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originally posted in: Bungie Accidentally Fixed Trials
4/13/2022 9:57:10 AM
My question is why does it have to be adept? Would you have not played if it was just normal shayuras dropping like that? I would be OK with normal weapons dropping like that allowing good farming but what is the reward for going flawless if that's the case? Ideally I think each weekend a NORMAL weapon should drop like shayuras did. Then if you go flawless it's changed into adept ones dropping instead of normals for the weekend. This way you have a reason to keep playing if you can't go flawless but also have incentive to go flawless and keep playing afterwards even if you get a loss. Right now it's typically just people that don't bother cuz they get nothing or people go flawless once then quit. Leaving only the sweats playing all weekend getting loot.

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  • Edited by NYDIBS: 4/13/2022 5:06:43 PM
    They don’t have to drop after a win, but maybe allow to trade a 7 win (flawed) card in for an adept If you go flawless you visit the lighthouse, get the ascendant shard, memento and get an adept. Plus, you get to trade in your card for a 2nd one like now That way flawless players get way more rewards. Trials takes more time than a gm does, sometimes more than a raid does. Why not let people just grind out the adept rewards. Do you realize how difficult it is for some people to get 7 wins in general

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  • [quote]They don’t have to drop after a win, but maybe allow to trade a 7 win (flawed) card in for an adept If you go flawless you visit the lighthouse, get the ascendant shard, memento and get an adept. Plus, you get to trade in your card for a 2nd one like now That way flawless players get way more rewards. Trials takes more time than a gm does, sometimes more than a raid does. Why not let people just grind out the adept rewards. Do you realize how difficult it is for some people to get 7 wins in general[/quote] See you are trying to ruin the entire point of improving to go flawless. All for what? Being able to slot an adept mod? Why do you need adept that badly if you can't earn it? I don't even think the 7 wins should be a requirement to get loot. That's how the glitch worked but why not just any win has a good chance to give you a normal version of that week's gun. Then the benefit of going flawless is you get your 1 adept drop + momento but also the drops are upgraded into adept as you continue playing. This way everyone had incentive to keep playing. The solution is definitely not to give out flawless loot to people essentially loss farming. Ruins the entire point of trials. I don't see you guys asking for strike Playlist to drop adept but yet the pvp side of things is supposed to be a welfare system? You don't need or deserve adept loot if you can't go flawless. Let the flawless players have their 4 range on their icarus mod n be happy you can get normal versions of guns.

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  • Edited by NYDIBS: 4/14/2022 12:13:28 AM
    You’re kidding me right? You went flawless in season 12 twice, with 0 kills and a 100% win rate You’re going to tell me about getting good enough to go flawless? About deserving to go flawless?

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  • You should get good enough to go flawless.

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  • Edited by NYDIBS: 4/14/2022 11:57:54 AM
    And you should get good at sucking -blam!-, considering you do lots of it Or maybe just don’t post stupid comments

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  • Skip over me gilding my title for the 4th time this season cuz wahhh mean guy doesn't want me farming adept for losing constantly wahhh. Amazingly funny soon as someone points out you want welfare items you don't deserve and it's straight to trials report n changing the topic lol. So I'll say it again you don't need or deserve adept items if you can't go flawless.

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  • I’m not changing the topic. You act like you’re a good player, you’re not. You practically have the same stats as me. Flawless gilded doesn’t mean -blam!-. It’s not difficult to get, it’s just a matter of whether or not you care to get it My point stands. Don’t talk about “deserving” flawless when you obviously had to cheat and most likely abused ghost lobbies to get your flawless in. You’re barely an above average player, just like me And I don’t need it to be easier to get adept weapons, I just think the effort for trials adept weapons is much greater than other paths GMs - typically done in under 30 minutes Raid challenge - can complete in ~10 minutes depending on the challenge Trials - takes about an hour to run a card Based on time required to get an adept weapon. Even if you’re great at trials, it’ll still probably take you longer than doing gms or raids

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  • You are ignoring the countless hours of farming bounties n crap just to be high enough to get adept/time lost from pve. You can't compare just the activity. Most of my pvp only friends can't even do a gm and have no hope of doing a master raid. Why should they be stopped by that yet bad players can come into trials n get handed adept while bypassing the time requirement for trials, which is practicing so you can actually win and go flawless. You most certainly did try to change it since you have no valid argument. I could be a .24kd player that's never been flawless and my point remains valid. You went after stats cuz you couldn't dispute the actual argument. You guys are so worried about getting adept drops you don't deserve. Is it that big of a deal to gain a few range on your icarus or is it just the fact you are getting something you don't deserve that makes it such a thrill for you? Please tell me why you dwell on adept the way you do.

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  • Stop the bs. If you’re high enough light level to not be a detriment in trials than you’re probably high enough to do a gm or raid Destiny is all about the loot. I can get the adept weapons either way, I’m decent at crucible, averaged about a 1.4 kd in freelance trials this week. I can complete pretty much any activity in the game The difference between me and you is that the weapons don’t make me feel special. I don’t care if everyone has em. I would actually prefer if everyone had them I’m not arguing for changes for my sake. But I genuinely think that trials would be more fun for a lot more people. Give people the loot, it’s the only reason anyone plays this game

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  • You clearly don't understand how light lvl works. If you do only pinnacle drops then pvp you end up full gear item lvl but not much artifact. Which means no gms or time lost. How don't you see a problem with the fact you can't get these people to participate unless it's a welfare system. Even then when you do lure them in they just are a detriment to their teams because they refuse to practice and just want carried. What exactly did having all these bottom feeders in trials this weekend accomplish? I've never had a more miserable free lance weekend. I have never seen such clueless players even in quick play and I conveniently had 2 of on my team most of the time. I don't get the plus side to this at all. All it did was inflate the player count, hand bad players loot they didn't deserve and make free lance miserable for the people that ended up on their teams. Why would this be the goal for trials vs having people there that want to be there that want to improve instead of showing up with comical load outs and 0 skill wanting to be carried to their welfare hand out.

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  • Edited by NYDIBS: 4/14/2022 1:37:28 AM
    [quote]You clearly don't understand how light lvl works. If you do only pinnacle drops then pvp you end up full gear item lvl but not much artifact. Which means no gms or time lost.[/quote] You can do bounties in crucible and trials. Bounties are the best way to level your artifact. I mostly play pvp and and am a high level [quote]How don't you see a problem with the fact you can't get these people to participate unless it's a welfare system. Even then when you do lure them in they just are a detriment to their teams because they refuse to practice and just want carried.[/quote] Why should they participate? Most of the playerbase doesn’t have friends on at all times to run these activities. Lfg is a miserable experience for trials unless you’re a high kd player. Stacks vs a bunch or randoms is hardly a measure of skill [quote]What exactly did having all these bottom feeders in trials this weekend accomplish? I've never had a more miserable free lance weekend. I have never seen such clueless players even in quick play and I conveniently had 2 of on my team most of the time.[/quote] Nobody was stopping you from joining the regular queue. If you did poorly it’s probably bc you’re not as good as you think. I faired much better than you in freelance [quote]I don't get the plus side to this at all. All it did was inflate the player count, hand bad players loot they didn't deserve and make free lance miserable for the people that ended up on their teams. Why would this be the goal for trials vs having people there that want to be there that want to improve instead of showing up with comical load outs and 0 skill wanting to be carried to their welfare hand out.[/quote] They still had to win in order to get the rewards. Regardless of how much they cared, I’m sure they would all rather prefer to win

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  • Edited by Wynd: 4/14/2022 1:49:16 AM
    Yeah doing pvp bounties is awful. Making you use bad guns vs cheese fest, no thanks. They should participate because they have actual interest in pvp. Not being only interested in welfare hand outs. So I shouldn't be able to enjoy free lance because the welfare squad makes it miserable for me. So I(someone that actually pvps because he enjoys it) should have my experience lessened to appease welfare recipients wanting free adept lol? They didn't need to win as you word it. They qued to hoping to be carried is all. Calling this winning like they contributed is quite delusional. There's no sbmm and it's complete luck what you end up with so comparing free lance stats doesn't mean much in the weekend the most clueless players ever participated n ruined games for many people. I wouldn't be surprised if you were on console for trials as well vs me being on pc. I guess everyone will have to take your word on your performance though since you hide on a smurf forum account all while instantly jumping to checking other people's stats, quite funny :) I did notice your account doesn't have steam linked which tells me you are a clueless console played thinking your kd on console isn't equal to about half its value on pc lol.

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  • I really like that idea. Go flawless once, and unlock a flawless loot pool. To answer your first question, normal trials loot doesn't interest me at all. I already have adept versions of all the guns. Every time I get a good Adept weapon, I go through my vault and delete all the non-adept versions. Once you've gone flawless enough times, the non-adept loot all starts looking like legendary shards the moment it drops.

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  • As someone who has only gone flawless once leave the adepts for flawless otherwise trials will become a slog of just playing for 7 wins and would defeat every point in flawless. No one goes flawless for the shard as gms are better to farm for that and the memento isnt all that worth it

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  • That’s been my point in here. More matches were played not just because it was freelance, but because a lot of sweats saw the chance for free adept loot for stomping on the low-mid tier players that’d be left over on Sunday and Monday. Easy matches + free versions of one of the more coveted PvP weapons = way more matches played at the cost of those average skill players that got sucked in due to freelance. Bungie basically said f-it to the flawless pool for a weekend and added free bait in the form of freelance.

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