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Edited by RavingLobster: 12/10/2020 8:42:17 PM

Companion app LFG Raid Filter(s) not working correctly

The Companion app LFG section as well as the LFG on somehow appears to either allow or forcefully set some posts to the pre beyond light "ALL raids included" raid filter (the one with the Calus picture and everything). This is instead of creating a group for one of the three raids specifically. The issue with this is that the "All Raids" filter has been removed but posts are still being placed into it, as such it is impossible to search for these groups. This leads to LFGing for certain raids (Garden and LW) to be almost completely dead sometimes, and makes it very difficult for people to find the groups that are actually being made for the activity. The only way to see these affected groups is to search by "All activities" and hope that one was recently made (and many are, but they will never show up for people specifically searching for them and as such will never be filled) Idk what makes this happen or how to even create a group using the old raid filter, but it splits the playerbase pretty heavily making it almost literally impossible to actually find a group for Garden or LW sometimes from their actual filters. This also effects the New raid but to a much lesser extent given its current popularity, those groups are still found less often but there are enough unaffected ones that are filtered correctly to fill the gap. That's all, I hope this can be fixed soon, but thanks for reading regardless!

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