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7/1/2006 1:22:25 AM

The Bungie Weekly Update

A few bits and bobs about Multiplayer and Single player, good news about the Graphic Novel and your favorite: Sad letters from the gurney in the back of the Bungie Waaahmbulance.

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  • I was going to post this earlier under one of my other accounts, but I figured I'd take my medicine and wait for the Ban from the forums to expire. I'm probably gonna get a Ban again for this post but i am going for it anyway. And yes, i read the updates, every word. and have also read the posts before mine, I'm aware of the terms of use...etc. This is a direct quote from the weekly what's update If Memory Serves me Well… I have recently tried to play matchmaking after a 6 month hiatus. However, they said that I cannot play matchmaking because I am suspended. I have never re-called cheating ever, with the exception of my friend using stand-by on my account. I would like to know what's going on. Have your "friend" buy you a new account. Particulary this bothers many of the adults playing this game who pay for their accounts with their own money, not their parents money. They are not spending their own money, therefore will never have the respect for your game that the honest gamers do. Sadly, these people are not permanantly banned from Xbox live. Your Answer to this kids Plea has told him that..... "Have your "friend" buy you a new account". Sadly, It wont be his friend that buys him a new account, It will be his mommy or daddy who probably have no idea why this kid needs a new account anyway. That being said, Xbox live keeps the $50.00 bucks that was paid for on his old account, the terms of use clearly state that you can be Banned from Xbox live for apparently no reason at all and you will not be given a refund in anyway shape or form. So this kid "buys" a new account and just cheats again again and again against innocent players, and Xbox live actually produces more income because of this, and here we are, the innocence spending half our time getting cheated on. making our $50.00 account worth $25.00. not to mention the time wasted and meaningless defacing of an incredible game. These cheaters are getting exactly what they want, and that's attention. the more you tell them "NO" the more they want to do it.....It's a common fact in juvenile delinquency. And kids basically want to do what adults or mature people do, so thats why they beg and plea mommy and daddy to buy them a Mature Rated game. It's Obvious you are only banning accounts and not the source of the accounts. A letter of some sort should be written to the credit card holder or the credit card should be banned, then maybe you will get the parents attention like you asked (" i hope some parents are reading this....." also in the update.)on this website reading what their children are up to. until you do that, the parents will never ever know and the problem of cheating only gets worse. now all they want to do is stick it in your face to prove they can still cheat. It's the snowball effect and It is getting worse, not better. It's funny that a game rated "M" for mature only shows attention to the immature people who are not even supposed to play it. But then again. I could be wrong. I probably will be banned from these forums once again... and that well, is up to Bungie. If thats what they decide, then thats fine with me. All I'm asking is for you guys to put your feet in my shoes for 1 minute and think of what we have to go through day in and day out playing one of the greatest games ever made. Your work of art is being destroyed by children, and eventually thats all you will have playing your game are children who cheat, why...because they can. Sory, if this post offends you, however it is tied directly to the weekly updates, I have not cursed or yelled in anyway, and It is right on topic. So Immediately after banning me, please send a reason why in a message along with the ban. this will save us all some time. thanks again for listening if you are, and if not then i guess that's okay also. See ya in seven days folks. [Edited on 7/3/2006]

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  • Frankie, I have to hand it to you for being so kind to the complaints of cheaters. I feel depressed for mankind as I read/decipher the complaint letters. Then I laugh again as you oh so kindly let them in on how numb they are. Its like Jerry Springer for Bungie. I like that the AI seems to be sharp btw, shame on you for being flanked by grunts. [Edited on 7/3/2006]

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  • best waahmbulance yet! Keep 'em coming - and donate money to your local schools!!

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  • "I am asking you to please unban me and am also wondering if i will be able to play halo 3 matchmaking if you don't unban me. Thank you." "Nope." Does that mean bans will be carried over to Halo 3 matchmaking?! That'd be awsome! Nice update, again. I love the letters from cheaters. There enough laughs to carry me over a bit of time till Halo 3.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] apologeticX Waaahmbulance pwns!!1! And that 13 year old must be retarded because that is quite possibly the worst spelling i have ever seen. Great Update Frankie, and is Halo 3 going to have a "making-of" DVD like Halo 2 did?[/quote] Yeah, I could spell better than that kid when I was 9. And that's hard to believe, if you know me. At least I use good punctuation..-ahem- Hey, I'll give him this. He spells better than my mom and ex-girlfriend combined.

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  • When's the new soundtrack going to be put on iTunes?

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  • Lol I really love that Waahmbulance stuff. I love the 'his xbox fell out of a window' thing. That's just priceless. I hope by next week tons of modders get banned (for the actual benefit of it of course but moreover the hillarious side to it as well).

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  • Waaahmbulance pwns!!1! And that 13 year old must be retarded because that is quite possibly the worst spelling i have ever seen. Great Update Frankie, and is Halo 3 going to have a "making-of" DVD like Halo 2 did?

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  • Good god i still cant believe your still moaning about cheaters, ok i admit a few posts are funny, ie my dog took my gamertag and cheated with it but c'mon guys! Do you really care about it THAT much? Seems a little petty that you dedicate so much time to the idiots that cheat, it is only a game after all. You guys are being rather wet about the whole matter, i just hope the same people who are crying about cheaters so damn often are NOT making HALO 3, or we will be seeing MC in a pink T-Shirt sniffing pretty flowers dreaming about being a fairy! C'mon Bungie toughen up and stop crying about the minority and concentrate on the news that matters!

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  • Man it semms like all these people have some pretty mean friends, not to mention that they all suck at spelling (not that I'm one to talk) but when that kid was like I'm 13 exuse my spelling, take the 1 off the front of that number then it might be acceptable. And does no one know that you can just buy a new account . Plus it's XBOX not x Box. Anyways you guys just keep on whineing and I'll just keep on laughing. :-)

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  • Ha ha ha!! am luvin the Waaahmbulance, especially the one about the kid with no friends and has XBL instead!! ha ha classic. An then he offers to work for bungie to bring cheaters down :-D. I bet you guys get nothing done with all those mails cummin in. Still funny sh1t tho :-D More Waaahmbulance pls

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  • This was my first time reading the waaambulance. I must say it is hilarious. You guys are doin a great job!!!! Ive noticed that i havent been seeing a lot of cheaters or bridgers lately. Man you guys must be really crackin down on those cheaters.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Stryker1138 Very nice. Still lovin the Waaahmbulence stuff. Wish there was more stuff on Halo 3 though. :([/quote] I agree! and I'm lazy.

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  • Bungie isnt always right.How do we know there not banning players because they think wrong about them..Some of those letters could also be fakes they made up.....not saying anything wrong about bungie they make good games im just saying that its possible that bungie isnt always doing the right thing......

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  • Ya......someone sent me a message saying i was banned from halo live.....................i dont even have halo live stop sending me that massage who ever you are!!!! Its not funny. [Edited on 7/2/2006]

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  • I'm very excited about the M.C. Escher Mister Chief

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  • hey frankie, about how many waambulance letters do you get in your inbox each day?

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  • yeah cheaters are horrible , they need to quit playing the game , are they gonna go to bed happy knowing that they got there friend a 35 or something and that they will get banned within like 2 days? they are retarted

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  • Posted by: Corporal Church i may be the first of few to say that i disagree on some of the e-mails posted, but the one in all caps was compelling. I really think its a bad example that Frankie has given us to ignore certain people for certain things. His e-mail sounded very very legit and i don't know why you would ignore it. This is a shame to see an American so unlawful. Do not discriminate, for it leads to unjustice, wrongful doings, and KARMA, yes, karma. So Frankie, rethink that while you go to bed at night.....please note i still worship you. :) That guy worships Frankie? He really needs to get a life [Edited on 7/2/2006]

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  • Well, I know that bungie is careful about this topic so they dont ban an inocent account. And I know that at least half of those complaints were bootleg, but whoever responds to those complaints is a jerk. [Edited on 7/2/2006]

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  • bungie put it BTB SWAT. or something on the lines of that

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  • Hookt on fonix werkt fer mee.....Does leaving multiple feedback by one person work??? Or does it count as one feedback??? Leave the Whaambulance turret on .....It shoots hammers at cheater's domes. [Edited on 7/2/2006]

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  • i saw the guy say "gat" instead of "got". A and O are very far away from the it maybe that FRANKIE EDITED THE E-MAILS TO MAKE THE BANNED PEOPLE LOOK LIKE IDIOTS!?!?! Very possible..i mean comon! People have to be SMART to buy Halo 2! So perhaps Frankie is the bully...i mean comon! Frankies replies are as nice as Triple H Versus The Rock! I seriously think your mom should teach you a lesson on manners offence, still love halo 2 but...cheesus Frankie, comon! CHEATERS!!:adammorrison3 superjumped and started sniping won the round but i cheat feedbacked him around...27 times? :) [Edited on 7/2/2006]

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  • very nice the ambulance(maybe take out the turret it ll look better)

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  • Ive been reading alot about people getting banned. Dont get me wrong those are some pretty funny letters and there are still tons of cheaters, modders and bridgers on halo 2. The thing is I dont really believe Bungie are really banning people. I think they are just making these stories up to attempt to scare these cheaters.

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  • Hey man all I have to say is good job banning these kids I just have to laugh about the complaints they have, but they are still more cheaters and its just getting worse im a level 34 legit was a 39 and there are soo many cheaters around our levels forget banning gamertags ban there mac addresses so they dont play again there should be no tolerance with this. I hope halo 3 is more like halo 1 and hope it had a good feedback system so you dont run into them again Cheaters: "II Snake II" ; "incrediblechris" Standbyed in team slayer keep and eye out for these guys

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