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9/29/2006 12:43:41 AM

Humpday: Bungie Offspring

Bungie’s been frantically searching for opponents we can beat in order to raise our morale. This week, we finally found our match: Bungie's children! That’s right, Bungie beats its own children.

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  • The sacry thing is - literally half an hour before reading this - I played with PurePandemonium at a Deathmatch on DOOM. :S I beat him at it, but I did it with empathy. Nice Humpday, fellas!

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  • wow, that last game 46 to 50!!!!! thats crazy!!!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] pmaster_2001 You know what this humpday makes me think? How remarkably quick kids are at picking up hand-eye coordination with gaming these days. I mean just the other day I brought my 360 over to a buddies house to go through COD2 on his HDTV. His curious kid brother came up and gave it a try, and it was pretty clear he had never played games much before (walking into walls, getting stuck looking at the floor/sky). My buddy and I went off for a few hours to try and organise a group via the phone/internet to go out that night, and when we came back his little brother was owning. Everything and anything. You would have never guessed it was like his 2nd time playing on a 360. Don't underestimate those kids... lol.[/quote] Well, it's a proven fact that the younger the mind, the quicker it can respond. And it can also absorb more information at a faster rate. Especially if the child "likes" waht he/she is doing. It's not surprising me that children can grasp the concepts of anything quicker than adults or older children can, it is still amazing to think about it though, i know what your talking about, I have 5 nephews and a niece. and Bungie has Proven that Beating you children every once and a while is a good thing and really not abusive, as long as it's once in a while!

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  • You know what this humpday makes me think? How remarkably quick kids are at picking up hand-eye coordination with gaming these days. I mean just the other day I brought my 360 over to a buddies house to go through COD2 on his HDTV. His curious kid brother came up and gave it a try, and it was pretty clear he had never played games much before (walking into walls, getting stuck looking at the floor/sky). My buddy and I went off for a few hours to try and organise a group via the phone/internet to go out that night, and when we came back his little brother was owning. Everything and anything. You would have never guessed it was like his 2nd time playing on a 360. Don't underestimate those kids... lol.

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  • Well, i guess unlike 90% of the parents who don't pay attention to their "Chocolate Milk" kids on XBL, It's good to see Bungie gives their children some attention atleast every once in a while. I feel the world has about 4 more unlikely kids that will eventually shoot up their schools with automatic weapons one day........ Thank you for playing with your children. BTW- No matter what, you will never be able to kick your own parents ass.....EVER!!! and Bungie has proven that! Let this be a lesson to all the children. [Edited on 9/29/2006]

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  • Man, kids are evil.

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  • Well you see... I know a guy just like you guys, his name is Big Dave. When Big Dave busts out with his xbox( I mean when he uses one of my many xbox's) he plays Halo 2 matches against my nephews and my little 8 year old brothers. When he wins he laughs hysterically and after hes done laughing he talks to me about how much he owns at Halo 2 and that he soo uBer PwnZ0rZzz at killing people 20 years younger then him... Later after "pwnZoringzz" my little brothers or nephews he tells me he wants to play Halo 2 1v1 against me, because I tell him he sucks at Halo 2 and that he should just sit in a corner and stick himself with plasma grenades because thats the best he will ever do. So then we 1v1 and I kill him over and over again with the so called n00bZzz weapons( smg, plasma rife, magnum, battle rifle, carbine... every gun...). After atleast 2 matches or so he quits because I was "cheap".

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  • bungie has to stoop so low as to take on kids! lol come on. if u wanted to get ur morales up just play matchmaking

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  • Does anyone really care? These humpday challeges are always so....not worth the time. Its always someone they've known for years. The whole humpday challenge has lost its luster a long time ago.

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  • ya know, if you want to beat easy people, just play me and my friends. X3

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  • I suggest that the next Bungie Humpday should be agianst their parents. Or just some random old people. Bungie vs. Team Senior Citizens

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  • WOW! I still reckon bungie was modding though

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Evil Otto [quote]if i misread... you played against 10 year olds?[/quote] Yes, you misread. "Originally, I suggested an age-limit of 10 or under, but in the end we ended up with worthy adversaries, exactly where we didn’t want to be." The Offspring attend college and high school. There was a fourth, but he was a no-show. I hope his father has a nice, sit-down chat about not playing his videogames when he's supposed to. :P[/quote] I feel SO much better! I can once again breathe a sigh of relief and say "Bungie, you rock (again!)" :)

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  • [quote]if i misread... you played against 10 year olds?[/quote] Yes, you misread. "Originally, I suggested an age-limit of 10 or under, but in the end we ended up with worthy adversaries, exactly where we didn’t want to be." The Offspring attend college and high school. There was a fourth, but he was a no-show. I hope his father has a nice, sit-down chat about not playing his videogames when he's supposed to. :P

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  • offtopic question but is that game halo wars really a game for the 360

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  • You'd think at least the sons of Bungie would be good at this game ;P What exactly is the criteria for a humpday? I've got a team of under 18, but mature gamers who wouldn't mind a match.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Myth Matt Wasnt Halo 2 a game rated 16+ ESRB? if i misread... you played against 10 year olds? More 1 Flag on Zanzibar! =D [/quote] I didn't see where the actual ages were mentioned, but I was thinking pretty much the same thing. Actually, Halo has an ESRB rating of M for Mature (17+). I'm certainly hoping that their "kids" were old enough to play. Those ESRB ratings are there for a reason, but it doesn't seem like it's enforced. I have seen really young kids going in to game stores buying Halo and stores are not supposed to sell M rated games to persons under 17. I have played in matchmaking where there are really young kids playing and it sickens me that their parents don't pay any attention to the ratings of the game and just sit little Johnny in front of an XBox unsupervised for hours with a mature rated game.

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  • Yeah I know, but i'm 13 and I play it

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  • Bungie I'm bored on the forum talk to me someone, anyone, even if your'e a sex craved pervert, i'm British talk

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  • Wasnt Halo 2 a game rated 16+ ESRB? if i misread... you played against 10 year olds? More 1 Flag on Zanzibar! =D

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  • ok i've scared everyone away, talk damn you talk

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  • Anyway if anyone would care to answer me, yesterday I posted on it says that Halo 3 is coming out on the 24.11.07, is this true Post back Bungie [Edited on 9/29/2006]

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  • Ha, they would of owned you if my bro was on their team, about 50 46 to little kids. But still good game you tight people.In Britain thats probably counted as child abuse since Maggie Thatcher came

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  • What KP forgot to mention was that there was actually 4 games played in the hump day challenge. The very first game he did not mention was on turf and it was a 3 on 4 game and Bungie actually got beat 50 to 35!! Hmmmm whats up with that KP??? Just click on one of the opponents name and you can see what games they played. Proof is there for the world to see......Grrrrrrrrr. Now please dont ban me for revealing to everyone that Bungie got owned again. :0)

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  • Join this group, this has no relevance to the bungie humpday! [url=]SPARTANS ALLIANCE[/url]

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  • Im glad you got your morale up KP, wait till next week :)

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