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10/14/2006 9:53:18 AM

The Flood 4: Parallel Worlds

[b]The Insertion.[/b] The moon looked down on it all. A hazy, thick blanket tucked in close to the ground, as though it were a duvet warming up a child in winter months. From simply looking at the moon, and the sparkling mass of stars clustered above and beyond it, you wouldn’t know a war was on. Looking lower, and if you knew they were actually knew they were there in the first place, a trio of black, almost invisible planes glided seemingly without effort above the low level cloud layer. A larger transport plane, accompanied by a pair of smaller, sleeker escorts. On command, the two escort fighters peeled off from the transport, that was startlingly quiet for its size, and flared their afterburners. Specks of light amongst the dark they sped off east, towards a monumental battle in the skies, where jets screamed around at ridiculous speed, engaging one another in elegant rolls and dives, blasting away at one another in a deadly aerial combat. Quietly, the transport carried on without an escort, confident that the greatest in radar spoofing technology and stealth equipment would keep it hidden. But what really mattered was within the plane itself. Secured firmly by strong magnetic locks that were connected to a pair of rails stood a bipedal machine, fully the size of two men with one man standing on the first’s shoulders. It was expected to be the last fully operational unit of its kind in this entire region, or so intelligence said. Red markings that had once adorned it’s armour had been replaced with the occasional blue stripe, but little broke the jet black coating besides the single large, bright red eye and a pair of smaller ones to the left of it on the metal rectangle that assumed the place of a head. A handful of mechanics and technicians dashed around, running last minute checks on armour and weaponry, especially the most potent of all armaments. The weapon in question was literally the latest of all developments. “The most secret and devastating device in development for this decade” many heralded it. Mounted onto the right shoulder, it was tubular with a circular cooling device attached to the back of the weapon. A technician had affectionately painted on a snarling set of teeth around the muzzle, and no one had wanted them removed. The interior hold was illuminated by a pair of baleful red lights on either side of the mechanical masterpiece, two of the technicians secured their equipment in specially prepared places and ran to seats and strapped themselves down whilst the third jogged to the rear of the craft, where the bay door stood closed. The man secured himself with a short tether and grasped the lever controlling the door. He looked up to the bipedal machine, shook his head and pulled the lever. Suddenly, the interior was filled with noise and the temperature dropped like a stone as the whooshing, freezing exterior found a way into the craft. Fighting the biting cold wind, the mechanic hit a red button, and with a deafening [i]clang[/i] the magnetic locks uncoupled and the machine raced along the rails and out of the hatch of the plane, falling away into the darkness. After a moment of free-fall the machine hit the cloud layer and carried on going, the thick layers of cloud parting like paper. It punched out the other side, and the pilot inside it immediately took stock of the locations below the vehicle. Breathing through a gas mask that fed him a constant supply of Combat Stimulants, the adrenaline inducing gases made his senses as sharp as that of any computer. The machine was heading towards the river bank opposite the ruins of Floodlin. From here, the man inside could see pinpricks of flame dotting the area, marking out where enemy artillery pieces had made their homes, but one stood out. A gargantuan column of flame made an impossible target to miss, and the machine rolled over to get a better angle of descent toward it. General Guscon was taking a tour of the front lines, accompanied by a handful of other Undergroundican leaders, and a force of bodyguards, he had come via a convoy of staff cars and Half-Track tanks to this, the greatest piece of military engineering he was likely to ever see, [i]The Marathon[/i]. He emerged, clapping wholeheartedly from a improvised bunker after he had witnessed the firing of his most potent artillery piece. “Excellent work! Where was that shell aimed at?” He shouted, ears ringing from the blast. “A concentration of Floodian forces in the east of the city, General. It is bizarre, the enemy gathers in large numbers, but does not strike our forces trapped in the city.” Replied a young adjutant. It angered Guscon, but he nonverbally admitted the young soldier was right. The entire reason that he had come to the frontlines in the first place was because of the disastrous turn of events in the enemy city. In the space of a few hours, Undergroundican troops in the city had been surrounded, cut off from the river and home, and were now being herded into an ever shrinking perimeter. It was hoped that by his arriving, the troops would rally and gain much needed morale. Guscon had a sinking feeling that Floodland no longer cared about the collection of forces stuck in the city-a full two thirds of the units in the entire sector-but cared more about striking out across the river. “What is [i]that[/i]?” Guscon asked, pointing out a slight patch of movement amongst the night. “It’s coming right for us. Quick! Get the convoy tanks! Hurry!” The adjutant shouted, panic in his voice. Shells and bombs were never that big, so something far worse must be en route, it would seem. The pilot had waited until the very last moment, with alarms bleeping and wailing all around. Relishing every moment of danger, he finally triggered the chemical boosters in the legs of the walking tank. With a slam far more powerful than any shell, the jets that folded out of the legs roared with the strain, nearly shearing off their positions with the energy of the halt. With his velocity slowed sufficiently, the pilot released the thrusters, and the now useless devices, along with the empty fuel tanks, sprang off the walker as explosive bolts attaching them detonated. The walker dropped to the muddy ground, sending clumps of semi-solid earth flying. The pilot had landed in one of [i]The Marathon’s[/i] firing pits, huge holes in the ground, dug with three tunnels leading in different directions. One heading West with a large railway to accommodate The Marathon and a similar one heading East. Another subterranean tunnel came from the North with a dirt road constructed for ammunition transport. But it wasn’t ammunition vehicles heading towards him, it was a quartet of Half-Track tanks with Heavy Machineguns bolted onto their hulls. They didn’t get a chance to fire. The Mech hefted it’s arms, and the two chain guns on each arm began to take them down. Rapid pelts of bullets rained down on the slowly advancing tanks, and their paper thin armour was torn apart in seconds, each one detonating as bullets ground through them, setting off ammunition, petrol or both. With the immediate threat out of the way, the walking tank turned to find the [i]real[/i] target. A truck filled with shells the size of houses next to the hulking Marathon, a pile of rail stock, there it was. The walker broke out into a run as it spotted around a dozen figures trying to sneak away, and they looked suspiciously like Undergroundican staff officers. One in particular looked like General Guscon. But a buzzing filled the area and suddenly, a Helicopter Gunship burst over a side of the firing pit, blasting immediately with everything it had. The Mech shrugged off the blaze of gunfire as though it were light rain, and brought the flying machine down in a return salvo. As the Helicopter fell, the Mech jumped up, landing before the fleeing party of Undergroundicans, and mowing them down, rendering the defenceless enemy into lumps of bloody meat and tatters of clothes. To finish the job, the pilot whipped the seemingly invulnerable walker around and charged up the wonder weapon. As if from nowhere, blue dots of light began to appear around the gun muzzle weapon. The Mech planted its feet firmly, and steadied itself as the blue dots were sucked into the gun itself. The temperature of the barrel soared, and the circular cooling device hissed superheated steam as it tried to keep up with the heat, if the weapon grew too hot, it would fuse and explode, not something that should be allowed to happen. With a blinding flash like a star exploding, the weapon discharged, and a crackling blue stream of energy scythed across the barrel of The Marathon, cutting it off entirely. The pilot changed the angle, and the beam vaporised a pack of terrified crewmen. The pilot turned the weapon slightly, and touched off a truckload of highly explosive shells. The entire area shook as though an Earthquake had arrived, and the shells exploded simultaneously, throwing lighter objects, humans and debris into the air. Feet planted firmly, the mech simply rode out the blast, and watched with satisfaction as [i]The Marathon[/i] was lifted off it’s tracks for a moment and crashed on its side with a screech of torn metal. Behind his gas mask, Corbec smiled at the destruction. “Mission Accomplished.” [Edited on 10/14/2006]
#Offtopic #Flood

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  • Yeah alright.

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  • As much as I enjoy mocking the pikey nation out there, I think we should stop before this wonderful amount of hard work you've done gets locked...

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  • U startin'?! You want sum?!

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  • Init tho'!

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  • Woteva bruv.

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  • I'm being a yobbish englishman.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] js2096 WORK DAMMIT.[/quote] If you do insist on being belligerent, then please sound like the Englishman you're supposed to be. So say, "Oh bloody hell, this is taking forever!" rather than "This Goddamn Story is taking forever damnit!"

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  • Well come on then. Lets get the rest of this out in the open. WORK DAMMIT. This has nothing to do with the fact that I really want to know how the story ends...

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  • Yes. I do.

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  • Ooh, I like where this is going. Do you seriously have plans for a flood 5?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Pyroshark This is going to turn Matrix-y, I just know it! Damn, I wish now that I [i]was[/i] the one to be injected... -Pyroshark-[/quote] I have plans for the Flood 5 involving you and medical equipment if that makes you feel any better.

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  • This is going to turn Matrix-y, I just know it! Damn, I wish now that I [i]was[/i] the one to be injected... -Pyroshark-

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  • [b]The Hive.[/b] Hundreds of Thousands of people slaved away inside the hive, microscopic nanites permanently updating them with new orders and positions were they could best serve the Grizzled Ancients. They ferried ammunition to vast numbers of artillery pieces all along the peripheral edges of the hive or to dozens of Flak batteries overlooking the surrounding area. There were seven-year-olds hefting welders and making repairs to damaged equipment, elderly men and women thrown into uniform and ordered to patrol, despite the frail nature of their aging bodies. There were boys and girls that had barely made into puberty holding guns as big as they were. Even pregnant women didn’t evade the call of duty. Some in the early phases served like the rest, but others were held in infirmaries where they were filled with drugs designed to make them give birth quicker to plentiful numbers of stronger, tougher children. This was a zealot mindset, one of insanity and cruelty, no one had escaped conscription. “That was amazing!” Corbec exclaimed. “Tell me about it! I pity any poor sod who missed out on that exciting adventure!” Sally replied. “I honestly had no idea that you cold get into the Hive this way.” Mc Lees admitted. “Or that Llamas could fly that high, even with the aid of explosives.” He went on to say. “My favourite part was when the Moose came through the window… Or with the Skoda…” Pyroshark explained, laughing at the top of his lungs. “That poor car. Never stood a chance really.” JS said, Sol 249 patted him on the back to cheer him up. The team filed out of a storage cupboard deep within the bowels of The Hive, all of them wearing plastic Cowboy hats over their Kevlar Helmets. “I’ve so got to write a book about that sometime.” Corbec said to himself, tearing off the hat. “Where to now?” Pyroshark asked Mc Lees. The team, or what was left of it as they tore off their cowboy hats, was standing in a poorly lit Storage bay, filled to capacity with equipment either lying around loose or boxed away in various types of crate or barrel. No one else was around them. “Well, first of all I need to find an Aquinas Router, there are several throughout the hive and they serve as information centres, relaying orders and data remotely to the Puppets. If we somehow get into one, we can find out where the rest of the Grizzled Ancients are hiding out.” Mc Lees replied. They made their way to a wide door about as tall as two fully grown humans and the same lengthways. They tentatively made their way through and moved on. They were in a sparsely populated service corridor, a large passage with gantries above it and a pair of rail tracks built into the floor. “We need to go up.” Mc Lees whispered, pointing up at the gantries. Staying in the shadows, they made their way to an empty ramp connected to a gantry that led over the track to the other side. As they passed over the track, a tram towed a giant 203mm Howitzer past on a flatbed attached to the back. They waited for it to pass. “So, how did you get this done?” Pyroshark asked Mc Lees quietly. “It’s amazing the things you can do when you have several countries all piling their economies into the war effort, with every man, woman and child working as hard as they can for their war machine.” Mc Lees said. “You almost sound proud of what you’ve done.” “Me? No. but there are others who are proud of this.” Mc Lees shook his head. “Come on. This way.” Mc Lees led them through the shadows and rarely-used areas towards the nearest Aquinas Router. On the way they saw five-year-olds in target practice, enough artillery pieces to raze an entire city to the ground, entire squadrons of helicopters refuelling and arming up, people of every generation working as hard as they could and not stopping for casualties. This was beyond Total War, where an entire economy was geared towards helping the war effort. The team spotted children in hospitals having mechanical limbs sutured to their bodies to replace ones lost in accidents, and helpless people being caught and mangled under heavy machinery, only to continue working until being ordered to move on. A particularly unnerving element of their slavery was how they showed no emotion, no pain when a hand was caught in an autoloader, no pleasure in completing a job, nothing. That and they remained totally silent. Mc Lees explained that all orders and replies were sent via their nanites and the Aquinas Routers, so no vocal conversation was required. At long last, they reached the local Router. The automatic door retracted into the wall as they approached, and they could see banks of computers lining the metal walls of a dome-shaped room and four people lying at a 45 degree angle on strange beds surrounding a constantly changing holographic globe. No others were present. They crept in. The beds weren’t beds at all it seemed upon close inspection. They were metal, form-fitting tables with restraints to hold the user in place, various cables and wires snaked down from the table to the floor. “What is that?” JS had bent down and inspected the tables and their occupants a little too closely. “What is it?” Corbec asked, going straight over. “There’s something on the back of their heads.” JS said, pointing out a strange metallic circle at the point where their necks met with the base of their skull. “That? That’s the jack-in port.” Mc Lees interrupted, and turned around so that the assembled Floodians could see the back of his neck, he too had one of these jack-in ports. “Well, we don’t exactly have any of those in case you haven’t noticed.” Sally said sardonically, looking up from the prone person she had been poking carelessly. “And that is where I can help.” Mc Lees replied. He walked to one of the computers around the room and tapped away at the keyboard. A panel opened up, and inside were neatly lined rows of injectors filled with a clear liquid. He removed one and held it up for all to see. “A concentrated Nanite solution. Inject it into the bloodstream, and it will convert a small amount of fat reserves into the jack-in port. You’ll only feel a small amount of pain and the construction is almost instantaneous. Who wants to be injected?” “I think he should go in. He already has a jack-in port.” JS said straight away, pointing at Mc Lees. “Nonsense, he could be working for the Grizzled Ancients and just alert them about us! We should send in Pyroshark, he’s expendable!” Sally shouted. “Hey, hold up! If you’re so eager to volunteer me, how about you do it?!” Pyroshark spat back. “Are you kidding!? She’s royalty!” JS exclaimed, not mentioning his secret suspicion of Sally’s betrayal. As the others descended into an argument, a jet-black fatigue sleeve was rolled up and the needle jabbed into an arm. A man bit back the pain, experiencing the strangest feeling as a small ring of metal built itself up on the back of his head. Whilst Sally swung back her arm to reach out and slap Pyroshark for his impertinence, one of the current occupants of a table was knocked unconscious, disconnected and rolled off the table. As JS stopped Sally from slapping Pyroshark, the man settled down onto the table and let the cables and wires be connected to the port. Mc Lees flicked a switch and the process was complete. “It is done.” Mc Lees announced. Pyroshark glanced up from a narrowly avoided slap around the chops, Sally stopped her hand mere centimetres from Pyroshark’s face, and Sol and JS looked away from their attempts to restrain Sally. “He’s gone into the system.” Mc Lees finished, making a gesture to Corbec, Emperor of Flood Land. He was lying on one of a tables, a multitude of wires plugged into the back of his head.

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  • Last Friday was awesome. Since it was the last day, my tutor brought in his 360 and I brought Halo 2. A bunch of Year 8s volunteered to play and I owned them all on this giant digital OHP. Never before has the sound of screaming children been so much fun. The only downside is that we were blowing things up in Chemistry with our local mad scientist teacher when he ignited a pile of magnesium based chemcials, forgetting to tell everyone to look away. As a result, everyone in the class now has a purple/green smudge on their eyesight (permanent, but it's faded.) And all the hairs of our teacher's hand burnt off.

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  • Nah, I'm not off yet, but I've only got Monday and Tuesday to go. God only knows why, as I'm positive we're not actually going to [i]learn[/i] or [i]study[/i] anything, but if it's anything like my English class last Friday then those 2 days will consist of videos and Mars bars. Not much to complain about, other than school uniform. =) -Pyroshark-

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  • You didn't get crushed by Money Marine mountain, the Grizzled Ancients got you out in time. All that happened to you was you had an arm shot off by Shishka back in Government House. I did explain that in the Flood 3. Anyway, my little sister wants the PC, so I'll have to sign off for a while. the next chapter is pretty big. Anyway, have you broken up for school yet? I have.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Colonel Corbec [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Pyroshark [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Colonel Corbec [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Pyroshark So, a bunch of ragtag, battered and severely-reduced Floodians decide to take on a Big Huge Evil Spire Thing O' Doom™. This is going to be [i]goooood[/i]... -Pyroshark- EDIT: Night + my spelling abilities = [b]BAD[/b][/quote] Relax, they've got me with them, they'll be safe. [/quote] ...So, how many times am I going to get shot, by you or otherwise? -Pyroshark-[/quote] Well. Hmmm. I don't know, but let me just go over a list of your injuries for the hell of it. 1. Thrown at high speed from car bonnet. 2. Loss of an entire arm to Shiska. 3. Death at the hands of an Undergroundican. 4. Electrical torture at the hands of Sally Sabar. 5. Several knocks, scrapes and bruises just from clumsiness. 6. Truck crash. Who knows what else awaits Pyroshark?[/quote] Let's not forget being crushed by Money Marine Mountain. I'm sure that rates pretty high on my injury list. -Pyroshark- [Edited on 12/17/2006]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Pyroshark [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Colonel Corbec [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Pyroshark So, a bunch of ragtag, battered and severely-reduced Floodians decide to take on a Big Huge Evil Spire Thing O' Doom™. This is going to be [i]goooood[/i]... -Pyroshark- EDIT: Night + my spelling abilities = [b]BAD[/b][/quote] Relax, they've got me with them, they'll be safe. [/quote] ...So, how many times am I going to get shot, by you or otherwise? -Pyroshark-[/quote] Well. Hmmm. I don't know, but let me just go over a list of your injuries for the hell of it. 1. Thrown at high speed from car bonnet. 2. Loss of an entire arm to Shiska. 3. Death at the hands of an Undergroundican. 4. Electrical torture at the hands of Sally Sabar. 5. Several knocks, scrapes and bruises just from clumsiness. 6. Truck crash. Who knows what else awaits Pyroshark?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Colonel Corbec [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Pyroshark So, a bunch of ragtag, battered and severely-reduced Floodians decide to take on a Big Huge Evil Spire Thing O' Doom™. This is going to be [i]goooood[/i]... -Pyroshark- EDIT: Night + my spelling abilities = [b]BAD[/b][/quote] Relax, they've got me with them, they'll be safe. [/quote] ...So, how many times am I going to get shot, by you or otherwise? -Pyroshark-

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Pyroshark So, a bunch of ragtag, battered and severely-reduced Floodians decide to take on a Big Huge Evil Spire Thing O' Doom™. This is going to be [i]goooood[/i]... -Pyroshark- EDIT: Night + my spelling abilities = [b]BAD[/b][/quote] Relax, they've got me with them, they'll be safe.

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  • Pretty cool... :) *hugs hugs hugs*

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  • So, a bunch of ragtag, battered and severely-reduced Floodians decide to take on a Big Huge Evil Spire Thing O' Doom™. This is going to be [i]goooood[/i]... -Pyroshark- EDIT: Night + my spelling abilities = [b]BAD[/b] [Edited on 12/16/2006]

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  • shhhhh... just die from here and go to a (story-like) site instead...

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  • Meh, contact is sufficient.

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  • Luckily, I did manage to get onto a PC, but it isn't the one with all my story on it, so while I can talk to you lot, I can't write anything.

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  • Behold, I've had a name change! But that was a good one. Keep it comin.

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