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5/6/2004 10:30:56 PM

Seventh Column Council

Taken from the recent "History of the Seventh Column" article. [quote]Q: People think of Bungie as just Halo, but 7th Column is the most old-school aspect of the community, where do you see it going in the future? A(Yeroen): In the future I would love to see the 7th Column become much more organized. With organization comes the ability to pull off bigger and better things--bigger FanFests, bigger fan films, whatever. We've considered imposing high level organization on the 7th Column in the past, but always held off. [b]As much as we'd love to be at the forefront of this project, we believe it will only be successful if it is organized from within, by its own members[/b].[/quote] Ok, well I suppose we should get to work. Sounds like bungie really wants us to setup some sort of governing body for the seventh column. Might be best to get this started now before halo 2 hits and were all too busy fragging each other. So how do we do this? Should we model the SCC after our democratic goverment and have a president and advisors? I don't really know. What are your ideas? (i know we've had this conversation in the past -- but lets recap). [Edited on 5/6/2004 2:31:32 PM]

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  • Aha, now i see. equal power..... nice thought. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sigma Most anyone I can see getting picked gets along with everyone fine. [/quote] Who do you mean? I have no idea who are going to selected. All i know is that stosh is going to be in it. Maybe shiska or something. And perhaps the council should be some sort of guide for members. Cuz with halo 2 we'll be flooded with hundreds of new members. So some extra guide could be useful. Perhaps the council should be taking care of that to. Just a thought. [Edited on 5/8/2004 11:05:45 AM]

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  • The equal power thing sounds also like a good idea, though really I don't see any possibility for riffs within the council. Most anyone I can see getting picked gets along with everyone fine.

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  • They should be able to do other things than just those typical things, they should watch over the Column and make sure absoulty no wars start. Something tells me this has a way of going to the Star Wars world. A Light and Dark side, oh' god....

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  • The scc should just keep things updated if you ask me, new chapter spotlights, new top news and all. And pehaps moderate the forums since stosh will be in it anyways.

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  • Perhaps a chapter could be devoted to the SCC. I cant think of any way to elect members, though. Perhaps some... high ranking Bnet members could review people, and no, I'm not talking about employees. Rip Saw also brought up an interesting point. Making the 7th Column more organized could, I suppose, lead to chapter wars, but only if there's a rift in the council itself. I dont like the idea of a president and advisors, however. I say, that the Council Members should all have an equal status in the group. Having a supreme authority could lead to people changing their votes so it looks like they agree with the 'big boss' and keep themselves in his 'good books'. The goal of the SCC should probably be looking over disputes that happen as it's priority, if such a thing occurs. Other than that, I cant see other things to look over...

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  • Well, there's got to be enough to handle any and everything thrown their way.

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  • four to seven is nice, you don't want there to be too many people. otherwise it's discussion here, discussion there, discussions everywhere.

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  • Seven obviously.

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  • Right on! But the question is how many people will he pick? I think the best attempt to organize the 7th column was done by the Halo Diplomatic Core, but that kinda’ fell through.

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  • luckely sketch already said that the cuncil members will be hand picked. At least that's one worry less.

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  • Yeah, hand picked would turn out a lot better. As Yoozel said, I think that more mention of the column, like on the back of the Halo 2 manual, would definately help us out.

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  • I think ‘power’ is the wrong term. Responsibility would be a much better fit, and taxes? Did you not read the article? It’s a free service. And the elections would just turn into a popularity contest, just like a high school prom. The most popular guy/gal wins even if they are the least qualified. Hand picked has my support whether it matters or not.

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  • if we made a gov't i would get taxed and i dont wana get taxed but we should make something that you can enter your name in for election and then make a poll with tose names officials should have split power with 5 othere guys 6 total

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  • A community that is what we claim we are. But do we act that way? No as said above, we fight each other to be cooler, total anarchy does rule, (I myself am a true anarchist) in the 7th Column. Sketch tried to help organize us by opening up the 7th Main page, but what did that turn into? A spam pit, it had the best intentions, but really, I think we need to limit chapters and cut off the ‘fat’ (i.e. old in active chapters) to help free up members. Not that I’m saying everyone should join one chapter, but if members were moved to chapters and were made members, these multi-chapter events could go off so much better. They’d have a great mix of people and though not everyone can fly, XBL opens up new possibilities for a massive community event. I know Brian has always wanted a FanFest for the 7th Column, because not everyone of the 10,000 members of the 7th Column can fit in the L.A. convention center, I think it’d be great if everyone got to gather and meet each other once in for all. (We also have a moral factor here, a lot of people would need a parent’s permission, the typical response would you’ll get abducted and blah blah blah. But really, is anyone here a stalker? Not that I’ve heard, this is a good, no great group of people that I feel honored to be around. So we could run into a little trouble here and location…) Back on subject. A 7th Column council would not be a place where they just do management jobs, though it should be a part of it, the Council should work closely with the Web Team to offer fan suggestions on reasonable updates for the 7th Column. Surely changing the Chapter Spot Light isn’t that hard, but someone’s gotta do it, that is one of the biggest complaints I hear about. A council should and will be picked by the web team, because they know who is trustworthy and who will abuse the power. But this is going to hit a lot of snags, the Council would have to have a group of people that can fill in incase someone leaves for a vacation (people do have lives) or something like that. One thing it needs to be is flexible, being able to change when the Column changes. When we get a new influx of members from Halo2, it will be total CHAOS! Like the end of the world in some of the veterans’ eyes. But the Council number one, trait is that is has to be, willing to listen to the concerns of the column goers. People shouldn’t fear the Council, they should look to them for support and guidance, if they have a problem, for example, they should feel free to come and talk to one of the members and not be terrified to talk to them. I’m just trying to say the Council should not be looked at as a terrifying body of ‘elite’ members that even the newest member can’t talk to. And for publicity, maybe we should petition Brain for a bigger mention in the Halo 2 manual and possibly somewhere on the box of Halo 2, a little mention on the back or something? P.S. I already think most other developers loath Bungie for having the best damn fan community on the planet!

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  • [quote]Heh. That's the Party Line, but exactly how do we go about it? We can't exactly wake up and be dominating the world tomorrow. ;)[/quote] Why, follow Bungie's Seven Step Plan of course: 1. Start independent gaming software company. 2. Dominate Mac platform; launch assault on Windows platform. 3. Announce killer gaming title. 4. Acquire strangely addictive Chinese food company. 5. Recover Ling-Ling's head. 6. Stage bloody coup of new parent company. 7. Take over the world; shoot enemies into the Sun with a giant slingshot. Obviously we need recruits to build and operate said slingshot, and to become the bloody mess in the coup.

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  • all the seventh column is to be is a community, and this time instead of the bee hive thing i will use a village, its like a village, each chapter being a nice hansel and gretle style cottage, villages have councils to keep the place running smoothly, not to achieve something new, but to preserve what we are already building on...not to organise everything as such, but guide it in the right direction, stop people who really step outta line (them young punks!) and BE a vital part of the amazing community. dosnt anyone else think like me? if chapters want to organsie inter chapter event, they can... but its not our business or place to organise there chapters and what they have worked so hard on, its not fair, as for my chapter (cottage) i just dont want to be alone there, eating meals for one... i want people to visit often, and chat... simple! like i say, dosnt anyone else think like this?

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  • Heh. That's the Party Line, but exactly how do we go about it? We can't exactly wake up and be dominating the world tomorrow. ;) What's the first step? The second? etc. In my mind, recruiting minions would be the first step. In order to be marginally successful at that, we need a great lure. Halo 2. You talk it up. You meet people in your area that's into gaming, and you recruit them into your chapter. You make your chapter so fun, that your chapter members recruit. (The key to victory, btw) Step 2. Crank it up a level. Start organizing multi-chapter events. Interact with other chapters. Find out what other chapters do that is successful. Implement them with your own chapter if it fits. Above all, make it fun to interact. Step 3. Get Bungie into the act. Publicity, publicity, publicity. Bend the ear of your local news station/newspaper. (Starting to sound like your own fanfest?). There are a ton of things Bungie can do to promote/reward your multi-chapter events/tournaments. Step 4. Organize National events. You've done it on a local level, just crank it up another notch. We have a great system here in place, that allows us to communicate from all parts of the world. All we have to do is use it. Bounce off ideas, plan, etc. Talk to Sketch...I'm sure he'll have ideas. With XBL, we don't have to spend money to travel, etc. Step 5. Go International. Crank, crank crank. The idea here, is that now there are alot of people to help out. Step 6. World Domination. Duh, you're here already! Believe it or not, most of the work is done in the beginning. Your in "crisis-mode" early in the life-cycle of your chapter. But once you've grown, you'll notice that the work to get things done becomes easier, once you've broken through the wall. Look at HBO Junkies. All they have to do is merely mention wanting to have a party, and look at the potential. Offensive Tetraboxing. Wow, people flying in from all over the states to get in on it. A smaller chapter would have to work it's tail off to pull off something like that. Anyway, my point is, with a little forethought, a little determination, a little planning, a little luck, and a repulsion to quitting, we can do anything.

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  • [quote]What do we want the 7th Column to be?[/quote] D'uh - a tool for World Domination. Don't you keep up?

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  • I think Yeroen and Miguel touched upon it a little bit, but the main question in my mind is: What do we want the 7th Column to be? Organization doesn't mean much unless there is vision and concrete goals laid out. I'm more interested in hearing what everyone's thoughts are about what it means to be part of the 7th Column. What do you hope it would become? If Bungie were under your guidance, what is your vision for the fans? I feel that once we share our "visions", organization then would be the logical next step. Organize the members to accomplish a small goal, which, in turn, leads to the vision. From experience in my own life, once you have laid out your vision, set long term, intermediate and day-to-day goals, you'll be amazed how organization turns from a mindless monster to your best friend. If we all share our "pie in the sky", and find out that we all have a few of them in common, we'll be motivated to pursue and think about those things. I'd like to hear what Bungie dreams about for the 7th Column. I'd like to hear what old-skoolers dream about for the 7th Column. I'd like to hear what new people have to say about the 7th Column. I'd like to hear what you dream about for your Chapter. After that, if it meshes with my ideas, I'll be happy and motivated to help out the cause in anyway I can. As been said before, we're all virtually beings floating about When I find someone who has ideas like me, I want to get to know that person. When we collect as people, our strength will grow. I'd like to see the 7th Column be the out-and-out number 1, fan-based organization in the world. I want other game developers to envy us, and wish that their fan-base was half as excited and supportive as ours. But most of all, I want to motivate Bungie to continue making the best damn games period! Anyway, those are my thoughts...what are yours?

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  • miguel, halo 2 will bring in plenty of new gaming members! probrably too many, it may not seem like it now, but when those new guys come in, it will need organisation. sketch should choose, and if anyone deserves to be in it, its stosh, he has made good use of his powers.. i expect shiska and other moderators would also be involved, but dont pile too much on them... they have to be carfeul who they pick thats for sure...

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  • Personally besides the elections, I think it should be kinda democratic. Like a leader then a cabnet. I personally would like to be part of the cabnet. Like each member has a certain task, and advising the leader as well, and the leader can also VETO or make the final decision. That' my personal opinion on how things should be done. But whatever you think works best, I like the concept!

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  • The Council as planned would just take over the current role of Sketch and the guys in The 7th Column, to allow them to concentrate on other aspects. It would be mostly content production and news updating. I would imagine there would be chapter management aspects, but as I said it would just be what the Community Team already do.

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  • I personally believe the 7th column is organized engough as it is. When things become too organized, things like chapter wars could start. Organization means increased competition for whatever reasons man does this. Right now, anarchy in the column is working pretty well. And a 7th Column Council brings the problem of falseness. Bungie has absolute and total control over their site. Any council would only be able to dictate smaller things and within Bungie's guidelines. I think waiting to see what the new column is like first would be a prudent idea. Unless anyone has a truely awesome idea right now, we should wait.

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  • It seems some of you envision this council will help fix problems and all that, but do you really think that would be a good use of its power? I'm more inclined to see it help the community in other ways, like helping it grow and making it more visible to the outside gaming world. If the 7C could tap into our numbers not as virtual beings but as real people, that would be the ultimate compliment to our very existence. Imagine if the 7C organized their own charity events, or national (maybe even international) events, where we [i]cross-linked[/i] chapters to form a virtual LAN party. I just know it would make Brian's day if one day there was an Bungie Fanfest that was tightly linked to the 7C. These sort of pie-in-the-sky thoughts have been thought of before, and it never really took off because realistic hurdles got in the way, but I wonder now with Halo 2 and all the MP enhancements they are hinting at, if it will be easier to try these sorts of things out. I just pray that they have tapped the grizzled ancients and old school guys in the company for advice on what things worked and didn't work in the old, back in the Myth days. There is a lot to be learned from those few years of its existence. History should not have to repeat itself.

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  • yup. I suggest sketch and crew select a few people to be in the council. let's say, 3 to 7 people. Elections would be bad, it will just turn into a popularity contest. The main priority for the council would be to keep the 7th column updated and fix all sorts of problems. The council's powers should be limited. No uber powers(such as banning people) for them. Perhaps just moderator powers and a few other things (accepting news for the 7th column main page). [quote][b]Message by:[/b] SketchFactor Thanks for the feedback! I totally agree, an "election" would most likely fall apart into a huge popularity contest / mad house. If we do kick off the 7th Council, it will be a handpicked crew by us. And yes, I also agree 100% that Stosh should be (and will be) involved in all of this! =) [/quote]

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  • Right. It would basically be like a group of people who can really put some wieght into decisions of the seventh column. Kinda like a voice of the people thing.

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