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5/9/2012 6:59:28 PM

Mail Call! Answer the letters Bungie wrote to you.

The names of the brave developers who wrote you these letters have been withheld. All will be revealed later. You will all see each other's answers. We need to leave something to mystery. For now, answer these questions. You don't have to answer all of them. In fact, I would recommend that you do not. Choose the queries that speak to you the most - the ones for which you have the best answers. This is not a test, although you should quote the questions that you are answering (please don't make me wonder how to match your words with ours). [b][u]You may reply to this thread once![/u][/b] Let's open the Sack... What good books (besides the Halo novels) have you been reading lately that you would recommend? When you aren't playing Halo or dreaming about what we're concocting, what do you do for fun? What was your 2011 game of the year? What's your most memorable story moment from any game you've played, ever, and why? Has playing a game narrative (story, characters, etc.) ever caused you to cry? Why you gotta be like that? Choose one. Explain your choice. [img][/img] Kirk or Picard? And why? Reach deep now. Why do you play games? Favorite Pen & Paper RPG, and why? What was your first game system, and what was your favorite game on that system? If we built the stadium, would you enter a real world Grifball tournament? In your opinion, what's the best video game system of all time? Who is your best and worst villain? Can you sing the theme to Sea Hunt without cheating on the Intertubes? (upload video proof - link it here) What was your favorite non-Halo Bungie game, and why?

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  • [quote]What was your 2011 game of the year?[/quote]Assassin's Creed: Revelations. It was a great way to close the story of Altair and Ezio, yet still set up the next game. [quote]What was your first game system, and what was your favorite game on that system?[/quote]Sega Master System. Sonic The Hedgehog. [quote]What was your favorite non-Halo Bungie game, and why?[/quote] Marathon (the series in general). Partly because it is the only other one I have played, and partly because the story is pretty cool (and confusing). [Edited on 05.09.2012 2:20 PM PDT]

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  • [quote]What was your first game system, and what was your favorite game on that system?[/quote] The first PlayStation. My favorite game (and the first game I ever owned) was Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back. I still play it to this day. [quote]If we built the stadium, would you enter a real world Grifball tournament?[/quote] Only if you'll allow me to respawn. Don't blame Stosh if I can't. [Edited on 05.09.2012 11:49 AM PDT]

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  • [quote] What good books (besides the Halo novels) have you been reading lately that you would recommend?[/quote] I own over 1000 books, so forgive me if I find it difficult to narrow this down. An underappreciated gem that springs to mind from my overcrowded library is [i]The Secret Adversary[/i] by Agatha Christie. If you're looking for a lighthearted read with a great story, I would suggest the [i]Percy Jackson and the Olympians[/i] series by Rick Riordan. It's considered young adult fiction, but it has a good amount of depth to it. [quote]When you aren't playing Halo or dreaming about what we're concocting, what do you do for fun?[/quote] Besides read? I'm an executive editor for a gaming website, which gives me an amazing opportunity to combine not one, not two, but three of my greatest passions. I eagerly await the day I can report to all the internet the announcement of Bungie's next great universe. [quote]What was your 2011 game of the year?[/quote] It's a close call between Uncharted 3 and Skyward Sword, but as a long time Zelda fan I feel compelled to choose the latter. [quote]Has playing a game narrative (story, characters, etc.) ever caused you to cry?[/quote] A little bit. And it's your fault, Bungie. Why did Johnson have to die? His death was so *sniff* tragically pointless, man! [quote]Kirk or Picard? And why?[/quote] Picard. He has all the bravado and daring that Kirk had without the cockiness. He was an able strategist, a wise leader, and showed great strength among comrades and greater strength alone. Plus he still got plenty of action. [quote]If we built the stadium, would you enter a real world Grifball tournament?[/quote] And give you the satisfaction of the ass kicking you've always wanted to give me? Never. [quote]Who is your best and worst villain?[/quote] The Darkness. No... not the video game. You know what darkness I'm talking about. [quote]What was your favorite non-Halo Bungie game, and why? [/quote] Spartain Ken will probably sit pondering this query for hours and be unable to reach a decision. As for me, however, Marathon. The eerie corridors of the besieged ship. The story that slowly pieces itself together in the player's mind. The aliens who pop out of nowhere and scare the living daylights out of you. Great stuff.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeeJ Has playing a game narrative (story, characters, etc.) ever caused you to cry? [/quote] Yes.  When I was playing Gears of War 3 and it got to the point of Dom dying, I admit that a tear found its way onto my cheek. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeeJ Why you gotta be like that? [/quote] Why you gotta keep us in the dark? This works both ways...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeeJ What was your favorite non-Halo Bungie game, and why? [/quote]Marathon: Durandal. Colourful and interesting throughout.

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  • [quote]Q: What good books (besides the Halo novels) have you been reading lately that you would recommend?[/quote] A: Death Note - Manga are books too! [quote]Q: Kirk or Picard? And why?[/quote] A: Picard, no competition. A facepalming, tea loving Patrick Stewart summarises everything that is good about Star Trek - and therefore the world. [quote]Q: Who is your best and worst villain?[/quote] [b]Best:[/b] Mr Freeze. The only villain I've ever really felt anything other than hate for. His entire life has just been tragedy after tragedy, he's less of a villain and more of an anti-hero - you can actually sympathise about his futile struggle to save his beloved wife. I, personally, can really relate to him, as I too was involved in a cryogenics accident that left me a sub-zero freeze monster... [b]Worst:[/b] King Cobra (Batman No.139, April 1961). He's just a guy...dressed as a cobra...*sigh* He's not even mentally unstable or anything!

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  • [quote]What was your 2011 game of the year?[/quote] For me, it would definitely be Skyrim. The vast environments the player can explore is staggering. Hell, I'm still finding places there I never even knew existed. [quote]What's your most memorable story moment from any game you've played, ever, and why?[/quote] For me, it would be the Flood's introduction in Halo: CE back in 2001. After fighting the Covenant for so many levels, it was completely unreal when a new and more terrifying enemy was introduced to the game. It completely changed the playing field, and I still feel like it is once of the best moments in gaming history. [quote]Who is your best and worst villain?[/quote] My favorite villain would be the Master from Doctor Who. A man who can change his form and is as timeless as the show itself. My worst villain would be Bowser. How hard is it to kill an Italian plumber? Seriously? [quote]If we built the stadium, would you enter a real world Grifball tournament?[/quote] Only if [url=]Jerome[/url] can be on my team.

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  • [quote]Kirk or Picard? And why?[/quote] The answer is obviously Kirk. Why? Because Kirk kicks more alien ass and gets more attractive women. [quote]If we built the stadium, would you enter a real world Grifball tournament?[/quote] Yes, but only if you would let me use my real world hacks.

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    [b]What was your 2011 game of the year?[/b] Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I got way more play time out of Skyrim, but Skyrim was pretty much exactly what I expected it to be. There were no surprises, and not many "wow" moments, just a lot of, "all right, that moment exactly met my expectations or exceeded them slightly." As a fan of the first two Deus Ex games, I felt that game did an excellent job of capturing the feel of its predecessors, yet keeping things fresh as well. That's something fewer and fewer series manage to do any more. They either feel like a totally new game or feel like another regurgitation of the same game they released the year before. [b]What's your most memorable story moment from any game you've played, ever, and why?[/b] I don't know if this counts as a story moment or not, but when I fired up Mass Effect 2 and it showed a summary of all the decisions I'd made in Mass Effect. That kinda blew my mind because I hadn't been following the hype for the game, so I didn't know they were linking the games quite like that, but I liked it! [b]Has playing a game narrative (story, characters, etc.) ever caused you to cry?[/b] At the end of Final Fantasy X, when *SPOILERS* Tidus was revealed to be a dream, and Auron had to be sent. Both were hinted at a few times throughout the game, but it really hit home in those moments. [b]Why you gotta be like that?[/b] Assuming you mean the inordinate happiness, that's probably to be blamed on an attractive, Italian bridesmaid from the wedding I was Best Man in on Saturday. [b]Choose one. Explain your choice.[/b] [Image Removed] Between the "image" and the "removed" I'm going to go with "image". "Removed" just sounds so negative, but your image is what you make of it. [b]Favorite Pen & Paper RPG, and why?[/b] D&D 4th edition as a Dragonborn Runepriest. Wizards of the Coast always does such an excellent job of establishing their fantasy flavor, yet allowing you to play it how you like it. I've also had some very talented DMs to run that game, which is a must, and quite a group of PCs to work with, each with distinct personalities who really get into the game. Not in that freaky LARPer way, though. [b]If we built the stadium, would you enter a real world Grifball tournament?[/b] Hell no. But I'd build a plant to manufacture the balls, since you're going to go through at least three a game and high explosives tend to also be high profit margin. Not that I'd know. This is gonna get me on some FBI watch list, isn't it? [b]Who is your best and worst villain?[/b] My worst villain is that sniper over there becau-

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  • [b]What good books (besides the Halo novels) have you been reading lately that you would recommend? [/b] Angels of Darkness, it's a Warhammer 40,000 novel written by my favorite author Gav Thorpe. [b]When you aren't playing Halo or dreaming about what we're concocting, what do you do for fun?[/b] I play Skyirm, and sometimes [i]I go outside[/i]. [b]What was your 2011 game of the year?[/b] The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. There's no debate. The game also got me into The Elder Scrolls. [b]What's your most memorable story moment from any game you've played, ever, and why?[/b] Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots ending. The story developed perfectly and it offered all the answers I was waiting for as a fan, all the characters came back or at least were mentioned. I teared when the game finished. I think it's one of the few masterpieces when it comes to storyline out there. [b]Has playing a game narrative (story, characters, etc.) ever caused you to cry?[/b] Check the previous answer. [b]Why you gotta be like that?[/b] Gotta be like wut? [b]Choose one. Explain your choice.[/b] Blue one. It's 2 AM and some guy wearing sunglasses in deep night in a dark room is talking about cryptic stuff. I just wanna sleep. [b]Kirk or Picard? And why?[/b] Picard. My mother is a trekkie and when I was young I saw all the originals, ds9 and etc. I always prefer the original series, and also Picard has an epic facepalm. [b]Reach deep now. Why do you play games? [/b] It started as a hobby when I was really young playing games on my Amiga Commodore that my parents didn't use anymore. Soon enough I got the original PlayStation and I never looked back. [b]Favorite Pen & Paper RPG, and why?[/b] Dungeons & Dragons, it's the basic RPG and if you know what you are doing then you can create games which will last for months. [b]What was your first game system, and what was your favorite game on that system?[/b] Amiga Commodore, and I would say [url=]Prince of Persia[/url]. [b]If we built the stadium, would you enter a real world Grifball tournament?[/b] Actually Grifball never appealed to me, but if that helps; sports never appealed to me. [b]In your opinion, what's the best video game system of all time?[/b] The PlayStation 2. It paved the revolution with video game platforms. Hundreds, thousands of games were released for that system and people still purchase it, buy games and also it has a strong hacking community. It's impressive that even ten years after release few games are still released for that platform. [b]Who is your best and worst villain?[/b] Best: Chaos gods from Warhammer 40,000 Worst: Any villain that misses the chance to kill the hero. [b]What was your favorite non-Halo Bungie game, and why?[/b] Oni. I love the idea of a sci-fi action game where you can go and punch all the people and in the same time play as Konoko. [Edited on 05.09.2012 11:33 AM PDT]

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  • My 2011 game of the was certainly Skyrim, abosolutely my favorite game, and my biggest hobby is storm chasing during the spring and summer months wich I've been doing for the past eight years now. The best gaming console IMO was the N64, it had a great library of games. [Edited on 05.09.2012 11:11 AM PDT]

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  • [quote]What good books (besides the Halo novels) have you been reading lately that you would recommend? [/quote] "Altered Carbon" by Richard Morgan. Currently re-reading that series. I also can't suggest the Ender's Game series enough, I think people that like Halo would like that universe. [quote]When you aren't playing Halo or dreaming about what we're concocting, what do you do for fun?[/quote] Playing League of Legends with some friends, pick up basketball games, jam out a little with my roommates in our "miniband." [quote]Why you gotta be like that?[/quote] Cause they don't think it be like it is, but it do. [quote]Reach deep now. Why do you play games?[/quote] To have a good time and socialize with my friends. I'm also pretty competitive so when sports are out of the question, gaming is an awesome alternative. [quote]What was your first game system, and what was your favorite game on that system?[/quote] The first console that me and my brothers actually owned was a PlayStation2 and the first game we had was Turok Evolution. It's remains the reason that I play on inverted in FPS games. My favorite game on the PS2 would probably be Kinetica though. [quote]If we built the stadium, would you enter a real world Grifball tournament?[/quote] Hell. Yes. [quote]In your opinion, what's the best video game system of all time?[/quote] The Gameboy Color. [Edited on 05.09.2012 3:57 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeeJ When you aren't playing Halo or dreaming about what we're concocting, what do you do for fun?[/quote] I wrestle for my college, and I work at a movie theater at home. [quote]In your opinion, what's the best video game system of all time?[/quote] The Nintendo 64. I really love what the Xbox can do, but in terms of sheer fun, the 64 takes it. Playing Namco Museum against my dad, playing Star Fox 64 against my friends, I would love to have that back. [quote]Who is your best and worst villain?[/quote] My best - Everyone I've wrestled against (if that counts). My worst? Andross. That guy's a dick. And I don't mean the easy robot one who takes 30 seconds to beat - I mean the one where you have to fight Wolf's crew first. [quote]What was your favorite non-Halo Bungie game, and why?[/quote] Marathon. I played that game at my friend's house for hours. [quote]Reach deep now. Why do you play games? [/quote] I play games for fun. When I don't have anything else to do, I put in a game, and I play. Yes, winning is fun, but I'll take a close match that keeps me on the edge of my seat over a match where I shut out the the other team any day. [Edited on 05.09.2012 11:11 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeeJ The names of the brave developers who wrote you these letters have been withheld. All will be revealed later. [/quote] Inb4 that becomes the mail sack challenge. [quote]Reach deep now. Why do you play games? [/quote] Because I have nothing better to do. My question: [b]What will happen if I reply to this more than once?[/b]

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  • [quote]Choose one. Explain your choice.[/quote] I choose blue pill! Because the blue pill doesn't steal my headlight fluid... [Edited on 05.09.2012 11:12 AM PDT]

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  • [quote]Who is your best and worst villain?[/quote] Best = Ivan Ooze from the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie, that guy had serious style, he was funny too. Worst = the ones that always lose. [quote]What was your first game system, and what was your favorite game on that system?[/quote] [b]Playstation 1 - Duke Nukem : Time to Kill.[/b] I was 3 and that's probably why I couldn't get past the first level :( [quote]Why you gotta be like that?[/quote] Don't hate the player, hate the game. [Edited on 05.09.2012 11:59 AM PDT]

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