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Clan Recruitment

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5/9/2023 5:47:40 PM

The Shank Brigade (LGBTQ+ Friendly, 18+) is recruiting!

Hello Guardian! This Year's Guardian Games is here, which means we once again have to prove which class is superior! (I'm still torn, I play all three.) What better way is there to compete in the Superpowered Olympics we call Guardian Games, than to do it with friends by your side! The Shank Brigade is an LGBTQ+ Friendly clan, looking for more members to join our lovely [spoiler]cult[/spoiler] family! We offer you: A large variety of channels, many of which can assist you in finding destiny related info! (With the help of our resident bots, of course.) We have additional channels unrelated to destiny, like our common-grounds ChitChat, our *frankly too popular* Memedump, and our ever so cursed Quotewall! A large group of like-minded players that can help you out in game! We're recruiting people of any skill level, so you could be fresh out of the grave, or a Guardian Rank 11 already (seriously how), we'll accept you either way! Timezones don't matter - we have players from all over; Monthly events, ranging from Raid Carries, to Private Crucible Matches, even... Gambit. If these intrigue you, please, join on in and take a look! All we ask is that you're above 18 and are civil. If you're interested, click the link below! Well, that's about all! Hope to see you!

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