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5/6/2004 10:30:56 PM

Seventh Column Council

Taken from the recent "History of the Seventh Column" article. [quote]Q: People think of Bungie as just Halo, but 7th Column is the most old-school aspect of the community, where do you see it going in the future? A(Yeroen): In the future I would love to see the 7th Column become much more organized. With organization comes the ability to pull off bigger and better things--bigger FanFests, bigger fan films, whatever. We've considered imposing high level organization on the 7th Column in the past, but always held off. [b]As much as we'd love to be at the forefront of this project, we believe it will only be successful if it is organized from within, by its own members[/b].[/quote] Ok, well I suppose we should get to work. Sounds like bungie really wants us to setup some sort of governing body for the seventh column. Might be best to get this started now before halo 2 hits and were all too busy fragging each other. So how do we do this? Should we model the SCC after our democratic goverment and have a president and advisors? I don't really know. What are your ideas? (i know we've had this conversation in the past -- but lets recap). [Edited on 5/6/2004 2:31:32 PM]

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  • [quote]stosh Member Member Since: 11/19/2001 Posted: 5/8/2004 8:06:01 PM Subject: Seventh Column Council While I believe it is important for the "Council" to keep the Seventh Column updated and clean, I also believe the Council should take on a bigger role in the development of the Seventh Column. We could organize weekly official halo 2 xbox live events and competitions for example. The Council could even work with bungie and get ourselves dedicated halo 2 Microsoft servers. We could also oversee chapter vs. chapter xbox live battles as another example. Both chapters would register server time with us, and then we'd setup everything so that the game was managed professionally with official and fair results. Halo 2 on xbox live is going to be huge. We'll need a group of people dedicated to making the xbox live experience with halo 2 the best that it can possibly be. [/quote] Excellent IDEA!!!!

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  • [url=]7th Column Main page[/url] There is a little section that you can read about the 7th Column. Q&A can be found at chapter founders.

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  • just go to the community panle and there it is and it is a fan club four bungie [Edited on 5/15/2004 7:13:48 PM]

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  • Can anyone send me a link to the Seventh Column, please? And while you're at it tell me whats it's about and how it works, because it sounds quite interesting. [Edited on 5/15/2004 6:14:15 PM]

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  • I think there should be one or two persons assigned to do something such as a Q&A thread and get ppl that know a lot about bungie and get them to be in a little group that would answer questions that ppl had PAY NO MIND TO THIS POST I DIDINT KNOW WHAT THE YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT WHEN I WROTE IT [Edited on 5/15/2004 11:12:39 PM]

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  • Eh, I think the last count was about 10,000 members give or take a few thousand...

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  • sorry, one to many 0's in there, i meant 10,000, so that we can have more representation in the council and more different thoughts coming from our 'governing' group, issues should be voted on by the entire council before something is done

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  • and the more council members, the bigger the chance of having screw ups in there. Well, if the people who are going to be in the council, truly are going to be in the council, than there won't be much trouble. [Edited on 5/15/2004 10:26:35 AM]

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  • 100,000 members? How many members are there now? Of course it'll put pressure on them and they may screw up but remember, we are all human, or most of us, so there may be a screw up or two. Maybe.

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  • After reading every post on here I have some thoughts on this whole SCC thing. It's a good idea if it is implemented correctly, but if we put people on the council who screw up, can we blame them? It would be a lot of pressure to do it right, failiing would mean upsetting thousands and by the time Halo 2 comes out possibly millions of people on Yes that could be what Halo 2 means for this site, million people or more. Now putting up a council of 7 people sounds cool going with the whole 7th Column idea, but I don't think that's enough to hold this place in organization. I'd say maybe one council member per 100,000 members on and 7th Column.

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  • Yup, i do believe that there shouldn't be a council head. One other thing, it would be nice to see some non american council members, for two reasons: 1) This way, things like events in other places of the world can be helped alot better. Sure we got XBL and XBC, but what about the LAN stuff? 2) With people from different time zones, there's always some council member awake and on the forum, you know, just in case.

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  • First off, is skecth even going to be in the council? I mean its his job, and hes pretty much creating it, so whether or not hes in or not obviously hes like the head of every thing. Secondly, I don't think there will be a head of the council, but if there is for what ever reason(such as reporting to sketch the stuff thats going on) it should be stosh hands down.

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  • I have absolutely no idea what marine7225 is talking about. Anyhoo, if KIA is going for "politics", than i would say: go ahead. *puts on some lipstick for serious buttkissing* And oh, if there is going to be a head of the council, it should be sketch and no one else.

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  • What the hell Marine7225? How is that at [i]all[/i] relevant to the Council? And, by the way, you are wrong. Just because [i]you[/i] had never heard of Bungie before Halo, that doesn't mean that they were not 'really famous'. I dunno about KIA, though. Politiking on a forum isn't really cool, but I don't think that's what he's doing. If he's on it, he'd deserve it in my opinion (well, anybody chosen by a Bungie employee would [b]have[/b] to deserve it. They know what's going on here.) - Reiginko

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  • A. What does that relate too Marine7225? B. Hahah it could be BMC, but then we'd have to give his little marine a Hitler mustache..

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  • the only game bungie is really famous for is HALO+HALO2

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  • Wow, I saw this when it had 100+ votes. I read most of the first page so bear with me if some of this has been repeated. I'm sure it has, but you can never be certain. Elections would mess things up, you should appoint members with lots of qualifications. i.e. Been here for a long time, knows everything about bungie, very helpful and contributive, someone everybody likes, smart, etc. You need to pick the best of the best for a 7th Column Council. PS: Off topic, but I picked that name for my staff discussions thing. When we talked about nominations for our award polls n crap. I think it's a good name. What would you prefer? Stosh's Concentration Camp?

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  • Is it just me, or is KIA trying to set him self up for a power position? (Got Politics?)

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  • A few of them should. Not necessarily all of the members. And maybe XBC/Gamespy too. I have Halo for the mac and XBL so if the SCC made any of those events, I would be happy to join. If it is chapter vs chapter events, Ill have to bribe my members to get up off their lazy asses and attend, or else :D

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] KIAGrunt I think we should need at least 6-12 months of expirence though. The OLD 7th column vets. :)[/quote] Yea that and perhaps a few should have Halo PC and xbox live. Not all of them have to, but it would be nice if a few had both, to help out with events.

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  • I think we should need at least 6-12 months of expirence though. The OLD 7th column vets. :)

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  • Sketch is going to be surpirsed when he comes back. Yes we should host events, but Council Members should have access to a Bungie server. Not everyone has a T1 line in their house...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Halo53 So just helping around the column? I think they should do events too. Sketch's brain will go for atleast half a million on ebay :D[/quote] personally, i think people will actually pay for not to get it. Oops, just blew my chance to get in the council, not that i had any.... :) [Edited on 5/12/2004 1:54:49 PM]

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  • So just helping around the column? I think they should do events too. Sketch's brain will go for atleast half a million on ebay :D

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  • ill give you a stick of candy for it... but the idea of stosh suggesting a few then bungie weeding them out is cool... cos then we have backups....

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  • Maybe the council should just be sketch's extra set of hands or something? Brain melting? I'll scoop some up! How much do you think it will go for on Ebay?

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