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5/1/2004 12:50:04 AM

Bungie Weekly Update!!!

Short and largely pointless this week, as the team crunches, the marketing guys are swept into the maelstrom of E3, and just about everyone this week, not coincidentally, is working on a secret part of the game that they can't even really hint at. [b]Nathan's Animation Station[/b] Nathan's on a roll this week, saying, "I think I saw John’s knuckles bleeding this week. He was talking to his knuckles too…it was either to give them congratulations from really hard work on the Elite, or gently spoken murmurs of encouragement before John pops me one. I am unsure which is true, but I do know that the Elites’ animations are very tight. Buddman has been working on another top-secret character while taking some time out to calm the Jackal…quiet and collected, Mike Budd trudges through the toughest characters to make them awesome. I wish we could say more about his secret character, since it will rock harder than a quarry when you see it in-game. The Billmation studio is still going strong. While working on Grunt animations we occasionally get blessed by poorly done Christopher Walken impressions coupled with a nice rendition of “Can You feel the Love Tonight” as sung by Nathan Lane. The scariest part is the Nathan Lane as Christopher Walken impression. I wanted to run away but couldn’t since I had just soiled myself from laughter and slipped on my own feces. I have been tightening the multiplayer Spartan animations, addressing bug after bug. I am thinking of changing my name from “bentllama” to “Orkin Man”, though I don’t think I will need the hardhat. I also have blisters on my palms from those damn S controllers. They have this plastic seam of razor along side them that really dig into your hands while clutching the controller in anger. When the multiplayer maps get to a stage where everyone is getting angry, then you know they are fun. Mark my words Jaime, I will get you back…you and you pony named 'One trick'!" [b]David's Bells and Whistles[/b]   David Candland, User Interface master and all around superhuman, says, "This past week or so was devoted to experimenting with new elements into the Heads-Up Display. Right now in the HUD, there are new bits mixed alongside old bits. We’re trying something different with the look of the health and shield system people knew in Halo 1, so eventually that is the biggest difference people will notice. We’re also toying with an icon system instead of text to warn you about low ammo, reloads and no grenades. Cuban has been huge in getting these working slick. We’re also bringing back a favorite feature that has been missing in Bungie games since the Myth series.   In UI land, we’ve been getting all the half-built, work in progress menus to look un-broken. And- as Frank knows, I’ve been going back and forth with Parsons (I’m winning) about what we should reveal about our secret Xbox Live plans that will change the way people play online forever. Not only have we got a system that fixes the bad things about playing on Live, but one that makes the experience even more fun. We’re shooting to make playing on Live as close to the amount of fun as playing at a friend’s LAN party. This plan will put an end to war and poverty. It will align the planets and bring them into universal harmony, allowing meaningful contact with all forms of life." From extra terrestrials to common household pets… OK maybe not. But it will be cool. You saw it first here, kids." [b]Engineering[/b] No update from engineering this week, except to say that they've been fixing bugs and tuning something you'll see in a week or two. [b]Butcher's Block[/b] Chris Butcher has been working on performance fixes. Framerates are pretty smooth right now, but Chris has been finding and eradicating "stupid little things" taking up valuable CPU time that shouldn't be. Chris and the guys have been arguing a ton over the balance of vehicles versus infantry, but points out that it's really fun now. Other big arguments going on right now on exactly how a level should be lit. The way it is now is fantastic (says me) and it captures the blazing yellow of a mid sunrise, complete with the bloom and glare you get when the sun is still low in the sky. Better yet, you look straight up, and there's the pale moon, still visible before full daylight. Very atmospheric. That level (on Earth) also has tons of cool structures that obscure and reveal the glare of the sun as you run around. Looks coooool. Don't know what they could possibly be arguing about, to be honest.   [b]Warholes[/b] The bump-maps in Halo 2 are really very clever. The stuff in the original Halo was pretty cool – you know, the big metal bulkheads with their ridges and extrusions, but the art and the tech for that stuff has come on a long way since then. For example, I was just taking a close look at a yellow/black warning decal on a barrier, and it was very slightly bumpy, just like painted cast-iron, with a gorgeous specular highlight. I can stare at that crap for hours. I also find myself "skimming" close to wall surfaces, pock-marked, cratered pavements, trying to "beat" the optical illusion a bump map creates. Even the Chief is nicely bump-mapped, with the not coincidental side-effect that this frees up more polys and memory for enhanced animation. As a matter of fact, the new Chief actually uses fewer polys than the old one. Which to me, is kind of a mind-BLAM! Because he looks about seven console generations better. To me. Another funny thing about our bump, texture and light maps is that every time I load up a build, something I thought was finished and gorgeous has been replaced by something better, and I invariably find that an old texture I thought was finished, was a placeholder. The upshot of that is that the environments are a lot more varied and organic than I expected. Until next week, which if anything, will be even more mental than this, enjoy Mister's pop art debut. [img]/images/games/halo2/weeklyupdate/warhole043004.gif[/img] [url=]And don't forget to check out the Archive[/url]

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  • oops, sorry for practicaly posting the same thing twice. i thought it didnt get on the forums the 1st time

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  • I loved it and all, but to tell the truth, I forgot about the update from anticipating this years'E3. I was looking back at last years E3 and man, we were all pumped up. Now, this year, with a more improved and redefined Halo 2, how will we take this one? its gonna be sooooo freakin' amazing to see it in real game time. BTW, do you guys think the Halo 2 E3 this year will be Multiplayer? Or do you think it'll be Campaign mode again?

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  • Wow, nice update! Geez, cant wait. Maybe they'll give out another 8 minute live demonstration... that'd be awesome, especially with all the things updated since last E3. Keep up the good work guys! Can't wait much longer, but I will if I have too ;).

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  • That update was exciting and all, but I am really anticipating Halo 2's E3 04 debut! 13 more days till we get some new and improved Halo 2 stuff! Can't you just feel the love?

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  • >who has play marathon or myth? what is the new thing they might be adding? You'll just have to wait and see :) (nobody has guessed it so far)

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  • I wants the preciousssssssss. When will the massster gives us the precioussssss?

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  • Hey, who has play marathon or myth? what is the new thing they might be adding?

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  • AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... I can't wait. The suspense is tearing me apart!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Go Lee Oh Blue, Red, Green, Gold, White, and Pink[/quote] It's not pink dude, it's like a lightish red =D

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  • Suhweeeeeeet! About the "pop art." 6 Spartans.... anyone else think that might mean something? Maybe its hinting at another survivor besides Kelly, Fred, Linda, John, and Will.... But I still don't think its one of the "3 that weren't at Reach," Since having 3 not present at Reach when it was attacked (days after Halsey said what she said) would contradict the total number of Spartans that were alive before Reach altogether. Maybe its James (unlikely...)? I doubt its Sam. If not James, then I'd guess one we haven't met, that somehow made it off Reach..... I'm not saying that this is what the pop art meant... just what it might hint at.

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  • Nice update, Frankie. I agree that replays are needed; and not like the Marathon replay feature; I want something like in Myth where you can take the camera anywhere (within reason). Good work. :) - Reiginko

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  • The S controller only cuts into your hands if you have fragile little girly hands Frankie. Your suppose to be setting an example for us Halo fans, would you expect us to complain after sitting down for 3 full days of playing Halo 2, then complaint about that might big load in our pants. No Errr gross. Anyways girly hands enough said.

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  • I've been waiting all day for this

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  • Good update Fankie, I can't wait till E3 to see what they ahve to say about this beautifull piece of art. Oh so will we get another screen shot before E3?

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  • It really does sound great, also you can really see some awsome stuff in the Bungie a guy with a cool haircut, and a computer screen with mysterious unknown contents.

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  • Yeah, it was great, but I was still hoping for a new screenshot or something.

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  • Short Update... but still cool none the less...

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  • This weeks update rocked! It got me all excited about the next couple of weeks!!!!!!!!!

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  • This was a nice update. I wonder what neat thing's, will happen at this year's E3. <>_<> Well only today and 10 more days till E3. ^_^

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  • [quote]Any word on the option of fine tuning your profile settings from the pause screen while in game? That would be very nice. [/quote] I think we've already heard that it is possible to invert the y-axis from the pause menu (YES!), but I don't know if it lets you go more in depth.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ArchMagnus There will be at least 4 Teams on Team Slayer this time around. quote] Yes, if you haven't seen the Game Informer screenshots of Halo 2 multiplayer you should definitely go pick it up. The article is sweet. It's 10 pages long and includes lots of screenshots. It looks like there is going to be 6 teams for multiplayer. Blue, Red, Green, Gold, White, and Pink

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  • I updated the [i]new character[/i], click on my sig link and scroll to the bottom of the [b]Villains[/b] section to see what exactly this new character can do that no other character can do... The most interesting thing about this update is the comparison made between playing Halo 2 via Live being just as fun as a LAN. Does this mean better connection speeds/more players or an interesting new interface? Who knows, but I'm anxious for E3 to see how many beans Bungie spills. I imagine there will be beans everywhere. [Edited on 4/30/2004 5:36:28 PM]

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  • I cant wait to see the new character. Its gonna be so cool.

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  • Nice update! This is making the anticipation for E3 even greater... one more week till I leave....

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  • Hmmm, a feature that has been missing since Myth. Ummmm, Replays! Saved Films!!! Hurrah!!!!!! Maybe...

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  • archmagnus what are you on about? Dont tell us you played halo 2.

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