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8/4/2011 9:36:34 PM

Complete game Speculation, and a thanks to Bungie.

I just finished watching the ViDoc, and sadly I was interrupted multiple times due to the fact that I was on a family computer. I would just like Bungie to know that this was a great wrap up of their business and history. This showed that unlike other "certain" companies who build games, they are [i]the[/i] producers of worlds and breakthroughs. They know what is best, because they listen to their fans. They will produce what they know will be something big. I look up to the founders of the company, and everyone else who came along throughout the journey. I would love to become some part of this company, but I am only a 17 year old and have far too long of a journey to get ahold of the chance to join them. To Bungie: I hope that this game will reveal itself in the not too distant future, and that you will blow each mind away. You're little sneak peak at the end shows a bit of what is coming and somewhat confirms our thoughts and rumors. It is incredible. The design and heart we all know that is being put into this game is miraculous! I wish to design and create something as well as you have, because I realize the difficulty that it must take. I welcome this new world, and am curious what these symbols and words floating around must mean :) Per Audacia Ad Astra! And don't doubt, or fear, just please push past that. The remainder of your active fans have faith in you. Let's game change. [url=]New theme and symbol.[/url] [url=]Picture of New World (?)[/url] [url=]Picture of New World 2 (?)[/url] [url=]Picture of New World 3 (?)[/url] [url=]Sample of Bungie's Pure Creation Power.[/url] Oh, and is "Tiger" their new code name for the game? It was mentioned once or twice and it seemed to hint that they were talking about the game. [url=](Codename Tiger somewhat confirmed)[/url] Bungie has a list of seven goals, all completed except for the last which needs to be checked. [url=](Link to picture.)[/url] The last goal states that they want to take over the world. Considering it is far beyond their power to take over this world, I assume they are going to create the most powerful video game world, and rule it. The conversation below shows how. [quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SKCII [url=]Blurry Pic of stuff Bungie doesn't want us to see yet #1[/url] [/quote] [quote][quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Callumca In fact if we look at the two pictures on the left the focus of both are two very different mountains....or in fact buildings.Also the bottom right picture appears to have a column in the forefront and a building in the background. Unfortunately the top right picture is,well to bright and blurred to see anything.[/quote] [quote][quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Swim Master The top left looks to me like the color scheme of a beach, and the top right the scheme of snow and cold. The bottom right seems to be more dry, average dirt, and evergreens. And the bottom left seems like pure desert.[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Callumca Which while im on a roll (Assuming that each of these environments does have a building in them)fits with what was found here. If you read through that site you will in fact find that bungie have made copyrights of 4 names: FWC(standing for future war council or something along the lines), Seven Seraphs, New Monarchy, Osiris, and Dead Orbit now each of these is believed to have their own shirt as shown on that site. This leads me to believe that these are the names of 4 different factions and what I believe we are seeing in that picture is the 4 faction bases. However it's just a guess they may not be factions at all and I could be jumping the gun a bit. [/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Swim Master You listed above 5 names that will most likely be faction bases. 4 will most likely make an appearance. But when I looked at a site, it had Bungie wearing multiple FWC shirts.[/quote] This is what I think, in an MMO in space, with multiple worlds and bases, I think that we will have our four main bases, and Bungie's head FWC base. Wouldn't it make sense for them to make their own world that is the most powerful and the main base?[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Callumca Oh yeah I did put down five I was excited my bad :D I believe you are correct in your assumption a MMOFPS inspired by planetside I would guess. It seems to me that players would pick one out of the four factions and the FWC would be a kind governing body to ensure everything runs smoothly.[/quote][/quote] [/quote] As for the symbols and logo's of each new world, here is a link so you can see the pictures. All are official, not exact, but official. These have been spotted in multiple places. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b]Drakonous For those that are interested I took the time to recreate the symbols seen on the t-shirts. You can find then in the link below. Note that due to lack of detailed images they may be off (Dead Orbit is under this category) [url=]Click Here for Image[/url] Now for those who wanted higher resolution images of the symbols here ya go... [url=]Destiny Symbol[/url] [url=]Dead Orbit Symbol[/url] [url=]New Monarchy[/url] [url=]Osiris Symbol[/url] [url=]Seven Seraphs Symbol[/url][/quote] For those of you who are also wondering, "What is the point of speculating and trying to figure out if Bungie won't say anything?" Well, although they won't say anything in the near future, here is a picture giving us the suggestion that on 2012's Bungie Day we will know much, much more. [url][/url] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b]master piraka It was a ticket that was sent to seven random members who signed up for the Beta program I think. They are to be held until the "time is right"[/quote] [quote] New Theory: [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] iROACH dont think im tripping, just give it a chance. look at the pictures we were able to see clearly. mountains, the sun rising and ... A FREAKING WINDMILL. (even with a wired connection.) and bungie is hiring an economy artist... maybe this game is (also?) about powering citys and alike. using what that planet has in offer. water, wind, sun and stuff like that. and if u think about it combat-wise that would mean that those different factions could harass each other by destroying the opponents power supply. just imagine an MMOFPS (yea i try to believe those rumors) with like 5 different factions each with their own city which gets basically built by us and powered by us. the factions fighting over a specific mountain region because of the heavy wind going through there or a river to power a watermill like thing.[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Drakonous iROACH interesting theory. I think it would be fun to use a power source or fight over it. Think of what that could mean... -Constant conflict among enemy players/factions -Possible tapping into enemy sources to restore power to your equipment. -Starting new sources of power to allow for the development of a settlement or base of operations.[/quote] [/quote] [Edited on 08.08.2011 8:39 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] master piraka Why does everyone want MMO? I mean not only has it been publicly stated that the project is NOT an MMO (thank god), but are you really all that deadset on a restrictive world of walking around, grinding and wasting time killing low level fodder, and using some restricted gestures? Nah, mang. Nah. I mean it would be interesting, as Bungie seems to (sans Halo) be that company that just wants to dabble in all genres. That's the direction they were going before Halo at least. They're also not interested in making a BORING game, (and I hate to inject my opinion into this), but MMOs are the most boring genre out there.[/quote] I feel like this needs clearing up when I say that I'm thinking Bungie are working on a MMO im not referring to something like WOW(which is a MMORPG)but something more like [url=]Planetside[/url] and [url=]Planetside 2[/url] or even MAG which are completely different to WOW and are in fact MMOFPS people need to stop think that MMO automatically means WOW clone

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] alienmassacare This may seem far fetched but the symbol in the middle of the Dead Orbit logo looks exactly like the Hebrew letter "Zain" and that is the seventh letter in the Hebrew alphabet. Search "Zain" in [url=]Google Translate[/url] in English to Hebrew and it should show you the letter. I know its dumb, but the "Seven Seraphs" are clearly named after the "Seraphim" from the Jewish bible. Maybe there are more connections? Also there is the "Osiris" thing and the "New Monarchy" thing which to me seem like they are connected with the ancient Egyptians. Maybe this new game will have something to do with religion? Maybe it will have a reference to the whole Ancient Egyptian-Jewish conflict? Sorry for the bull-blam!-. Just speculating.[/quote]Hmm, you might be on to something. Maybe not neccessarily religion, but civilizations and ideologies. These five factions could be in conflict not across just space, but time. Changes and manipulations of the timeline could have resulted in the formation of these factions from the strongest civilizations at certain points in history. Osiris: Egyptian. New Monarchy: Could be the British Empire or another powerful empire. Dead Orbit: Maybe some alliance of Judeo-Christian nations or kingdoms if you agree with the "Zain" theory. Or possibly future lunar colonists. The moon is "dead", and "orbits" the Earth. Destiny: Maybe modern/near-future Western civilization. Seven Seraphs: ? That would add to the "Future War Council" idea. Maybe the FWC is a regulator, preventing other civilizations from affecting the past by having them fight in the future.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] xD3AD MAN LIVEx Whatever it is, it will undoubtedly be great. I speculate that they will confirm their project late 2012, and there will be some tables turning. Now let's hope Activision doesn't treat Bungie like Infinity Ward. [/quote]Fortunately, they can't. Activision only has a publishing deal with Bungie. Activision owns IW, whereas Bungie is still an independent company. As for the Tiger project, I'm not sure if it's going to be an MMO, but I think it is going to have a massive game world of some kind. But if it is an MMO, I hope its free roam, and that it doesn't have some rank or level system that forces you into grinding. "You've reached level 27, you can now use shotguns!" An "anyone can use anything" as long as you can find/buy it would be much more interesting. Anyways, I think that whatever this new project is, it will be something very different from what Bungie has done before.

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  • I think it would be pretty sweet if it was a bit like Deus Ex: Human Revolution, because from what I've seen of that game, it looks bloody amazing. Think about it, this amazing RPG style game set over an entire galaxy or even universe, doing jobs for these possible companies, interacting with NPCs or possibly even other players in perhaps a similar way to Fable II. But, uh Ahem, let's not go too overboard. I would honestly hate an MMO, I would rather play a text based strategy game than an MMO.

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  • Why does everyone want MMO? I mean not only has it been publicly stated that the project is NOT an MMO (thank god), but are you really all that deadset on a restrictive world of walking around, grinding and wasting time killing low level fodder, and using some restricted gestures? Nah, mang. Nah. I mean it would be interesting, as Bungie seems to (sans Halo) be that company that just wants to dabble in all genres. That's the direction they were going before Halo at least. They're also not interested in making a BORING game, (and I hate to inject my opinion into this), but MMOs are the most boring genre out there.

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  • I'm imaging PC game Spore on a superior level. I mean, hell, I thought Spore was pretty damn awesome but a little bit kindergarten. Maybe if it had some type of Multiplayer and it wasn't a single player game. Maybe Bungie's doing something like that but total MMO.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Drakonous Well to each their own. [/quote] *facepalm* That doesn't apply here. There's just NO texture on those dunes. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] alienmassacare This may seem far fetched but the symbol in the middle of the Dead Orbit logo looks exactly like the Hebrew letter "Zain" and that is the seventh letter in the Hebrew alphabet. Search "Zain" in [url=]Google Translate[/url] in English to Hebrew and it should show you the letter. I know its dumb, but the "Seven Seraphs" are clearly named after the "Seraphim" from the Jewish bible. Maybe there are more connections? Also there is the "Osiris" thing and the "New Monarchy" thing which to me seem like they are connected with the ancient Egyptians. Maybe this new game will have something to do with religion? Maybe it will have a reference to the whole Ancient Egyptian-Jewish conflict? Sorry for the bull-blam!-. Just speculating.[/quote] That's actually brilliant. Plus now I'm SURE the game is going to feature land to space gameplay/ combat, or at least just space gameplay/ combat. I mean they're dropping space hints like no tomorrow and it lines up perfectly with what I noticed in the documentation. So far here are themes I'm picking up: Terra forming/ Discovering and exploring new planets Space travel political discord directly connected to similar events in the past _________ Whatever this is gonna be, it sounds amazing already. [Edited on 08.06.2011 9:59 AM PDT]

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  • I personally think it will be a FPS MMO game, where you can explore the universe with your buddies and shoot some -blam!- in the face! :D

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Billy Vandergaw [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SKCII [url=]Blurry Pic of stuff Bungie doesn't want us to see yet #1[/url][/quote] Top left picture is a Jawa Sandcrawler. Bottom left picture is a floating goldfish. Top right picture is Cortana sex. Bottom right picture is Alice in Wonderland, giant mushroom.[/quote] You've got a hell of an imagination!

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  • Personally I think the way Bungie's new taglines seem to be 'See you STARside' and 'Per audacia ad ASTRA' shouldn't be underestimated. I think they're a small, subtle hint that whatever it is they make will be another space-travel futuristic sci-fi.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] alienmassacare [quote]Well to each their own. Now for those who wanted higher resolution images of the symbols here ya go... Destiny Symbol Dead Orbit Symbol New Monarchy Osiris Symbol Seven Seraphs Symbol All you have to do is download them and edit them as you wish. I figured people may want to use them for Wallpapers or something else.[/quote] This may seem far fetched but the symbol in the middle of the Dead Orbit logo looks exactly like the Hebrew letter "Zain" and that is the seventh letter in the Hebrew alphabet. Search "Zain" in [url=]Google Translate[/url] in English to Hebrew and it should show you the letter. I know its dumb, but the "Seven Seraphs" are clearly named after the "Seraphim" from the Jewish bible. Maybe there are more connections? Also there is the "Osiris" thing and the "New Monarchy" thing which to me seem like they are connected with the ancient Egyptians. Maybe this new game will have something to do with religion? Maybe it will have a reference to the whole Ancient Egyptian-Jewish conflict? Sorry for the bull-blam!-. Just speculating.[/quote] Great work there. Bungie are heavily inspired by the past and myths. I don't believe the game will deeply involve religion though it's still a bit of a dangerous zone for games

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  • [quote]Well to each their own. Now for those who wanted higher resolution images of the symbols here ya go... Destiny Symbol Dead Orbit Symbol New Monarchy Osiris Symbol Seven Seraphs Symbol All you have to do is download them and edit them as you wish. I figured people may want to use them for Wallpapers or something else.[/quote] This may seem far fetched but the symbol in the middle of the Dead Orbit logo looks exactly like the Hebrew letter "Zain" and that is the seventh letter in the Hebrew alphabet. Search "Zain" in [url=]Google Translate[/url] in English to Hebrew and it should show you the letter. I know its dumb, but the "Seven Seraphs" are clearly named after the "Seraphim" from the Jewish bible. Maybe there are more connections? Also there is the "Osiris" thing and the "New Monarchy" thing which to me seem like they are connected with the ancient Egyptians. Maybe this new game will have something to do with religion? Maybe it will have a reference to the whole Ancient Egyptian-Jewish conflict? Sorry for the bull-blam!-. Just speculating.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Grugg Wanted to add my thanks to Bungie for sharing such great experiences with us and for setting the bar of quality in video games. *applause*[/quote] "continues applause"

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  • Wanted to add my thanks to Bungie for sharing such great experiences with us and for setting the bar of quality in video games. *applause*

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] master piraka Why would they have lipstick cameras on her face if she was Noble 6? They only do that when they plan on recreating a facial performance. [/quote] I agree that scene must be from the new game. They only started using motion capture for Reach and I don't believe we have seen that scene in Reach.My main question is what being passed to the other person although only bungie can answer that

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  • Why would they have lipstick cameras on her face if she was Noble 6? They only do that when they plan on recreating a facial performance.

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  • Wasn't that for the female Noble 6 handing Cortana to Keyes at the end of Halo Reach? Anyhoo, I'm inclined to agree with the retro flavour suggested by the turbines. Will they go full on steam punk? For some reason though, I'm reminded of a Japanese cartoon series called Oban.

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  • Did anyone note the mocap footage of a male handing something "maybe important" to a female? The rig looked a bit more refined than the one in the Reach vidocs, so I'm sure it's for "Tiger"

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  • Regarding the blurry pic, I think it's just a Halo picture. The bottom-right picture has what looks to be the first-person view of the Sniper Rifle, and the top right has what looks to be a Plasma Rifle. The left-hand pictures I have no idea about.

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  • Well to each their own. Now for those who wanted higher resolution images of the symbols here ya go... [url=]Destiny Symbol[/url] [url=] Dead Orbit Symbol[/url] [url=]New Monarchy[/url] [url=]Osiris Symbol[/url] [url=]Seven Seraphs Symbol[/url] All you have to do is download them and edit them as you wish. I figured people may want to use them for Wallpapers or something else.

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  • ^ I think he meant that the dev team was still finding footing creating games with Pathways and Halo. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Drakonous It doesn't look untextured to me it look rather polished to me. It's just in a desert you don't have too much variety and it's possible that these structures are weathered to the point it's just the bare metal showing. Pending on if these are made of a bronze or iron based metal it could explain it's lack of color.[/quote] No, there's no texture on it. Trust me dude, I do this. Texture means a picture that is wrapped around and put on to an object. It's not visible roughness or anything like that. [Edited on 08.05.2011 8:02 PM PDT]

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  • 0

    Live on twitch at - old

    It seems to me that at one part of the game, we might be in a frozen environment and/or atop a mountain range. The game seems to be focused on HEAVILY exploration and wandering(throughout the ViDocs I have seen Jason Jones in, he always talks about creating "that early wandering we did in Pathways and in Halo." meaning that there will be boundaries of how to get to each landmark in the game like in Halo CE. This could be an RTS, MMOFPS, FPS, or something else. My money is that Bungie's new game will re-define the video game genre system as we know it today. Mark my words...Bungie's new game will be "something else...entirely." "by the prickling of my thumbs...

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  • It doesn't look untextured to me it look rather polished to me. It's just in a desert you don't have too much variety and it's possible that these structures are weathered to the point it's just the bare metal showing. Pending on if these are made of a bronze or iron based metal it could explain it's lack of color.

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  • I'm getting a retro vibe too, but that's always been Bungie. Edit: KEEP THIS TOPIC ALIVE, IT IS THE ONLY ONE WORTH SAVING ON THIS CESSPOOL OF A FORUM. Please. If I hear one more -blam!- complain about retical bloom ONE YEAR AFTER THE FACT. [Edited on 08.05.2011 7:47 PM PDT]

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  • Am i the only one that thinks the windmills in that one picture seem kinda WWIIish? They remind me of Indiana Jones or something.

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  • Looking at it again, that makes sense. I guess I was just caught up in the Mission Icefly crap.

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