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6/27/2011 5:21:47 AM

Why Reach is, and forever will be, the worst Halo game.

A TL;DR is at the bottom. This will be a long post. Again, TL; DR at the bottom for the idiots in this forum. [b]ARMOR ABILITIES[/b] A crutch for inexperienced players. Nothing more, nothing less. *Sprint - Probably the one which is the most acceptable. However, it gives the ability to just "run away" when you're outplayed and/or out gunned. This hurts gameplay. Combine this with the new double melee system and you have the Commando of Halo. *Evade - Broken. It recharges far to fast, and it's essentially a sprint on steroids. Thus it just compounds sprint's problems. Seems like a hindrance in infection and invasion with barrel rolling Zombies and Elites. *Armor Lock - Push a button invincibility does not belong in FPS games at all. If you "should" have died but didn't it hurts gameplay. No matter what you do, they push X and live 6 more seconds, with the added benefits of frosting, shedding plasma grenades, EMP, the ability to look in all directions while in Armor Lock, and being invincible to [b]everything[/b]. *Jet Pack - This makes map control worthless, as you can just fly over the enemy. It also makes enemies difficult to hit with slower projectile power weapons, such as the Fuel Rod and rockets. This allows them to spray you with an AR then Melee you and get the kill, despite you having a superior weapon and quite possibly, skill. *Active Camo - The radar jammer is my real problem with this one. It defeats the entire purpose of it if the enemy knows you're nearby by jammed radar. Plus, on most maps there isn't enough "cover" so to speak, making it harder to blend in with. *Drop Shield - No, bubble shield wasn't good enough. Let's buff it and nerf it in different categories and hope it works out! Seriously, ineffective and not worth using. One hit from a tank and it's gone. 3 seconds later, tank kills you. Extended kill times such as these slow down gameplay and are completely un-needed and quite frankly, a waste of potential. *Hologram - This one is wasted potential and space. If you can't tell the difference between a Hologram and the real person, you're an idiot. It runs consistently in one direction, flickers every single time a shot even grazes it, and overall is hardly used and the time they spent making it could have probably been put to something better. Armor abilities are in general a hindrance to gameplay, and wasted effort. And if you say adapt, I've already tried. And failed. [b]BLOOM[/b] Bloom is built in randomness. Take the DMR, the whole pacing shots thing just doesn't work. You'll get killed by that lucky trigger happy noob who spams and hopes for the best. Randomness is unnecessary and further lowers the already lowered skill gap. Spam Close range = Kill. Spam Mid Range = Luck. Spam Long Range = Nothing. Luck should not be a factor at all. Sure, you do get killed by spammers, but you don't deserve it, it's more an error by Bungie than anything. [b]THE SNIPER RIFLE[/b] As if the gun wasn't overpowered as it was, the decided to make it an anti vehicle weapon, making the best all-rounder in the game. The Bloom doesn't affect it, it's just aesthetic to show the limited firing rate. The reticule is also enormus now, and the game seems to be much kinder in terms of no scoping. Get an enemy within the circle? Automatic headshot (Without Scoping, of course.) "Oh, people complained, let's buff the sniper rifle!" Plus this weapon always seems to attract griefing and betrayals because now it's the ultimate power weapon, even above Rockets. [b]EXPLOSIONS / GRENADE SPAM[/b] Explosions are quite frequent in this game, because of the fact that vehicles are made of tissue paper, and the fact that grenades are tactical nukes. Tanks can't survive more than 100 hits from small Arms fire, a moving warthog can get flipped by about 6 DMR hits, and explosions immobilize you in this game. Every time an explosion goes off in the general area, you can move the reticule for a short time. This is not needed. Grenades - Get outplayed? Out gunned? Just throw a grenade or two in the general direction of you're enemy! It's a guaranteed kill! The increase AOE will only cause problems. Explosions - These seem to have been buffed like grenades. They seem to immobilize you if the don't kill you, which is rare enough. [b]MEDIOCRE CAMPAIGN[/b] I expected a semi-decent campaign from Reach. What I got what this tacked together, plot hole filled, idiotic piece of -blam!-. I don't care that Kat died. I never even knew who she was. Just "GO HERE SHOOT THIS BOMB THIS", with some tacked on allies to try and make it feel emotional. Good for Carter, he pulled a futuristic 9/11 only to accomplish [i]nothing[/i]. Maybe it was supposed to make you feel hopeless, but it just made me think "idiot". He could have jumped out? The deaths seem idiotic and pretty un necessary at times. [b]AFK'ers AND FIREFIGHT[/b] I do not enjoy Firefight. It seems like an extra tacked on gametype to make the game seem like it was more feature rich. It is boring to repeat the same thing over and over, kill the same enemies over and over. Bungie tried to entice you with higher credit payoffs. Those worked, but not in the way intended. People with just sit through games not playing, not moving their character, not getting kills and yet sometimes earn even more of the much sought after credits than people who get Killionaires and Rampages in Firefight. These people ruin the already pathetic multiplayer with their sheer idiocy. [b]WORTHLESS CUSTOMIZATION[/b] I don't go around ohh'ing and ahh'ing at random's armor. I don't enjoy a tacked on RPG-like progression system in my FPS games. I don't care about my own armor (Not much, anyways). Why they spent so much time on these trivial things when they could have been making maps and fixing gameplay is beyond me. [b]LACK OF MAPS AND FORGEWORLD[/b] Forgeworld - Bungie was selfish with this. As well as idiotic. They designed it around their needs and their needs only. Almost half the forge pieces were made for their own maps without the community in mind. Also, due to the environment, it will cause screenlag if a map which heavily uses force piece and not the environment. Lack of maps - They got lazy with this. "Let's not make any new maps and just rehash the old ones with our self-centered pile of -blam!- Forgeworld!" Attempting to forge a map with good detail that isn't plagued by screen lag is near impossible, I've tried and failed about 4 times, with a full sized, detailed map. [b]MEELE SYSTEM[/b] Sword is OP? Hammer is OP? Lets make it so you can punch them out of you're way with little penalty! Honestly, why bungie even implemented this is beyond me. If you're within a CQB weapon's range and have an Assault Rifle, you should be able to win. Shield threshold. SHOOT SOMEONE 16 times with an AR then Meele = Same damage as a single melee. Seriously, just rush with sprint and meele. Why would you need a gun for this?? It also works in all situations because of sword/hammer block! [b]THE DMR[/b] ... Is random and a sad excuse for a precision weapon. Honestly, you can just spam away and get a kill, while the person timing their shots gets killed because of sheer built-in randomness of bloom. It also happens to be Anti-Vehicle, because in the event of an emergency you'll have an Anti-Vehicle weapon with you at spwan at all times. Seriously, I took a Scorpion in Forge mode and began shooting it with the DMR to see what it could take. It took 74 shots to destroy it. Let me tell you, a 7.62 round should not be able to destroy a tank in 74 hits. The damage it does to vehicles should be nerfed significantly so a team will actually have to work to destroy that Scorpion giving them a hard time. I'm finding more than often it ruins medium range combat because the trigger happy players spammed it and got the lucky headshot. It gets on my nerves every time I try to play Reach and snag the Scorpion or another vehicle only to get 2 or 3 kills before DMR spam kills me. [b]LAG / BLACK SCREENS[/b] You shoot an enemy with a full AR magazine and melee him. Twice. Then again. Then he melee's you, and you die. In all honesty, it is totally ridiculous. Seriously. It is unavoidable in most multiplayer games, but it is particularly bad in Reach. Next, the black screens when the host quits which last until the dawn of another age. They literally take [b]over 1 minute[/b] in BTB. That is truly ridiculous. Compared, with say MW2, Host Migrations are about 25 seconds. In Reach, they are about a full minute. Not saying CoD is good, just food for thought. I'm fairly sure Bungie could have simply compacted the,, even in Halo 3 they were shorter, a game from 2007's network > A game from 2010's network? Totally ridiculous. [b]RANKING SYSTEM[/b] They made a system that promotes boosting. Seriously. The better you do the more cR you'll get. Then they attempt to fight a battle against boosters and AFK'ers when they could be making the next game or doing something somewhat productive! 1 - 50 was flawed as well but it was better than this. [b]BETRAYAL SYSTEM[/b] I run and grab the sniper on Hemorrhage. My teammate betrays me and takes it. I betray him back. Instant black screen. I fire a Wraith mortar at the enemy. My teammate runs into it. I'm booted. A guy on our team betrays everyone intentionally. No option to boot. It's so broken it's not even funny. "Smart" systems should not be implemented. They just end up screwing up and making it unfair and unjust. [b]TL;DR[/b] Reach is flawed. Seriously flawed. _________________________________________________ This concludes my rant. Feel free to agree or disagree.
#Halo #Reach

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Argent Dagg3r I can only agree with the betrayal system. [/quote] Seems like everyone dislikes the system. That's the one thing not one person likes. Makes you wonder why it hasn't changed since halo 3.

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  • No, seriously.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Argent Dagg3r Its called an OPINION. Go to then you can learn[/quote]"Feel free to agree or disagree". How about you read the post? I said it was my opinion and feel free to agree / disagree. So yes, excellent observation. It [i]is[/i] an opinion. Too bad I stated it in the OP.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SpazticWonder The only two things i agreed about were the DMR/sniper damage against vehicles and the booting system.[/quote]Well, that's better than none.

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  • The only two things i agreed about were the DMR/sniper damage against vehicles and the booting system.

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  • me too [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] oSwPo I honestly like Reach... [/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Coverfire14 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CaLLMeHarrison [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Coverfire14 The DMR is too random for a weapon that is designed to be accurate. However, I've seen first hand (via my friend) that it IS definitely possible to aim your shots carefully and still get a kill against someone who just rapid fires if you're going 1v1. I'm not saying the DMR isn't random, it IS definitely random. But there is some consistency to it.[/quote] You could pace every shot you make and get consistent headshots but the point is the other person won't do the same and you'll likely die. That's what kills the consistency. Everyone someone who literally paces every shot they make will eventually stop this because they'll lose to a spammer constantly. By the way the last post wasn't towards you. It was towards someone who said Reach was flawless.[/quote] I agree, it's definitely not okay for a precision weapon. I know it wasn't toward me, I just thought I'd respond. On the issue of armor lock, there is absolutely no defense for the addition of armor lock. I understand that it was implemented probably for grenade spam or something like that, but it's so easily abused. I don't see it as much anymore thankfully, but it doesn't stop me from hating it.[/quote] That's why I just feel it's not worth adding these counters. They're basically saying "Hated grenade spam in Halo? Well mediocre players here's what you get!" and that's Reach. Everything has some sort of counter which seems to just ruin most of what Halo is and the whole skill factor.. Also I haven't seen as much AL either but whenever I do I just sigh. Jetpack is now the reason for my frustration, especially when they have an AR. [Edited on 06.30.2011 6:20 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Argent Dagg3r Its called an OPINION. Go to then you can learn[/quote]People like this are the reason this forum is going to hell, not people who actually share their opinions like this guy thinks. Don't argue with me, you can't. There are no arguments against that mess of a post you made. So please, just leave.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CaLLMeHarrison [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Coverfire14 The DMR is too random for a weapon that is designed to be accurate. However, I've seen first hand (via my friend) that it IS definitely possible to aim your shots carefully and still get a kill against someone who just rapid fires if you're going 1v1. I'm not saying the DMR isn't random, it IS definitely random. But there is some consistency to it.[/quote] You could pace every shot you make and get consistent headshots but the point is the other person won't do the same and you'll likely die. That's what kills the consistency. Everyone someone who literally paces every shot they make will eventually stop this because they'll lose to a spammer constantly. By the way the last post wasn't towards you. It was towards someone who said Reach was flawless.[/quote] I agree, it's definitely not okay for a precision weapon. I know it wasn't toward me, I just thought I'd respond. On the issue of armor lock, there is absolutely no defense for the addition of armor lock. I understand that it was implemented probably for grenade spam or something like that, but it's so easily abused. I don't see it as much anymore thankfully, but it doesn't stop me from hating it.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] xXXoNeHuNgLoWxX -blam!- man get a life its just a game[/quote] You're an eclipse how can you say that? Anyway this a forum where you express opinions. Very hypocritical of you to say this when you just posted yourself.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ZipZapZop123773 [url=]Sword Block + AL = Ridiculous Sword Kill Times.[/url][/quote] That's pretty much what I describe when someone said AL is fine for 1v1s. It not only allows your team to save your life but when you're on your own it's still unfair. How does anyone see this as a good addition? [Edited on 06.30.2011 6:09 PM PDT]

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  • -blam!- man get a life its just a game

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  • [url=]Sword Block + AL = Ridiculous Sword Kill Times.[/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Coverfire14 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ZipZapZop123773 [url=]Spamming the ol' Pistol works too![/url][/quote] I see that happen a lot, personally I use the magnum as my primary weapon (didn't always, but I usually do now) and I try my best to aim the shots, but I see it get spammed so much it's ridiculous. But at least with the magnum if you miss one of the shots at a significant distance and don't get a headshot you're screwed, with the DMR you can keep spamming. I'd just like to say thank you for taking the time to gather evidence for your complaints, as well as already explaining them in detail. Hopefully more people will take you seriously and try to give intelligent responses now.[/quote]I've been getting some ridiculous mid-range spams with the magnum lately. I'll render a few of them later. And I agree, I saw this when I played today constantly. It got on my nerves real fast too...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Coverfire14 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CaLLMeHarrison [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ZipZapZop123773 [url=]Thought this was kinda funny as I was firing as fast as I could mid-range, and got a headshot. Then got another guy at fairly close range before I died.[/url][/quote] Showing Reach's inconsistency. So who thinks the DMR isn't random? Wasn't there one idiot a few pages back who said it wasn't?[/quote] The DMR is too random for a weapon that is designed to be accurate. However, I've seen first hand (via my friend) that it IS definitely possible to aim your shots carefully and still get a kill against someone who just rapid fires if you're going 1v1. I'm not saying the DMR isn't random, it IS definitely random. But there is some consistency to it.[/quote] You could pace every shot you make and get consistent headshots but the point is the other person won't do the same and you'll likely die. That's what kills the consistency. Everyone someone who literally paces every shot they make will eventually stop this because they'll lose to a spammer constantly. By the way the last post wasn't towards you. It was towards someone who said Reach was flawless. [Edited on 06.30.2011 5:55 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Coverfire14 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CaLLMeHarrison [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ZipZapZop123773 [url=]Thought this was kinda funny as I was firing as fast as I could mid-range, and got a headshot. Then got another guy at fairly close range before I died.[/url][/quote] Showing Reach's inconsistency. So who thinks the DMR isn't random? Wasn't there one idiot a few pages back who said it wasn't?[/quote] The DMR is too random for a weapon that is designed to be accurate. However, I've seen first hand (via my friend) that it IS definitely possible to aim your shots carefully and still get a kill against someone who just rapid fires if you're going 1v1. I'm not saying the DMR isn't random, it IS definitely random. But there is some consistency to it.[/quote]I don't think a "precision" weapon should have randomness involved at all. It should be consistent, so luck doesn't become a factor. Just my thoughts though.

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  • Disagreed, there really is no problem with people using what's given to them to give them an advantage, well no problem unless you're some pu$$y try hard lol

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  • amen

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ZipZapZop123773 [url=]Spamming the ol' Pistol works too![/url][/quote] I see that happen a lot, personally I use the magnum as my primary weapon (didn't always, but I usually do now) and I try my best to aim the shots, but I see it get spammed so much it's ridiculous. But at least with the magnum if you miss one of the shots at a significant distance and don't get a headshot you're screwed, with the DMR you can keep spamming. I'd just like to say thank you for taking the time to gather evidence for your complaints, as well as already explaining them in detail. Hopefully more people will take you seriously and try to give intelligent responses now.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CaLLMeHarrison [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ZipZapZop123773 [url=]Thought this was kinda funny as I was firing as fast as I could mid-range, and got a headshot. Then got another guy at fairly close range before I died.[/url][/quote] Showing Reach's inconsistency. So who thinks the DMR isn't random? Wasn't there one idiot a few pages back who said it wasn't?[/quote] The DMR is too random for a weapon that is designed to be accurate. However, I've seen first hand (via my friend) that it IS definitely possible to aim your shots carefully and still get a kill against someone who just rapid fires if you're going 1v1. I'm not saying the DMR isn't random, it IS definitely random. But there is some consistency to it.

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  • spot on.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Argent Dagg3r Its called an OPINION. Go to then you can learn[/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dreezy12 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Councilor_117H2 I agree about the deaths, Carter death felt like it was just to get rid of him it would have been better if you fight the scarab u can't beat it, carter is about to die and he crashed it, that is a little bit more elaborated and people would think its epic it was very easy, it is easy to make epics deaths, I can't find a good reason for all the retarded flaws this game has, [b]maybe its the new bungie team.[/b][/quote] It's definitely the new team. New employees = less connection to what makes Halo, Halo.[/quote] totally, it started with Halo 3, but its was ok the people that worked on Reach are responsible for all the flaws, story wise I believe this game failed like no other

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  • I strongly disagree with you. And if your tired of all of this, play custom games. Jenga, indiana jones, and garbage man OWN.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Xtremley Beast12 OK heres something you can understand. the needle rifle got turned into the carbine the DMR got turned into the BR the tanks got upgraded so did the warthog the mongoose and the falcon. why elese do you think that the grenades are stronger to us in reach the chief could jump over Frikieng brutes thanks to his armor.[/quote] Jumping doesn't affect the grenade strength. You could have the same settings as halo 3 and the grenades will still do more damage because the grenades themselves are much stronger in Reach.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Xtremley Beast12 OK heres something you can understand. the needle rifle got turned into the carbine the DMR got turned into the BR the tanks got upgraded so did the warthog the mongoose and the falcon. why elese do you think that the grenades are stronger to us in reach the chief could jump over Frikieng brutes thanks to his armor.[/quote]What?

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