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4/12/2024 7:46:03 PM

Bows are completely dead for the 2% of us that enjoyed using them

I have 60k + kills with bows in PVP and it’s actually so frustrating to see where they are now. Bows feel like they are exclusively a hot swap weapon now which makes no sense in a duelling focused experience. The fact that you had to fight through flinch on your second shot was random enough securing the kill - now you have to hit the crit through flinch and in a AR meta- bow’s are absolutely are dead in PvP until the pvp team changes something. The 6% buff to lightweights did nothing as any 10 resil or overshielded guardian will not even have the shield broken. I thought lethalphobia may be usable with this buff, but it still is not. There is no plus side to using a bow now, I would have said Airborne gameplay before but that dosent matter now you need to hit both crits. The only usable bow is wishender, by far the most annoying and boring bow to use. If you are an aggressive bow player wishender is far too slow and wants you to sit back and wall hack which just isn’t fun. Rip my fellow bow enthusiasts. As someone who has nearly 300,000 kills in pvp I have never found pvp to be this frustrating to play; I doubt il be playing much pvp from here on, as a bow main it feel’s completely unplayable, it’s a real shame as it really felt great to master this play style and have a fighting chance at carrying my team in trials… not anymore

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