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5/24/2011 11:04:17 PM

Credit Resets - 5/24/2011

Good afternoon, We have executed a round of Credit Resets with a temporary Credit Ban for accounts which have habitually exhibited idling or "AFK" behavior while playing in Firefight Matchmaking. We'll be keeping a close eye on all of the accounts which we have taken action against. Further action will be taken if necessary, up to or including a temporary or permanent Matchmaking Ban. When you idle or "AFK" frequently you're causing a negative impact on the enjoyment and integrity of the game for other players. Anytime you are in a Matchmaking session of Halo: Reach you are expected to be actively playing the game, we award you Credits in good faith and trust that you are earning them. Violating that trust by earning Credits that you don't deserve and negatively impacting the experience of other players will result in the removal of Credits. Furthermore, using network manipulation to splinter a matchmaking session so you can benefit from games intended for groups of players is not acceptable. When you do this you deprive the other players in your session of a teammate and you degrade their online experience. We have provided a single player Firefight playlist called Score Attack which you can use if you wish to play alone. [b]Regarding Disputes[/b] A separate thread will be created and monitored for as long as we believe necessary. If you believe your ban was a false positive, you can post a request for investigation. Only use this thread and request an investigation if you are absolutely sure that your ban was a false positive, if we take the time to investigate your account and find that you do have idling or "AFK" behavior, we will place an extended Credit Ban on your account. Thank you for your cooperation. [Edited on 05.24.2011 3:05 PM PDT]
#Halo #Reach

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  • YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • i think im not credit banned anymore. if not, YESSSSS FINALLY! ITS AWESOME.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Aikidu Ven [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Solomon079 dont encourage him[/quote] I mean I encourage the first post. Though frankly, if you did something to deserve a credit reset I approve as well.[/quote] That's the case for most of the people on here. Sad that the most responded to thread is this one.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Solomon079 dont encourage him[/quote] I mean I encourage the first post. Though frankly, if you did something to deserve a credit reset I approve as well.

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  • dont encourage him

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  • High Five. I support this!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Solomon079 why? if you arn't going to help me or other people or post a problem about credit banning then get off this forum.[/quote] If you're going to do things to get you banned from earning credits then get off Reach. cwutididthar? Almost every single appeal in this thread was found to be null and void. Plain fact.

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  • why? if you arn't going to help me or other people or post a problem about credit banning then get off this forum.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Solomon079 yes it is still up[/quote] It needs to die.

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  • yes it is still up

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  • Wait, this thread is still up?

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  • 95% of the time i get kills in infeciton. anyways my gold membership expired yesterday so im not playing matchmaking until i get it again, which will be soon. and i find this weird but a few days ago i was playing campaign (winter contingency) and i got credits like normal, but im sitll credit banned. so i exited the game to see if i could get credits anywhere and at the lobby it said "this account has been temporarily banned from earning credits." and earlier today i was playing it again and killed a few skirmishers and got credits but then it said "this account has been temporarily banned from earning credits." does anyone know whats going on?

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  • i know right? lol i just make kids rage its really funny you should try it like go into a forum and say that armor lock isnt powerful enough and kids will rage its hilarious

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  • Can we just leave this thread alone please? Nobody else will be getting their rank back. As some of the other people here have said, and Im going to make it REAL simple for those who have ADD. Here it is... *sips tea* Deal with it *sips tea*

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  • i am cool with you now dude but i never said i was good but hey believe what you want it wont bother me

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] giga fox 117 you know what i have to say to that? wah cry me a river i never said that i was the best player hell no. but what i see it as is the fact that the guys on here say "oh this guy afked lets try to exploit him" i hate that and to make it worse they say to there might be true excuses a lie you dont know what happened i may have afked but believe me it was unintentional and kd doesnt mean anything maybe in the one game but in some cases if i really try harded from the begging i would have been positive so, i am very competitive so just do what all other trolls did and get out of the forums bungie doesnt even care about us anymore and barely ever did just get over it kid[/quote] Wow, he's mad. You say you are good, but I don't believe you. Between now and the last time I saw you, your K/D has gone up by 0.01, from a 0.88 to a 0.89 the other day. However, today it is back down to 0.88, like it was over a month and a half ago. Meanwhile, My K/D has gone up by nearly 0.2, from somewhere around 1.85 to now a 2.02. And I have watched other people's K/Ds rise even higher than that in the same time, and these people are good. You are not good, stop trying to claim you are.

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  • You actually [i]post[/i] in this forum, Jeremiah? I know I do from time to time because Optimatch is going down, but still! At least this is being done.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Solomon079 oh and bungie, im a loyal player of yours. i LOVE halo! its awesome. In my opinion, halo reach is the best of them all. but credits and ranking up are the fun things about it. i realized yesterday that the reason i was banned was because i was credit boosting. i got 9000 credits 1 in a night and 3000 twice that night. BUT...i wasnt trying to.i didnt mod my account like those noob makes no sense...[/quote] Dude you don't get banned for getting the super jackpot. You got banned most likely because of you multiple games of Infection where you didn't get any kills at all, or got negative points.

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  • you know what i have to say to that? wah cry me a river i never said that i was the best player hell no. but what i see it as is the fact that the guys on here say "oh this guy afked lets try to exploit him" i hate that and to make it worse they say to there might be true excuses a lie you dont know what happened i may have afked but believe me it was unintentional and kd doesnt mean anything maybe in the one game but in some cases if i really try harded from the begging i would have been positive so, i am very competitive so just do what all other trolls did and get out of the forums bungie doesnt even care about us anymore and barely ever did just get over it kid

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  • oh and bungie, im a loyal player of yours. i LOVE halo! its awesome. In my opinion, halo reach is the best of them all. but credits and ranking up are the fun things about it. i realized yesterday that the reason i was banned was because i was credit boosting. i got 9000 credits 1 in a night and 3000 twice that night. BUT...i wasnt trying to.i didnt mod my account like those noob makes no sense...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] giga fox 117 better than most but see i can prove myself and that other kid sucks rank and kd means nothing so until youve seen one of me play a good game' you wouldnt say that[/quote] Why is it, that i've played way less than you, WAY less, but i have a better K/D, a higher rank, and i probably have better B.O than you too, if you want to "1v1" take it to the classifieds, you dont need to "prove" yourself here, you've proven enough. You are talking out your backside, if you play good, thats fair game, but calling people out to 1v1? what are you trying to prove? [Edited on 07.14.2011 6:50 AM PDT]

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  • giga its not like you are the best player in halo...not even close. and dont say im not the best either, because its obvious im not the best either. and isnt this about being credit banned? that and i AM credit banned for "credit boosting". im mad because its not like i was trying to credit boost. one night a few days ago on living dead, i randomly got 9,864 credits or something like that in the 9000's. and then i got it twice more that night. the next morning..."this account has been temporarily credit banned." it was unintentinal "credit boosting" and if bungie can hear this...i might have been false credit banned, idk but if i wasnt dont ban me longer.

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  • If you are credit banned, from what i've heard its 24 hours to 2 weeks to forever (i even heard someone say one month) i have been credit banned for...i dont remeber the exact day i was credit banned i think it was friday of last week. anyways i think its because for some reason in Living Dead i got somewhere around 9000 credits, but i wasnt trying to. i wonder if bungie will count that as false banning...

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  • Thanks

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  • i agreee i got over because i realized that its just a game who cares i play for fun now im just glad i wont get reset anymore im a colonol now

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] tsujen [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Captain Meowly So its been over a month now and not a word or anything on why I was banned and reset. Who do I have to talk to?!?! Jeremiah does nothing, Achronos does nothing, who still works at bungie that I can talk to? Customer service is unreal on this game. I want my rank back, i played for 10 months to get where I was. [/quote] You're an idiot, their is no reason to for them to write you why you got reset.. [URL=]AFKING IN FF[/URL] [URL=]JUST LIKE EVERY ONE ELSE[/URL] [URL=]NO REASON TO WRITE YOU BACK[/URL] [URL=]ENJOY THE RESET[/URL] [/quote] *sigh* Kids these days. I've tried to tell them...but they refuse to listen.

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