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7/5/2006 6:48:55 PM

Community Spotlight: Foo Mo Jive

KP sits down over tea and crumpets with Interweb Talk Jockey Foo Mo Jive from the popular Podtacular podcast - a Halo-centric digital broadcast I can play on an iPod, a PC or a piano if you hum it for me.

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  • Foo is awesome!

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  • HAHAHA...Damn Sh4rdy, I told you never to tell anyone..LOL.. KPizzle, its about time you guys feature my boy Foo Mo Jive. Congratulations Foo Mo, your hard work is finally paying off. Also, thank you for the shout out in the interview, I almost cried..:-) Oh, and I am soooo honored to be the new co-host for the Podtacular podcast.

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  • what is a crumpet? Is it a british food?

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  • I dont usually post much on ur here but i was like Click WAIT Reverse FOO MO JIVE!!!. Its about time Foo mo Jive got a spotlight lol. Hes been doing this for about a year if not more and i have been with him for about um since epsidoe 6 i think when Pod 2 was better then pod 1 lol. But yeah this site is awsome and Pod Pro A is better then B. and Allstars Rock lol. Send a msg to anyone at podtacular with over 1000 listeneres i would think and we can send u an invite to one of our Multiple Clans that have fun everyday. And if u are looking for someone to play with send me an invite. and yes you dont speak like AHnold u speak like JVB. Peace Guys Sh4rdy Out And Here you go Stick AROUND Favorite Quote from playing with JVB "These guys are Moddin, there killin me with one hit" "... um JVB its Swat" "Ahhhhh hahahaha oops"

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Killtacular Crow Go podtaculaR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Join in the fun then pod pro b might have a chance at pickin ya in the scouting events! go pro b!!!!!!! glewis is teh h4x[/quote] What are you talking about? Everyone knows that ProA pwns the crap out of ProB. If you guys ever want to try out for one of our pro clans, go ProA!! We got the Ahnold speakin' JVB.

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  • Go podtaculaR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Join in the fun then pod pro b might have a chance at pickin ya in the scouting events! go pro b!!!!!!! glewis is teh h4x [Edited on 7/6/2006]

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  • You know, someday I hope that I might be as cool as that guy who came in here and went on a rampage. I bet he feels real cool. Maybe there's a website or book he could suggest to me so that I can learn to be as cool as him, spending my days away, looking for people to make fun of, et cetera. If only I could be as cool as him... one can only dream... [/sarcasm] Foo Mo Jive is better than Halo 3! (just joking). Hey, you can send in stuff to the show like new tips, news, stories about funny things that have happened to you while playing Halo 2, and things that you'd like to see in Halo 3. [url] [/url] Just click on the "Submit news and tips" link on the left, and be sure to include your gamertag... if it's good, they'll read it. [Edited on 7/6/2006]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] foo mo jive Sadly Spelchek had to move on to other things. He just wasn't into Halo any more. This was quite a while back.[/quote] Some people just grow out of halo o_0 I know Im starting to, but just wait till Halo 3 Ill be back in the game :P I GUARANTEE IT

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  • i think i might just tryout for the clan.......the pro clan that is

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  • I was waiting for Foo do get a spotlight...and here it is =D. Yeah, for all those who havent heard of Podtacular, you should go check it out. Nice job Foo mo, and thanks KP for all the help you've given us in Podtac.

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  • goooooo fooo moooooo good job and congratulations man -HiDe

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  • Wow... you know... H3 will be great, but this guy and podtacular deserve credit as well. I will look into this :D

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  • Ok maybee some of you do care. But wouldn't you rather be hearing news on the development of Halo 3???

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] KIMO23 great job foo! WE'VE HIT IT BIG PODTACULAR![/quote] I think Podtacular is about to get A LOT bigger. Too bad the 1500 campaign is over, we would have had it by now I bet. I've been considering joining up with you guys since I started listening around october of last year. I think I'll join now. Plan to see more of FiveIronFanatic on you forums, Foo Mo! ~FIF

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  • Offtopic... I think Chuck Norris Should Be Master Chief In The Halo Movie... SGT. Johnson - Samuel L. Jackson! "It'll get ya drunk"!

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  • Sadly Spelchek had to move on to other things. He just wasn't into Halo any more. This was quite a while back.

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  • What happened to spelchek? Then again, I'm only up to episode 12...

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  • been a long-time listener to podtacular and i new it was only a matter of time b4 foomo got interveiwd on bungie

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  • Awesome interview. Podtacular is a great community with loads of great people. Staff of Rec B or Member of Rec A. That is the question? Confusing or what?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] bbehr podtacular sucks they have worthless content and their jokes are lame if your under the age of 12 then this is what you should listen to. There is only ONE halo podcast and that would be DROPSHOCK RADIO they provide the stuff you want to hear not like, -blam!- jive talking about something he dosen't even know![/quote] Wow. Way to go in making me never want to listen to your show. :\ Good article but it ended so abrubptly! I love Podtacular!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] bbehr podtacular sucks they have worthless content and their jokes are lame if your under the age of 12 then this is what you should listen to. There is only ONE halo podcast and that would be DROPSHOCK RADIO they provide the stuff you want to hear not like, -blam!- jive talking about something he dosen't even know![/quote] I love how the dropshock wannabee's keep trying to steal podtacular's thunder, good job guys, keep it original. Maybe if dropshock actually did something besides whine and complain one of your hosts would be on here.

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  • Bbehr, if you can't share your opinion without cussing and ragging on us immaturely, maybe you shouldn't be posting at all... P.S. You wouldn't imagine that there's a reason why Podtacular is being featured and not your precious Dropshock, would you?

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  • This is a pretty cool update i have friends in podtacular and they seem to like it . In fact i know one of the guys who posted chevelle65 sup so yea good update.

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  • Contrary to popular belief, IPods actually taste like oranges, not apples, if you eat one. (it may also have a Chinese sweatshop salt element to it too)

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  • Foo mo jive is GOD. Litererally!

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  • you're just jealous because of the cool name. j/k

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