I cant seem to get all thats going on.

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  • You could have just said in reference to JAF/Halo53's post or whatever if you forget to quote... I pretty much slowed things down but a few people still responded. Luckily stosh is back so hopefully everything will be back to normal.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] just another fan [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Halo53 Right, which is what I meant by waiting. The mods and Bungie Employees all went to fanfest/E3 and I have seen about oh, I don't know, maybe 4 or 5 topics that don't belong in the septagon. It hasn't been spam, just posted in the wrong forum. One of the leading reasons I think we need more than 2 moderators is because what happens if Stosh and Shishka are both busy, like these couple days. They need to pick people to poor to go to E3 :P :D Well once more mods are picked this'll all be fixed. Although I don't mind a few topics in the wrong forum if I get to watch those E3 multiplayer videos *drools* -EDIT- Well I just went into the underground. Wow, I miss stosh and shishka. [url][/url] [url][/url] Why the hell is something like that posted? Just look at my signature. Honestly the more of this -blam!- I find... I am so tempted to reply to one of these topics and just...just... AGH! As Church once said "I just can't be held responsible for my actions!" I tried replying as nicely as I could, though. This guy wants to do everything bad as possible until he gets banned. I have been here a year and a half and I have never seen anything this bad. The mods leave for what, 2 days, and everything goes crazy. I remember when people sugessted certain features when these new forums first came up but the reason they weren't added is because some people are such jerks. I thought that was total BS because for the most part I haven't seen any jerks around here but people like him mess things up for everybody else. I see why certain things can't be done now. Also knowing that Lone Ranger is my age and how immature he is acting makes me sick. Damn 15 year olds. :D I have just edited this for the 3rd time, I have continued to go through the underground and have found spam in other threads by Spartan66will. all this and people wonder why I normally stay in the septagon :?[/quote] I know what you mean, it was terrible, and iwas shocked to to see it. i tried to cool things down, but with out moderator powers or backup, there wasn't much i could do. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] goweb [quote]stosh and Shiska are doing an amazing job controlling the forums, like Rip Saw, stosh and Shiska cant be on 24/7.[/quote] That's why we need mods from different time zones. While some are sleeping, others are on.[/quote] I agree. It was like a said a while back. When the american guys go to bed, that's when i wake up, it gives me a good oppertunity to check things out. So it gives me a good ability to see who is not playing by the rules. Someone said that this sounded just like a conspiracy. So now you know why i should be a moderator!!!!! Nothing wrong with wishfull thinking right?[/quote] Yeah,and add this to my last post.I forgot to quote,and editing doesn't let you quote.

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  • That guy on the 2nd post went nuts.I didn't reply,so it wouldn't stay near the top.But people just kept replying.JAf,you tried,but never really had a chance against all of them.But,still,like Arachnos said before,we could use another,lets say,4,new forums. [Edited on 5/15/2004 8:46:38 AM]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Halo53 Right, which is what I meant by waiting. The mods and Bungie Employees all went to fanfest/E3 and I have seen about oh, I don't know, maybe 4 or 5 topics that don't belong in the septagon. It hasn't been spam, just posted in the wrong forum. One of the leading reasons I think we need more than 2 moderators is because what happens if Stosh and Shishka are both busy, like these couple days. They need to pick people to poor to go to E3 :P :D Well once more mods are picked this'll all be fixed. Although I don't mind a few topics in the wrong forum if I get to watch those E3 multiplayer videos *drools* -EDIT- Well I just went into the underground. Wow, I miss stosh and shishka. [url][/url] [url][/url] Why the hell is something like that posted? Just look at my signature. Honestly the more of this -blam!- I find... I am so tempted to reply to one of these topics and just...just... AGH! As Church once said "I just can't be held responsible for my actions!" I tried replying as nicely as I could, though. This guy wants to do everything bad as possible until he gets banned. I have been here a year and a half and I have never seen anything this bad. The mods leave for what, 2 days, and everything goes crazy. I remember when people sugessted certain features when these new forums first came up but the reason they weren't added is because some people are such jerks. I thought that was total BS because for the most part I haven't seen any jerks around here but people like him mess things up for everybody else. I see why certain things can't be done now. Also knowing that Lone Ranger is my age and how immature he is acting makes me sick. Damn 15 year olds. :D I have just edited this for the 3rd time, I have continued to go through the underground and have found spam in other threads by Spartan66will. all this and people wonder why I normally stay in the septagon :?[/quote] I know what you mean, it was terrible, and iwas shocked to to see it. i tried to cool things down, but with out moderator powers or backup, there wasn't much i could do. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] goweb [quote]stosh and Shiska are doing an amazing job controlling the forums, like Rip Saw, stosh and Shiska cant be on 24/7.[/quote] That's why we need mods from different time zones. While some are sleeping, others are on.[/quote] I agree. It was like a said a while back. When the american guys go to bed, that's when i wake up, it gives me a good oppertunity to check things out. So it gives me a good ability to see who is not playing by the rules. Someone said that this sounded just like a conspiracy. So now you know why i should be a moderator!!!!! Nothing wrong with wishfull thinking right?

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  • [quote]stosh and Shiska are doing an amazing job controlling the forums, like Rip Saw, stosh and Shiska cant be on 24/7.[/quote] That's why we need mods from different time zones. While some are sleeping, others are on.

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  • Yes really, I agree with this completly. I know it's the weekend and Archonos is off, stosh is off at E3 and I have no idea where Shishka is. It's driving me crazy seeing those usless posts sitting right there, waste of space. Really people need to read the forums before entering. I say we have a giant pop up thing that doesn't go away for 15 minutes telling you about rules and regulations, just so in case you do something wrong, you can't play stupid...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Live killa Personally I think rip Saw should be a mod, just incase sketch sees this. I mean your on a lot, mainly the forums, and you see a lot of things bad happening, so you would be perfect in my opinion.[/quote] stosh and Shiska are doing an amazing job controlling the forums, like Rip Saw, stosh and Shiska cant be on 24/7. And also unlike stosh and Shiska, Rip Saw has only played Halo, I laugh at him MUHAHAHA sry... I had to say that

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