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6/30/2011 2:02:43 PM

Bungie Aerospace

Bang. Zoom! [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&link=bungie_aerospace] click for full story [/url]

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  • Although mobile gaming isn't a platform I'm very interested in I can see the potential of how this will help towards the future. There are good indie dev's out there and if Bungie can find those with real talent and give them some help as they start off. If they end up being successful the money they can make off of Aerospace it'll give them that extra cash to go the extra mile... Think the free stuff Valve can give away because of all the Steam revenue they bring in. Then after making a name for themselves maybe they can get more support behind them and get hired by other AAA game developers or even expand into their own development company themselves... oh wait a minute... Nice try but you can't fool me though Bungie. I know you guys have a soft spot for those garage indie devs because that's exactly what you were when you started off.

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  • wow you guys are really a compony to keep your eyes on. keep up the good work. hopefully soon i can show my game.

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  • Then I was right, the path Bungie entered with Reach is the one they chose to follo9w, the one toward casual gamers and mindless cloned games, high price low value. Just like CoD, but on the new platform where the competition is less stiff and quality doesn't matter... I'll always remember Bungie for what you were pre Reach, just like I'll remember Rare for the glorious N64 days or IW until Mw2. A shame to see a talented developer choose greed and short term income before greatness and loyal fans, then again it leaves for us real hardcore gamers to search for new devs that actually cares about the players too. They're rare this day, when Bungie, IW, Rare, Blizzard and so many others have fallen, but they do exist. Have fun, I bet you'll make even more money and can sell even more wonderful subscription plans, make mindless sequels and copy-paste what ever's popular. Like I said, I remember Bungie for what you were with pride, and cry from the bottom of my heart when I see what you've become. Activision 2.0...

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  • Soooo... will these mobile games at least be supported on the android market as well? Bungie mobile was a bit of a dissapointment in the "multiple platforms" department.

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  • Wow. Are you serious? Independant developers' [i]mobile[/i] games? This is supposed to be your new "kick ass" venture for Aerospace? [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] urk The ultimate goal of Bungie Aerospace is to help independent developers create and showcase their games. That's the bar. Unless you also count the giant pile of cash we're all hoping to swim around in, but that seems really materialistic. [/quote] You're right it does. And in that case you surely won't miss any of my cash. I know better than to be roaped in by handheld gimmicks. Good day.

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  • Crimson...Brine...Waves...could it be...Bloodwake-ish?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] GhostMaker mkII Wait what. :/[/quote] hey ya! wait! >_< Wheres my new bungie game?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Covy Killer While this may be a pretty good deal for indie dev's, this is completely useless for people like me who don't do the whole 'mobile gaming' thing. The last thing I owned that could play games on the go was a GBA.[/quote] The last thing I owned was a big gray gameboy. Right then and their I realized.... If I have a game system on the go I'd be playing video games at least 9/10ths of the day. You need to take a break sometimes people. Mobile/Portable gaming systmes aren't a good thing for hardcores. Unless a handheld is your system of choice. When you're out and about enjoy your time whereever you are. I want to punch kids in the face when I see them on their DS's and PSP's at the beach.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] A Bit Of Zero Seems cool of them to hook up with prospective developers, but why mobile? Why not help out XNA Developers or something?[/quote] Because mobile makes more money. Am I the only one that realizes this? Am I the only person who read the whole article and all I seen was... "Here at Bungie we're trying to make more money by catering to a platform used by billions. So in the future dumb games that are similar to Bloons made by smaller companies/individuals can rake us in some dollars here and their. We promise to advertise for you.... Oh yeah and our community that used to be about Halo and our future titles will now have Angry Bird fans all over the place."

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  • Android and iOS. You did the same thing with the flames as well; you set up something for the iOS users, but left the Windows phone users out in the cold. I'm a little shocked that after Microsoft brought you to the party, that you decide to shut them out after all of this. Seems wrong to me, and unfair. Now I'd like to know how bad the "breakup" was between Bungie and Microsoft; it must have been much worse than anyone suspected.

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  • one step closer to world dominaiton! bwhahaha!

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  • While this may be a pretty good deal for indie dev's, this is completely useless for people like me who don't do the whole 'mobile gaming' thing. The last thing I owned that could play games on the go was a GBA.

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  • I couldn't agree more, bungie aerospace has opened a new door for small developers to create and perfect their ideas, this will create a whole new breed of mobile games. Out with the old games in with the new!

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  • So Bungie essentially is a publisher now? Or Developer/Publisher.

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  • I thought this was going to be something cool like a place that showed all of bungie's cool ideas or something that showed you more exclusive content about halo in general.....not something for mobile game developers. Kind of disappionted to be honest.

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  • To use what most non casual gamers have been saying this is a very underwhelming anouncement. Sure helping indie game studios out is great and all but mobile exclusive as it seems to be is so not great. Many people out there only buy a smart phone beacuse its so hard to find a decent non smart phone. I've so far refused to even touch one. As they say if it ain't broke why fix it. Thats what touch screen tech is to me. The button still works perfectly so why is everyone trying to create something that seems great but ultimately just screams fad. To end this rant mobile games suck there is almost zero immersion and is only a way to kill time for those people, the media and CEO's and all those kinds of peeps, called casual gamers.

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  • and a resounding.... meh.

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  • Time to get a nice iPhone!

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  • cool and all but still a little disappointed since its not as big as i thought it was going to be about

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  • Awesome Bungie! :D :D

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  • well, yes causal platforms are becoming a more prominent medium for games. But what this means is for small developers who don't have the resources to perfect or perhaps even produce their games, now have the ability to do so. Yes, this isn't a Bungie game, but it's Bungie helping others make games. I'm honestly more excited about this than I would be a new Bungie game.

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  • Seems cool. [Edited on 04.19.2012 6:14 PM PDT]

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  • wow...thats ...underwhelming i guess this is the plight of the video gamer , casuals rule this world and we're just living in it the makers of halo plan to usher in a new age gaming...0_o

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  • Great question.

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  • I'm mildly impressed, and unsatisfied! <3 Got to love that Bungie fever.

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  • Hmmm....not what I was expecting but I guess this could be pretty exciting. Hopefully once this thing is fully operational I will have a smart phone finally. Thanks for dropping the info Bungie. See you in 7 days. I like my steak medium rare.

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