[url=http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/CareerStats/weapons.aspx?player=Technobrats]Wow, check his invasion and competitive stats for the gun[/url]
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WBNSZL6gqg&feature=channel_video_title]His Montage, check out his channel for more repeater kills[/url]
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hxdf3Sw75xs&feature=channel_video_title]Repeater > Banshee[/url]
I hereby declare that we should make a new medal just for the epicness of his actions.
I don't think I can comprehend how difficult that would be to attain.
Unless someone can top that with a Plasma Pistol, or Concussion rifle, than I think this man deserves a round of applause.
I've played with this guy many times, Its scary how good he is with that gun.
If he has a repeater, its like the end of the world. Seriously, he runs for the gun in every game on every map. Its so funny to just see him dropping people like flies with it.
And his comp. K/D is still relatively high, so don't hate on him. He just has a gift with this gun.
[url=http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/GameStats.aspx?gameid=530324535&player=Technobrats]Even more....[/url]
Its inspired me to start using it more....
Any responses?
[Edited on 03.20.2011 7:55 AM PDT]
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Technobrats [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] blockalocka whats the plasma repeater count you haven't updated in a while [/quote] I am in the hospital I wont be able to play for a while[/quote] But you are the greatest player of all time, you have to play.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] blockalocka whats the plasma repeater count you haven't updated in a while [/quote] I am in the hospital I wont be able to play for a while
whats the plasma repeater count you haven't updated in a while
HEY TECHNOBRATS CHECK THIS OUT! [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YCLbPxgkBI[/url]
such a terrible, terrible thread. 1, the banshee was killed by a BUNCH of people. he wasn't the only one shooting at it, he just got lucky and got the kill. 2, the montage is garbage. you can see he has host throughout the montage. the plasma repeater is a good weapon on host. the game even tells you where to aim the weapon to make every bullet count. 3, i have 1,612 kills with the plasma repeater and i dont even use the mo fukkin weapon. 4, nothing special to see here. move it along.. good day. oh and, i think this is the kid with boosted plasma repeater kills in his game history. i remember checking a while ago. yes its just like 50 boosted plasma repeater kills but still, in my eyes, this kid is a bad kid and i have no respect for him. bye :) [Edited on 08.02.2011 11:01 PM PDT]
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] o0MrCheesy0o He must be the one that's always voting for Elite Slayer... >_>[/quote] There is no elite slayer in arena, and we all know about his onyx rating...
0.0 ....Wizard....
How in the world did he do that? Edit: I posted in a really old topic >_< [Edited on 08.02.2011 9:30 PM PDT]
Impressive. Even more so if it was the Plasma Rifle.
the plasma repeater is a alien gun, tear down the shield faster then the AR but his less accurate then the AR, but its gonna keep on shooting until it overload, wich is better than having a clip with "limited" amount of ammo, but he surely did inspired me to get that gun more often, I can see why this gun is underused and how its really a good weapon now... XD [Edited on 08.02.2011 8:19 PM PDT]
So? I can get a pro pipe or a plasma and take out a plasma pistol. Me an some buds could take out that banshee faster with DMR's than a plasma repeater. EDIT, I admit he's good, but that was also the worst banshee pilot I've seen in a long time. [Edited on 08.02.2011 8:02 PM PDT]
Remove the PR it's OP! LOLOL just kiddin'. Nice job and props to TechnoBrat.
This guy is crazy.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Ryus Shoryuken Did you get banned from Halocharts or something Techno? I don't see you on their lists.[/quote]Old WAY grudges.
Wow. Haters reported Aquas post...
Did you get banned from Halocharts or something Techno? I don't see you on their lists.
I WILL catch up! Someday:/
Plasma repeater kill count at 11297
what is the plasma repeater kill count at
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] aBlueBookshelf How does it feel to know people care about how good you are with an amazing weapon?[/quote] pretty good thanks for asking
I care, if for no other reason than it's unique. That and I've done my best to be good with it also.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Technobrats [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SkyFighta65 Lol @ irie on his alt accounts trying to troll again [/quote] I thought you had given up thanks again for posting and helping keep this thread alive ;)[/quote]He's not trolling And we didn't bring it back, you did with your alts. Kinda sad? How does it feel to know no one cares about how good you are with a pointless weapon?
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SkyFighta65 Lol @ irie on his alt accounts trying to troll again [/quote] I thought you had given up thanks again for posting and helping keep this thread alive ;) [Edited on 07.05.2011 12:25 PM PDT]
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SkyFighta65 Lol @ the alt bumping and lol @ thinking intelligent people care about his dumpy youtube videos[/quote]
Lol @ the alt bumping
thanks brats, i have been using the repeater a lot lately :D