Now I understand the desire for bosses to be challenging. These health bars do not make them challenging. Having to 10+ phase a boss for a solo flawless completion, taking over an hour to defeat a single boss even though you're executing perfectly is incredibly dull.
I understand balancing around well. Please, instead of balancing around well of radiance, I (And all warlocks relegated to well in their raid teams) beg of you to just nerf/rework well instead. Seriously, both Ghost of the Deep and now the new dungeon feel pointless to even attempt solo as I know a single failure wont just set me back an hour or two but probably a solid 4 depending on what part of the dungeon I've made it to.
I think the new dungeon is pretty good, and both the mechanics and puzzles are good. The first boss is in my opinion really good if not a little easy, but the second and last bosses are such bullet sponges that I'm left after a damage phase thinking "man, did I equip a spud gun?" before dying on the 11th phase and going "I did HOW MANY MILLIONS?"
Ghosts of the deep absolutely, but the new dungeon seems good. It didn't feel like they were too tanky to me