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5/9/2012 6:59:28 PM

Mail Call! Answer the letters Bungie wrote to you.

The names of the brave developers who wrote you these letters have been withheld. All will be revealed later. You will all see each other's answers. We need to leave something to mystery. For now, answer these questions. You don't have to answer all of them. In fact, I would recommend that you do not. Choose the queries that speak to you the most - the ones for which you have the best answers. This is not a test, although you should quote the questions that you are answering (please don't make me wonder how to match your words with ours). [b][u]You may reply to this thread once![/u][/b] Let's open the Sack... What good books (besides the Halo novels) have you been reading lately that you would recommend? When you aren't playing Halo or dreaming about what we're concocting, what do you do for fun? What was your 2011 game of the year? What's your most memorable story moment from any game you've played, ever, and why? Has playing a game narrative (story, characters, etc.) ever caused you to cry? Why you gotta be like that? Choose one. Explain your choice. [img][/img] Kirk or Picard? And why? Reach deep now. Why do you play games? Favorite Pen & Paper RPG, and why? What was your first game system, and what was your favorite game on that system? If we built the stadium, would you enter a real world Grifball tournament? In your opinion, what's the best video game system of all time? Who is your best and worst villain? Can you sing the theme to Sea Hunt without cheating on the Intertubes? (upload video proof - link it here) What was your favorite non-Halo Bungie game, and why?

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  • [quote]What good books (besides the Halo novels) have you been reading lately that you would recommend?[/quote] In The Name Of God by G.H. Guarch. Fantastic historical novel about how the radicalization of islam took place. [quote]When you aren't playing Halo or dreaming about what we're concocting, what do you do for fun?[/quote] I bodyboard. Which makes me special because I'm the only person who bodyboards here on [quote]What was your 2011 game of the year?[/quote] [url=]This no doubt[/url] [quote]What's your most memorable story moment from any game you've played, ever, and why?[/quote] Me and a friend on Citadel in Halo 3 took on a 2 vs 6 match and one. Two of the opposing team members quit during the match because we were winning. That or clean dodging a spartan laser with a Banshee by rolling. [quote]Has playing a game narrative (story, characters, etc.) ever caused you to cry?[/quote] No. But the most emotional would be the mid cutscene of Cortana in Halo 3 where Chief got to Cortana. Also the ending of Bioshock 2. Loved it. The music was amazing in both scenes. [quote]Why you gotta be like that?[/quote] Because I'm a hardass and I'm not afraid of nothing. [quote]Choose one. Explain your choice.[/quote] Blue. [i]Because Stosh[/i]. [quote]Kirk or Picard? And why?[/quote] Columbus because he made his crew eat the ships ropes before discovering america. [quote]Reach deep now. Why do you play games? [/quote] Because some of them are better than most movies, and have better music than most artists. They allow you to lose yourself in worlds that could never exist. They bring out that child part in us that we lose with time. [quote]Favorite Pen & Paper RPG, and why?[/quote] wat [quote]What was your first game system, and what was your favorite game on that system?[/quote] That I can remember, the SNES (which I still have and play). I'd have to say... Super Mario World. [quote]If we built the stadium, would you enter a real world Grifball tournament?[/quote] Not until you guys fix the grav hammer and make it fair. [quote]In your opinion, what's the best video game system of all time?[/quote] I'd probably go with the Gamecube or the Gameboy Color. [quote]Who is your best and worst villain?[/quote] I'm 12 and what is this [quote]Can you sing the theme to Sea Hunt without cheating on the Intertubes? (upload video proof - link it here)[/quote] Lolno [quote]What was your favorite non-Halo Bungie game, and why?[/url] Warthog Launch. Does that count as non Halo?

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  • [quote]What good books (besides the Halo novels) have you been reading lately that you would recommend?[/quote] Ben-Hur Robinson Crusoe [quote]When you aren't playing Halo or dreaming about what we're concocting, what do you do for fun?[/quote] Play other games. [quote]What was your 2011 game of the year?[/quote] Skyrim [quote]What's your most memorable story moment from any game you've played, ever, and why?[/quote] I've played a ton of awesome games over the years, and the one that I am about to say is not my favorite, but it did have the most impact on me. You know how in some games (mainly RPGs) you make decisions and then you can go back on them and screw over a person? Ya...well, in Fable III I had to do just that. It was the only game that I have played that actually made me feel bad about not being able to keep the promises to my friends in the game. [quote]Has playing a game narrative (story, characters, etc.) ever caused you to cry?[/quote] Cry? No Feel some emotions? Yes [quote]Why you gotta be like that?[/quote] An awesome Bnet member? Comes naturally. [quote]Choose one. Explain your choice.[/quote] Red because I like it when people tell me the matter how harsh it is. My favorite color is blue though. [quote]Kirk or Picard? And why?[/quote] Kirk Why? Here's why: He's the original Enterprise captain. He does awesome commercials. That hair.... [quote]Reach deep now. Why do you play games?[/quote] I enjoy playing across every genre to see what is out there, and the differences between games. Also for the story and gameplay. [quote]Favorite Pen & Paper RPG, and why?[/quote] Risk [quote]What was your first game system, and what was your favorite game on that system?[/quote] My first game system ever was a Game Boy Advanced. My first ever video was Super Mario Bros. 3 (which was obviously for that Game Boy Advanced). [quote]If we built the stadium, would you enter a real world Grifball tournament?[/quote] Yes, but if the bomb blows up, blame Stosh. [quote]In your opinion, what's the best video game system of all time?[/quote] Nintendo 64 [quote]Who is your best and worst villain?[/quote] Best: Any villain (in this case boss) from Wolfenstein Worst: Anything from the Terminator Salvation game [quote]Can you sing the theme to Sea Hunt without cheating on the Intertubes? (upload video proof - link it here)[/quote] That would be a big "Ah hell no!" [quote]What was your favorite non-Halo Bungie game, and why?[/quote] There's way to many..... [Edited on 05.09.2012 1:26 PM PDT]

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  • [quote]When you aren't playing Halo or dreaming about what we're concocting, what do you do for fun?[/quote] Jumping out of airplanes. No, seriously - I'm talking skydiving every summer. It's a blast and I highly recommend it to anyone! [quote]What was your 2011 game of the year?[/quote] Magic 2012. Yes it's an Xbox Live arcade game, but I love to play Magic with friends on and offline. It's a winner in my book. [quote]Why you gotta be like that?[/quote] Don't ask me, [url=]Achronos was the guy that went AFK[/url]. The timing was perfect. [quote]Choose one. Explain your choice.[/quote] The one side effect of the blue pill is that you get a Mythic Member title. So by law, Mythic isn't just a title, it's a lifestyle. [quote]What was your first game system, and what was your favorite game on that system?[/quote] Nintendo NES for me. Favorite game had to be the split Mario Brothers/Duck Hunt. Granted I was only 5 at the time, still amazing for the 90's :) [quote]In your opinion, what's the best video game system of all time?[/quote] Gameboy. Yep, [url=]the original one.[/url]

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  • [quote]When you aren't playing Halo or dreaming about what we're concocting, what do you do for fun?[/quote]I browse the internet often; I love [url=]Reddit[/url], Youtube, and keep up with world news. Recently I have been replaying the Halo 2 campaign and [url=]Overgrowth[/url] (click the link and watch the combat). It's a sandbox game in the alpha stage, it has an amazing map editor and a combat system that is plain awesome. I use Steam almost every day. The low prices of high quality games are amazing, and their seasonal sales are my favorite time of the year. I discovered Steam when I was a strict console gamer and it has completely changed my way of gaming. Anyone who doesn't have Steam, I highly recommend it. Minecraft has come out on the Xbox Live Marketplace recently too, I need to go buy that asap. [quote]What was your 2011 game of the year?[/quote]Skyrim, hands down. I have been an Elder Scrolls fan since Morrowind, the beauty of their universe and the gameplay keeps me playing like a drug addict. I think the replayability is another reason I keep coming back. In most RPG games you have predetermined classes that restrict you to a certain playing style. Elder Scrolls games have the most freedom of almost any game I can think of. Create a heavy armored archer that can shock their enemies with lightening? Practical no, possible yes. Also whenever I create a new character I can complete a faction storyline and do any of the hundreds of quests in almost any order I want to. You never have the same experience twice in Skyrim. [quote]What's your most memorable story moment from any game you've played, ever, and why?[/quote]I can't decide on a certain story moment that I have ever played so I will pick one that I have played recently. [url=]This[/url] scene from the first level of Halo 2 really moved me the first time I saw it. In Halo 1 the elites were a gruesome, almost unstoppable force that you were against. I never felt any sympathy for a member of the Covenant before that scene. The Arbiter's lack of armor and the scream he lets out makes you think of the elites differently. This scene is perfect for introducing the player to the Arbiter, it opens up the whole other side of the story that you didn't get to experience in Halo 1. [quote]Why you gotta be like that?[/quote]Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. The real question is why did you have to make these questions so good, I feel the need to respond to them. [quote]Choose one. Explain your choice.[/quote]Red. The reasons behind actions and experiences never ceases to amaze me. And who could turn down spending more time with Morpheus? He has to be one of the most interesting characters to come out of a movie. [quote]What was your first game system, and what was your favorite game on that system?[/quote]Playstation 1. Spyro The Dragon. I always had trouble with the last world, the sound of the certain enemies on that world give a very weird sense of nostalgia. Do you remember that kid that you hated and you felt like you owned the world when you said a great comeback to him in front of everybody? Kind of like that. My brother had to help me out with certain levels on that world too, those are some good memories. Awesome job with the reverse Mailsack developers, and DeeJ, I had a great time answering the questions. [Edited on 05.09.2012 2:20 PM PDT]

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  • [quote]Kirk or Picard? And why?[/quote]Picard. He's a British Frenchman, it's weird and kinda great at the same time. [quote]Reach deep now. Why do you play games?[/quote] To experience new things, to play and have fun with friends, to escape and explore worlds/ realities which differ from our own and to experience unique stories within those realities. [quote]Why you gotta be like that?[/quote]If I knew the answer to that, we'd know a lot more about the Universe than we do now. [quote]Who is your best and worst villain?[/quote]Wheatooooon! [quote]What was your favorite non-Halo Bungie game, and why?[/quote]Weekend Warri- oh you meant Bungie-developed games. Nevermind. [Edited on 05.09.2012 1:29 PM PDT]

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  • Great stuff in here so far. I will lock this thread later this afternoon, when I start to try and make sense of it all. No matter who makes the cut, this is a great conversation.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeeJ What good books (besides the Halo novels) have you been reading lately that you would recommend? [b]Soul Music by Terry Pratchett. Set in the Discworld series, Death becomes heavily depressed when his daughter and son-in-law die in a cart crash. Leaving to wallow in his sorrows, someone new must take up his job. That someone is Susan, his granddaughter. Meanwhile, a troll, a dwarf, and a human try to make it big by inventing a new type of music: Music with Rocks in it. Very funny, and overall a good book.[/b] What was your 2011 game of the year? [b]Warhammer 40k Space Marine, because I am a big 40k fan. The game was a wonderful adaption.[/b] What's your most memorable story moment from any game you've played, ever, and why? [b]Recruiting Garrus in Mass Effect 2 ties with the ODST intro for my favorite moment.[/b] Why you gotta be like that? [b]Why can't we be like that?[/b] Choose one. Explain your choice. [Image Removed] [URL=]I look to xkcd for my answer.[/URL] Kirk or Picard? And why? [b]Picard, because Patrick Stewart is a great actor. He gives the character such life.[/b] Reach deep now. Why do you play games? [b]For fun, mainly. A good story can make a game much more fun, though. [/b] Favorite Pen & Paper RPG, and why? [b]Miniature tabletop gamer here. Dark Heresy gets honorable mention for its critical hits table.[/b] If we built the stadium, would you enter a real world Grifball tournament? [b]Absolutely. I would watch it every day.[/b] What was your favorite non-Halo Bungie game, and why? [b]Tough one. I'm going with Marathon.[/b] [/quote] Answers in bold.

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  • [quote]What was your favorite non-Halo Bungie game, and why? [/quote]Myth:The Fallen Lords; It was my favorite because of all the gruesome explosions. There was nothing more satisfying then watching that little dwarf cause so much carnage!

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  • [quote]When you aren't playing Halo or dreaming about what we're concocting, what do you do for fun?[/quote]I usually play baseball and paintball. I like to go fishing, but I don't get to near as much as I'd like. Oh, and I also like to watch paint dry. [quote]What was your 2011 game of the year?[/quote] CustomRobo. (It came out in 2003, but that is my Game of the Year All Years) Seriously though, the last notable game that came out for me was either Halo 3 or Starcraft 2... Everything else the past 5 years has sucked. [quote]Reach deep now. Why do you play games? [/quote]Because video games are much more interesting than real life. [quote]What was your first game system, and what was your favorite game on that system?[/quote] The Playstation X, Crash Bandicoot: Warped [quote]If we built the stadium, would you enter a real world Grifball tournament?[/quote]No, because I can never pull Real Life Host [quote] In your opinion, what's the best video game system of all time? [/quote]Gamecube [quote] What was your favorite non-Halo Bungie game, and why? [/quote]Myth because I love RTSs

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  • [quote]When you aren't playing Halo or dreaming about what we're concocting, what do you do for fun?[/quote] Visit the great forum that is, and revise for my GCSE's. (tremble) [quote]What was your 2011 game of the year?[/quote] Forza 4. With so many aspects from driving against your friends to creating car designs, it can keep you occupiued for a good while. [quote]What's your most memorable story moment from any game you've played, ever, and why?[/quote] It's close, but it has to be on ODST, after the rookie finds the first clue. It makes ypou realise just what a feat you will need to undertake to findout what happened, and just quite how alone rooke is. [quote]Has playing a game narrative (story, characters, etc.) ever caused you to cry?[/quote] No. That's right, not even a manly tear was shed. [quote][u][b]Reach[/b][/u] deep now. Why do you play games?[/quote] I see what you did there... Anyway, the fun of being able to experience what you wouldn't normally get to feel in your normal life. How often is it that you get to engage in a firefight battle in space with aliens, or race around a track in the latest bugatti? [quote]What was your first game system, and what was your favorite game on that system?[/quote] Gameboy. My favourite game was Pokemon Ruby. Hell, I liked it so much I still emulate it onto my computer today! The feeling of exploring a region, catching and rasing pokemon to finally beat the champion. It's a good feeling. [quote]If we built the stadium, would you enter a real world Grifball tournament?[/quote] Whilst it would be fun to experience, the death risk would be too high for it to be worth it. I'm not that much of a thrill seeker. Didn't your mum ever teach you not to run with a hammer? [Edited on 05.09.2012 1:01 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeeJ Who is your best and worst villain?[/quote] My worst villain is Tycho from Marathon: Durandal. My first total carnage playthrough really made me hate him. I can't really choose a favourite villain, though Darth Vader, the Joker, and Tom Nook all come to mind.

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  • 1. What books am I reading? Bill Hicks (R.I.P) - 'Love all the people' Stephen King - 'The Stand' Frederick Forsyth - 'Day of the jackal' Because everyone should read 3 books before they die...and because Bill Hicks was actually Jesus in disguise (and with a wickedly good sense of humour).

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  • [quote]When you aren't playing Halo or dreaming about what we're concocting, what do you do for fun?[/quote]Make games, surf the forum of the wonderful and wild, which each thread is like a deep safari hunting for gold in the deep heart of the Amazon forest. Just like you, DeeJ! [quote]What's your most memorable story moment from any game you've played, ever, and why?[/quote]*Spoilers* Jorge's death. Ultimately, his sacrifice has destroyed a ship and a half was the best one I have ever witness in all games. The only regret I have is that I didn't play with him enough to know him. Either way, no one's sacrifice was better than Jorge's. */spoiler* [quote]Choose one. Explain your choice. [Image Removed][/quote]Geeze, DeeJ, why can't I choose both of them? Twice the fun, right? [quote]Reach deep now. Why do you play games?[/quote]Playing video games now these days brings entertainment to both players and developers. I happen to find games very inspirational and ideal. Not only that, it can help me solve some problems that I may counter in the process of coding some games. If you had to play a game that I normally play, I'd definitely play Team Fortress 2, and understand how this game is still active, even if it's five-six years old. [quote]What was your first game system, and what was your favorite game on that system?[/quote]Talk about my past, my first game system or game console was either Atari 2000 or NES. Geeze... I can't recall how awesome the graphic was back then. I'm still surprised that they really grab my attention back then. [quote]If we built the stadium, would you enter a real world Grifball tournament?[/quote]Bungie Vs. Valve? I'd buy the first-class seat with a huge foamy hand that says "BUNGIE #1"! [i]And the back side would say, DEEJ IS A PIRATEY![/i] [quote]In your opinion, what's the best video game system of all time?[/quote]Personal Computer, of course! Play games to the maximum quality, with better resolution. Mind you, I have Dell 30" WFC-HC monitor, and resolution is the only thing that separates console and pc faaaarrrr apart! P.s. BF3 PC MASTER RACE FTW! Go Bungie IT Team! [Edited on 05.09.2012 1:00 PM PDT]

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  • What good books (besides the Halo novels) have you been reading lately that you would recommend? Clive Cussler - Shockwave - I'm a massive fan of this series but I think this is the best book. When you aren't playing Halo or dreaming about what we're concocting, what do you do for fun? Play Video Games either with friends or on good single player campaigns. What was your 2011 game of the year? Gears 3, but only because ME3 was delayed. What's your most memorable story moment from any game you've played, ever, and why? Finding out that I was Revan in KOTOR was mind blowing because it was a genuine surprise and completley altered the meaning of the game I'd already spent 15 plus hours with. Has playing a game narrative (story, characters, etc.) ever caused you to cry? Yes, a couple of times, most recently being forced to kill Mordin in ME3. Why you gotta be like that? Because I am - what's your problem ;) Choose one. Explain your choice. Red Pill - rather know the truth than be lied to. Kirk or Picard? And why? Picard - was never a massive fan of the original series, except for the movie Wrath of Khan which is still awesome. Reach deep now. Why do you play games? They allow me to escape from the mind numbing minutiae of my normal life. Favorite Pen & Paper RPG, and why? Never played one. What was your first game system, and what was your favorite game on that system? System would have been the NES and Mario, but games in general would have been my Commodore 64 and Space Walk. If we built the stadium, would you enter a real world Grifball tournament? Hell Yeah, and I would be a Ball Carrier - check out my stats!! =) In your opinion, what's the best video game system of all time? Tough one, I'm torn between the Dreamcast and the 360. Who is your best and worst villain? Best Villain - Galcian from Skies of Arcadia. Worst Villain - Tartarus (Sorry) but only because his boss fight was so anticlimatic. Can you sing the theme to Sea Hunt without cheating on the Intertubes? (upload video proof - link it here) Nope. What was your favorite non-Halo Bungie game, and why? I'm Afraid I haven't played a non-Halo Bungie game ... yet. [Edited on 05.09.2012 12:55 PM PDT]

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  • [quote]What good books (besides the Halo novels) have you been reading lately that you would recommend? [/quote] I've been reading Atlas Shrugged and the Dark Tower series; Atlas Shrugged has an interesting outlook on politics and human emotions, and the Dark Tower books are badass in general. [quote]When you aren't playing Halo or dreaming about what we're concocting, what do you do for fun?[/quote] I'm enrolled in a Graphic Design class, which takes up most of my time. When I'm not listening to boring lectures on color theory, I'm designing games, coding webpages, and wedging time for my girlfriend somewhere in the middle of my hectic life. [quote]Why you gotta be like that?[/quote] Tourette syndrome. [quote]If we built the stadium, would you enter a real world Grifball tournament?[/quote] Only if I can respawn after the bomb blows me to smithereens. [quote]What was your favorite non-Halo Bungie game, and why?[/quote] Marathon was an excellent shooter. Since Doom was overplayed and never appealed to me, Marathon was a good alternative. Myth was the first Bungie game that I played, and the lore involved in the game was more intriguing than the game itself. That being said, Oni is my favorite Bungie game to date. The combination of genres was superb, and even to this day, Oni is a gem of a game that stands apart from the rest of game-kind. [Edited on 05.09.2012 1:35 PM PDT]

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    [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeeJ What good books (besides the Halo novels) have you been reading lately that you would recommend? [/quote] The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy. They are a truly outstanding series of books, even better than the movies (and that's saying something). If you haven't read them yet you should, and if you have read them you should read them again. [quote]What was your 2011 game of the year?[/quote] Skyrim, and Mass Effect 3 if it qualified. Say what you want about the ending, the rest of that game was outstanding. [quote]What's your most memorable story moment from any game you've played, ever, and why?[/quote] Either stepping out of the escape pod in Halo CE or walking onto the Citadel in the first Mass Effect. There's nothing quite like seeing a massive new world for the first time and having it take your breath away. [quote]Reach deep now. Why do you play games? [/quote] Because there is nothing else that lets you run around in, explore and interact with a completely new universe. [quote]What was your first game system, and what was your favorite game on that system?[/quote] Nintendo Gamecube and 007 Nightfire. I got to be James Bond, fight my friends and have bots fight on my team, the last part I still want to see in new games.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeeJ The names of the brave developers who wrote you these letters have been withheld. All will be revealed later. You will all see each other's answers. We need to leave something to mystery. For now, answer these questions. You don't have to answer all of them. In fact, I would recommend that you do not. Choose the queries that speak to you the most - the ones for which you have the best answers. This is not a test, although you should quote the questions that you are answering (please don't make me wonder how to match your words with ours). [b][u]You may reply to this thread once![/u][/b] Let's open the Sack... [b]What good books (besides the Halo novels) have you been reading lately that you would recommend?[/b] I've been re-reading "The Stand by Stephen King. I highly recommend it. [b]When you aren't playing Halo or dreaming about what we're concocting, what do you do for fun?[/b] I play The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and dream about their upcoming DLC... [b]What was your 2011 game of the year?[/b] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. This game is the definition of open-world, immersive, create you own character RPG. When they say live another life, any way you want, they mean it. [b]What's your most memorable story moment from any game you've played, ever, and why?[/b] It's have to be when Carter sacrificed himself taking out that Scarab Tank. For some reason that just hit me really hard. [b]Has playing a game narrative (story, characters, etc.) ever caused you to cry?[/b] Duriing the Reach Campaign, but just because I grew attached to Noble Team. [b]Why you gotta be like that?[/b] I'm a sentimentalist... when I'm not killing things in game. [b]Choose one. Explain your choice.[/b] [Image Removed] I take the blue pill. Because I want to show you the Kung-fu. [b]Kirk or Picard? And why?[/b] Picard. I'm more of an intellectual myself, so the character fit better with me. [b]Reach deep now. Why do you play games?[/b] It's the only hobby that occupies my mind and I don't get tired of it. Seriously, I'm on my 360 almost as much time during the week as I spend at work... The constant innovation, the artistry of it. the storytelling capabilities... how could I love any other hobby [i]but[/i] being a Gamer? [b]Favorite Pen & Paper RPG, and why?[/b] Vampire: the Masquerade or Vampire: the Requiem by White Wolf Game Studios (now defunct). Why? Their the first game systems to really give the supernatural creatures the detail and personalities that they deserve. Not just as monsters either. [b]What was your first game system, and what was your favorite game on that system?[/b] Atari 8600 Pong [b]If we built the stadium, would you enter a real world Grifball tournament?[/b] Can I have the Mjolnir Powered Armor System as well? [b]In your opinion, what's the best video game system of all time?[/b] So far, the Xbox 360 S. The whole system is whisper quiet and quick as a whip. I love it. [b]Who is your best and worst villain?[/b] Best Villain: Michael Myers. Evil incarnate has never been more cool. Or had as snappy of a theme song. Worst Villain: Whoever the hell Sonic the Hedgehog fights. he's freaking lame... [b]Can you sing the theme to Sea Hunt without cheating on the Intertubes? (upload video proof - link it here)[/b] Nope. [b]What was your favorite non-Halo Bungie game, and why?[/b] Marathon: Durandal. It was the best shooter I'd ever played. DOOM, Wolfenstein, I enjoyed none of them as much as I enjoyed the whole Marathon series. Not just because of the gameplay, there was a whole Universe of background info written into the game that just drew you into the story. I fell in love with it from the very first shot. [/quote] [Edited on 05.09.2012 12:55 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeeJ When you aren't playing Halo or dreaming about what we're concocting, what do you do for fun?[/quote][url=]Stuff wot looks like this[/url]. [quote]What was your 2011 game of the year?[/quote][url=]Game of Thrones[/url], obviously. [quote]What's your most memorable story moment from any game you've played, ever, and why? Has playing a game narrative (story, characters, etc.) ever caused you to cry?[/quote][url=]Flarechannel: The Fable of Catan and the Eagle[/url]. You'll shed a tear too. [quote]Kirk or Picard? And why?[/quote]Picard. Why? Because Kirk can neither quaff tea nor quoth Shakespeare. [quote]In your opinion, what's the best video game system of all time?[/quote]Steam. [quote]What was your favorite non-Halo Bungie game, and why? [/quote]Marathon 2. Uniquely amongst bungie games it: #Pushed boundaries #Was finished and polished throughout #Was consistently fun #Had a compelling story unmatched in its time, with genuine characters and personalities None of your other games manage to tick all those boxes.

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  • [quote]What was your 2011 game of the year?[/quote] Without a doubt, Skyrim. I'm a Bethesda fan. Skyrim is beautiful, full of adventure, and feels like another world. [quote]Has playing a game narrative (story, characters, etc.) ever caused you to cry?[/quote] Not yet, but Mass Effect 3 was really close. If I was younger, I would have cried. It's setting the bar for video game storytelling... if you ask me. Wonderful. [quote]Reach deep now. Why do you play games?[/quote] Adventures, beauty, challenges, friends. A video game can be art in one of it's purest forms; a video game can be a unique and well written story; a video game can be an advanced social network. Video games are the future of entertainment, they have so many directions to go, I feel like just saying "video game" is understating. Not to mention that you aren't forced to watch commercials as you play them, they don't cost a whole lot, and they're always getting so much better. [quote]If we built the stadium, would you enter a real world Grifball tournament?[/quote] As long as you can figure out the spawning.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeeJ When you aren't playing Halo or dreaming about what we're concocting, what do you do for fun?[/quote] I do Adobe Flash animations about Halo, in fact I got a series going on called [url=]Halo: Gray Team[/url]. I do it for fun and also for my portfolio. So you will be seeing me soon in your doors! [quote]What was your 2011 game of the year?[/quote] Halo: Reach [quote]What's your most memorable story moment from any game you've played, ever, and why?[/quote] Halo 3: It was the conclusion for me of a great story with a great end, in epic proportions. [quote]Has playing a game narrative (story, characters, etc.) ever caused you to cry?[/quote] Yes. The death of Johnson. (Only one tear) [quote]Reach deep now. Why do you play games? Because they liberate me from real life. For once I want to be a super hero or super soldier, or an alien, they fullfil that part of me love cannot fill.[/quote] [quote]What was your first game system, and what was your favorite game on that system?[/quote] Nintendo - Chrono trigger. [quote]If we built the stadium, would you enter a real world Grifball tournament?[/quote] Yes! [quote]In your opinion, what's the best video game system of all time?[/quote] Xbox so far. [quote]Who is your best and worst villain?[/quote] Lavos from Chrono trigger (Best) Bowser from Mario bros (Worst) [quote]What was your favorite non-Halo Bungie game, and why?[/quote] Grandia - It had a lot of elements, the characters were cute in a 2D design, with a 3d background, cleverly fun and interesting, it had a good balance of adventure, danger and romance with out making it too cheesy and the music was extremly epic. [Edited on 05.09.2012 12:37 PM PDT]

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  • Shut up! /sarcasm [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Saint of Taint [/quote]

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  • [quote][b]What was your 2011 game of the year?[/b][/quote]L.A. Noire [quote][b]What's your most memorable story moment from any game you've played, ever, and why?[/b][/quote]In Red Dead Redemption when John's body is buried on the hill overlooking the ranch with the inscription "Blessed are the Peacemakers". [quote][b]Has playing a game narrative (story, characters, etc.) ever caused you to cry?[/b][/quote](See above) [quote][b]What was your first game system, and what was your favorite game on that system?[/b][/quote]Sega Dreamcast and Sonic Adventure. Brilliant game. [quote][b]What was your favorite non-Halo Bungie game, and why?[/b][/quote]Bungie made non-Halo stuff? [Edited on 05.09.2012 12:36 PM PDT]

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  • Is reading comprehension a requirement to post on this thread?

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  • Hey guys, pro tip, the last question says "non Halo [b][u]Bungie[/u][/b] game". [Edited on 05.09.2012 12:29 PM PDT]

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  • I did enjoy what [i]BUbisoft[/i] put out too! [quote][quote][b]Posted by GPK Ethan[/b] What was your favorite non-Halo Bungie game, and why?[/quote]Assassin's Creed (series). The story and gameplay are extremely unique and fun.[/quote]

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  • [quote]What good books (besides the Halo novels) have you been reading lately that you would recommend?[/quote] Arthur Schopenhauer's [i]The World as Will and Representation[/i] It's time consuming and draining but I'd say it's well worth the strain. How can you not read a book written by someone who looks like [url=]this?[/url] [quote]If we built the stadium, would you enter a real world Grifball tournament?[/quote] Yes, because bomb beats everything! [quote]Kirk or Picard? And why?[/quote] Picard because his head is so aerodynamic. (and shiny) [quote]Reach deep now. Why do you play games?[/quote] I play games mainly for the entertainment and to sort of "escape" for a bit. It's a decent stress reliever unless we're talking about Trials Evolution. Talk about RAGE! [quote]What was your favorite non-Halo Bungie game, and why?[/quote] *queue Spartain Ken...* [Edited on 05.09.2012 12:39 PM PDT]

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