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originally posted in: Good Armour Stats?
Edited by Lord Ignatius: 11/7/2021 3:21:06 AM
All stats are useful thought the community will tell you to forsake resilience and throw everything in recovery and mobility. That build only works if you are a pro and insanely good in pvp low stats like that can hurt and in pve especially with supers that rely on resilience like bubble and well. The build many pros suggest does work but they never say the difficulty of playing with those stats ,I'm an aggressive player so anything lower than 70 and above would drastically affect my playstyle and low recovery is a no-no. 60 and above stats is optimal but 1-2 lower won't hurt as long as it don't impact what you are trying to build. the ttk in this game is fast so I don't recommend going lower than 50 res and definitely not lower than 30. Also stats are nice in a build but synergy is what is important. If im trying to spam shatter dive than why spec for intelligence and wear things that don't affect my grenade? If im trying to have infinite overshields as a titan why spec for the slide? I believe there is an app and website that allows for a more fine tune buildcraft because gathers all you armor and makes the stats you want based of everything you have. Don't copy the pros and try to incorporate their builds into your own most of them don't play by the number but their own skill most of what they do is unorthodox and all over the place or sacrifice too much but done to be more to their style. Don't under spec Don't over spec

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