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3/1/2023 12:18:02 AM

Genuine question - Do you regret buying Lightfall?





I AM going to buy it


I am NOT going to buy it


No hate here - just a deflated and dispirited Day 1 Player who feels they have had enough. I haven't played since a few weeks back, and genuinely cannot get excited about this next release. Watched a few livestreams and launch parties, took on board a lot of comments from these forums, both good and bad, so would really like to hear some feedback from the Lightfall Day 1 players as these are the die hard Guardians and will have been keen to see this succeed. I too want to see this game succeed, but season after season I feel this has been going the wrong way. Been Destiny2, Destiny 1, ALL the Halos so maybe it is just time I was put out to pasture. Give me some honest opinions - I don't like the look of Strand, don't love the sound of the mod changes, and it sounds like they are nerfing gear AND weapons? Thanks for taking the time to spare a few thoughts. If I don't come back ( 3 x 6 month breaks in the past!) I sincerely hope YOU enjoy the game going forward.

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  • It's shite.. nothings improved, everything's worse and if u find something u like bungie will nerf till its garbage. Feels like a momey grab more than anything. Definitely regret buying. Never had many crashing issues till lightfall either

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  • Now that we are in week 2 of Lightfall, and played quite of bit of everything, I am probably least interested in loading it up each time as I ever have been since I came back to the game about 4 years ago. There isn't one thing that I just want to play anymore. In some ways there have been good changes going forward, but overall I just feel like Destiny 2 got worse somehow with LIghtfall.

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  • 50 dollars for a Subclass and zero narrative

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  • Can I just get Nimbus’s d**k out my face please?

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  • While I am disappointed with the story, that's not the deal breaker. What kills it for me is that playing the game just isn't fun or rewarding anymore. I preordred so I'll at least try to get my money's worth and unlock the seasonal rewards, but I'm not looking forward to it. Destiny is truly a chore at this point

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    2 Replies
    • Yes. My main reason is the light level and how it makes the last year of grinding essentially pointless and it also making you to weak to participate in some of the new activities on Neomuna (at light level 1600 some of the world enemies will labeled with ?? meaning that they are immune to all of your damage). I know that parts of the game was lacking challenge but this feels like overkill.

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    • I do regret it. WitchQueen to me was amazing. I enjoyed the story, the world building, the campaign was a blast on Legendary and it helped tie up some story threads and had a rather satisfying ending with the final fight with Savathun and the reveal. Lightfall has by comparison felt exceptionally bland. None of the new characters are interesting or likeable, we barely see anything of Calus; [spoiler]only then to kill him in a generic mission. At least Raulk was a raid! Calus has been this big bad guy for YEARS; and we just poke him to death in a normal mission? [/spoiler] The new mod system is very bland and overly simplified. Making builds nolonger feels as.. fun as it was now we don't really have to put any thought into it. Neomuna on Neptune just feels... meh? It's feels alot like old Venus from D1 with some more shiny lights. I wish there'd been more variety like the throne world. I dunno. So far everything just feels like it was rushed? the story, the missions, the world. None of it feels... full? Almost like this was meant to be part of a larger expansion they then cut down to save time.

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    • Edited by TheShadow: 3/2/2023 12:02:06 AM
      Nope, because I knew better than to buy LF. You, people, need to wake up, I've been telling you for a while now that things are only going to get worse and they literally have. I knew things were going to be bad watching this business scrabble, using 8 years of feedback to try to keep players from canceling their pre-orders using the blues pretending "they are listening" only to find out they took another request for 8 years to make a profit off of it. WoW! Now I know why they decided to make a profit off the player paying them to skip the campaign, and a lot of you will pay them too🤣🤣🤣😂

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      10 Replies
      • I bought DS2 at Launch, at played it really casually then. Rejoined for Chosen and thought damn, this is great! Some ups and downs since then but nothing like the horror stories i hear from veterans about DS1 or Warmind and such. Especially with the leadup to it i've been really hyped, like i havent been for a game since like..DmC5? Age and alcohol abuse seems to have taken its toll on my brain however, because yes, its never ever worth the hype. Not only was the hype unjustified but man this sucks -blam!-. I honestly hate everything about it. I got a depressing minimum wage service job and splooged 100 bucks for the year pass and everything, so this just stings. I've been fully suckered in with this "Bungo has finally learned how to tell a story in this universe and everythings gonna be amazing now" narrative. I feel like im joining AA, the senior members with their 3 year chips just giving me a heartfelt "we've been there" kind of look. I could be saying "Oh maybe the next one! Or or the season! A-and the raid!" but the first step might just be to acknowlege there's a problem.

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      • 3

        Piss off - old

        I regret buying into the HYPE, I didn't get the $100 version like most, I got the $50 version ( 1 season). Neomuna is a mess, but today I go to the other planets and grind to 1800 ( currently 1746 on hunter) Let's make the most of what we got and continue to complain to bungie until they actually get it right.

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      • No Warmind Cells, no purchase.

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        • Edited by iKARUS: 3/2/2023 1:15:43 AM
          I dont regret it for the plain fact I got the better deal with the 100$ value. Lightfall. Just lightfall. Is well..... Mediocre. It's a nudge rather than the two handed push it could've been. The writing is almost like a marvel fan fic... The have all the nods and references needed to claim to be Destiny* but none of the bravado, and yes it's very early in the dlc/season but as a jumping point, it definitely felt short... Strand is fun. Getting that Titanfall/spiderman/Pathfinder action is great n all, but who made the call to time gate the aspects and fragments? For the sake of story line? Eh.. Weapons r well weapons. Being reskinned I could care less at this point Ive been desensitized since rise of iron 🤷 but origin traits and new perks are what I've been chasing and well it's been a lot of meh. Build crafting is now halfbaked rather than taking the rpg torch and running with it. Not only did they nuke the cooldowns but the mods that help with those cooldowns as well? Sigh. Haven't got a single new armor set piece to drop for me other than what nimbus has. Which speaking of. Neomunas loot pull is, as Bungie does, saturated with universal loot rather than its own worlds loot... That was a major disappointment. But i will say I'm glad to see past weapons dropping for new lights. For myself notsomuch Nimbus is mediocre. Voice could've been better. Rohan. Well. Expected. Osiris. Is old dog new tricks gimmick. Neomuna is sadly just cardboard castles... Despite the grapple gimmick. AND WHERE THE HELL IS MY POOKA FISH GHOST SKIN.

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          6 Replies
          • My answer is no, and here’s why. I bought this DLC and Season Pass to play the next 52 weeks worth of content. Until Lightfall’s year worth of storytelling is over, I don’t feel that I’m in a position to feel regret. I know not everyone will agree with this sentiment, but I truly feel Bungie is doing something unique with Destiny’s storytelling within the realm of video games. I’m sure there are more “well-traveled” gamers out there than myself, but for me, this is first time I’ve ever played a game with episodic style storytelling… for 8+ years. None of that changes the fact that it looks like Lightfall is off to a rough start. Haven’t finished the campaign, but thanks to YouTube I know what happens and how many questions are left unanswered. It’s a huge departure from Witch Queen’s storytelling. I’ve come to think of Destiny’s major campaigns as a series of chapters to a new story that isn’t over at the end of that campaign, but rather, it’s over at the end of the next year. Until then, I’ll continue playing to see how it pans out.

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          • Bought the dlc yesterday. The campaign story (or lack of one) reinforced my opinion that I only stay with destiny because it’s something my friends play.

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          • I don’t regret buying it. I don’t buy many games a year, so my gaming budget doesn’t stretch us thin. I am disappointed in the campaign, but the content improves after the campaign, and I’m enjoying it. Now that I’m able to play with strand outside of the tutorials it is working much better for me.

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          • Mods are a downgrade from previous set I was hoping to do a power solar melee build but NO they removed all the unique mods 😑Why no one talking about why Officer Revolver and Seventh Carbine are in the OW loot pool in that case remove it from the dungeon then or replace them Might be a bug in some way no surprise their

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            • The new mod system was just a huge nerd… ever buikd is going to be the same 2 generic builds…

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            • I very much regret buying it... cuz I can't even play it. The money was removed from my account for me to later notice (at release) that they declined my purchase while also not issuing a refund of my purchase... $105 wasted for a dlc that I ca t even play. Now I dont blame bungie, cuz I did buy it through Microsoft (I'm an xbox player). But still, $105 is still $105 no matter what.

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            • Since the days of Vanilla And CoO, pretty much regret spending. But Cayde's death brought me back, Vanilla Gambit brought me back, Sniper Combat brought me back. Neon Lights and Red Lit district while amazing to look at. Just one look and probably not looking back ...unless ...Season of the Deep or current story gives clarity of direction for the player experience. P.S. Kudos on the seasonal weaponry, Forge master engineers. Pretty only good reason I am staying is because of you folks. Right now.

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            • No regrets here. I wasn’t a Day 1 player but I did start my journey just before The Dark Below DLC launched and I’ve been playing ever since. One thing I’ve noticed over the years is there’s plenty to be disappointed about but there’s also plenty to be pleased about. The latter tends to get ignored. In regards to Lightfall, the story was certainly the disappointment this time around. For a big annual release, the story was more on par with a seasonal release instead, in terms of length. When considering substance, the story fell even shorter but there’s a lot of context that explains our grievances here. One thing a lot of players have forgotten is we went behind enemy lines in this story. We abandoned the actual fight because Calus’ Shadow Legion left in the middle of a battle and Lightless Osiris pursued because he believed something bigger was at play so we joined him as backup and protection. Of course things didn’t feel as climactic as they have before. In every other annual release, we were in the thick of the major threat. In Lightfall, we were away from the major threat and facing a more minor one. That’s why the stakes seem much lower and that’s why the story feels like it falls short. This is definitely “seasonal-level” content because it is a minor plot point that we are exploring. I’m not trying to make an excuse for Lightfall here but that is why things feel like a letdown for me. We are allowed to explore the source of disappointment without excusing the disappointment itself. That being said, there were a few things I actually enjoyed, such as: • the new element, Strand [spoiler]As with Stasis, I felt a strong synergy with some classes and despised it on others. Strand isn’t new here. I’ve been enjoying Broodweaver, the Warlock subclass, so much that the next few hours of gameplay after acquisition was spent on buildcrafting. Even after all that time, I’m still wondering what I can do to enhance this experience more. Conversely, I didn’t feel a connection with Threadrunner, the Hunter subclass, at all. It’s visually appealing but I just can’t connect with it like I do with Broodweaver.[/spoiler] • the lore of Neomuna, a city that thrived on Golden Age tech without a Collapse to abate their progress and prosperity [spoiler]Perhaps I’m the outlier here but I enjoy engaging with lore implications as I’m playing. When exploring Neomuna’s lore through story, dialogue, and even patrols, I can’t help but compare it to both the City (our current progress) and Clovis Bray (arguably our peak progress from the Golden Age). To see how far Neomuna has come in regards to both aspects is astounding. It’s an entirely different culture here. One of the things I’ve come to appreciate is even though Neomuna tech can craft the perfect super soldier, that soldier’s life span is reduced to only 10 years maximum. That tells me that even for all these glorious and impressive innovations, human science still cannot achieve the impossible and that’s okay. It’s okay for a sci-fi themed world to be incapable of reaching all impossibilities through science. That seems to be forgotten, as well, much like all the other impressive feats science in this world has achieved thus far. Like, for example, a cyberspace for all Neomuna’s people that is strongly protected against the Vex, a species with incredibly affinity to cyber worlds.[/spoiler] • the dialogue and character interactions [spoiler]This was a pleasant aspect to explore. We tend to take for granted our immortality as Guardians. We die and we get straight back up without a care in the world. While we have explored this in the past, we are now mingling with super soldiers that are on our level strength-wise but only have one life. To see, in some ways, our mortal equals questioning our actions puts a lot of things in perspective. I can’t be the only one who enjoyed the “volatile energy” bit. Yeah, we handle volatile energy a lot but it’s never crossed my mind that it was very bad until Rohan questioned it. In the end, however, immortality is a tool and handling death for the greater good is practically our obligation. It didn’t change my stance, just my perspective.[/spoiler] • finally facing the real Calus [spoiler]This has been a long time coming. He commissions fanfic of us and swoons over our impressive feats then ghosts us a few years later? Who does that? In all seriousness, to finally face a foe that was essentially teased way back during The Red War is incredibly satisfying. I’ve had a lot of mixed feelings on Calus over the years so it was pleasant to finally land on a definitive stance and judge him forthright. Even then, all those years spent observing us only meant that he knew us more than we knew him. Taking down an enemy with superior knowledge is always a challenge and thus rewarding once it works out.[/spoiler] In the end, though, I’m the kind of player who immerses themselves in the world of the game I play and, for someone like me, Lightfall enabled me to do just that so naturally it was worthwhile in my mind. It certainly has ups and downs but which game doesn’t? A game that has both is realistic and we would all do better if we came to expect both disappointment and satisfaction coexisting in the same space. It’s not ideal, it’s just how things are and I suspect an outlook like that is what softened the blow of this DLC for me.

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            • No, I don't. I think there are some MASSIVE issues with many changes, namely the guardian rank system and, more importantly, the armor mod systems. I think the story is just... fine. It's not witch queen, it's not forsaken. I think it should be better but the focus seems all over the place and it felt like everything was happening all at once, which made larger story beats barely register. Strand is fun... but there's issues I have with recharge times and momentum (one of those is a skill issue) Some missions have massive difficulty spikes in arenas that should not be as small as they are. So in short, no I don't regret it. The bones and structure are good, the execution was absolutely terrible. it does make me very very cautious to pre order final shape.

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            • I think the story was kind of lacking, which is disappointing due to the fact I had cancelled my preorder then got sucked back in because of how they ended the previous season, I was really expecting something epic. While I do agree with the criticism of Nimbus (very cringy most of the time), I chalk that up to sometimes characters just don’t play out as well as the creators think they will (looking at you, Jar Jar), but at least it’s just a vendor once the campaign is done. I actually enjoyed the overall campaign difficulty, up until I hit the roadblock at the final boss. I’m still trying to get through that fight, but that’s more a skill issue then a gameplay issue. Strand is fun, sometimes, when I’m swinging around like Spider-Man, and it does add a lot of maneuverability in battle. But it can be very clunky. I’ve had many deaths due to randomly detaching from my anchor point, accidentally anchoring myself into death zones, being yeeted off of platforms by enemies right after landing from a grapple (cooldown seems very inconsistent, sometimes it’s fast, other times slow), and generally just not working well with the warlock glide. My biggest problem with strand is that it is either a gimmick or a problem for future development. Everything from here on out will need to be developed with strand in mind, arenas will be more vertical or “platformy”, something that has not needed to be done for other subclasses, which in turn puts the other subclasses at a disadvantage in those areas. Either that or it will just be a gimmick, used to get hidden items (just like salvation’s grip). Bungie did the same thing when they introduced jet packs in Halo Reach, they changed the overall feel of Halo, as all maps needed to be built with verticality in mind. It made for a fun campaign, but multiplayer just wasn’t the same. So now you have this new subclass that has much more mobility than the others, you have to start building the game with this in mind from here on out, or you end up needing to change the subclass down the road, which just makes me wonder, why do it in the first place? Overall, I do not regret buying Lightfall, but I am concerned about where we go from here.

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              1 Reply
              • Edited by Hawpy: 3/2/2023 2:12:15 AM
                Not at all. I enjoyed the campaign, I like Strand a lot and every Destiny DLC purchase I've made i.e. all of them, has represented excellent value for money. I wrote out a long explanation of how much it had cost and the playtime I had got for that, compared to other hobbies, but I deleted it because it would be lost on the people here. If people don't like Lightfall, then that's fine. What's not fine is coming to the conclusion that it's a waste of money when it has been out for less than two days. Saying that Strand is bad and weak, when no one has the full set of Fragments and when the new mod system is still being figured out. Deciding that the story is bad when there is a year of developments that fall under the Lightfall umbrella still to happen. The forums are overwhelmingly negative about everything, and any opinion that is even slightly positive is downvoted into oblivion. It's no wonder that Bungie staff don't take feedback from here anymore. The irony is that the people saying it's a waste of money are making it so by then not playing it. A self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts. No one will be forced to play it to get their money's worth, but there is nothing in Lightfall that would turn away a player that has persevered through everything up to this point.

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                3 Replies
                • You can play campaign free. Should try b4 you buy.

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                  • I regret buying it for the story alone, everything else was good, the story was really bad.

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                  • Had played the first campaign, i thought i am playing destiny:ODST. You can predict how bad is the other campaign, so i won't buy it, at least for a full price.

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