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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by Maverick: 12/23/2019 6:28:52 PM

What do You Think is the Biggest Problem Right Now?

Armor 2.0/Mods/Masterworking Cost


Bright Dust Economy/Development Focus on Eververse


Crucible Balance/SBMM


Seasons/Season Pass/FOMO


Grinding (Whether it be too many bounties, or Pinnacle RNG)


Recycled Content




What do you think is the biggest problem affecting the quality of the game right now and why? Please be respectful of others and their opinions. Might as well not waste your time with responses just calling Bungie a -blam!-. Feel free to comment other problems you think the game has (big picture things, not nit-picking) and also suggestions to fix these problems. See Spoiler for my opinion [spoiler]Right now, I would really like to see armor 2.0 addressed. Masterworking is very expensive, especially considering the lifespan of seasonal armor (a related problem IMO). I’d also support making all armor ornamental. Lastly, having minimum caps for stats that armor can drop at for certain activities (to ensure you don’t get 50s from endgame content) would be nice. (Xur should also sell higher rolled armor).[/spoiler]

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  • Bungie.

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  • Flash of Inspiration. :(

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  • I think armour 2.0 is a huge issue. It is another good concept that has been poorly executed... especially when it is then made [i]worse[/i] by the lack of a universal seasonal slot. So much for playing the way we want and looking how we want....

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  • Bungie listening to the crying babies on these forums and actually implementing their feedback

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  • The game just feels like bounty farming and how to do them as efficiently as possible. It’s honestly more of a resource management game right now.

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  • The fact that the game is on a 10 year old engine with rampant cheaters and ddossers. Destiny 2 is like a 3 million dollar mansion built on a foundation of toothpicks.

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    4 Replies
    • For me it’s vault space.

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    • The bounties are a bit much if you want to play optimally tbh

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    • Other: Being forced to play Supremacy in order to play Clash in 6v6.

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    • I’m sick of every quest including busy work for example the corridors of time 2: you get one awesome mission but before that you have to defeat 25 guardians and some other bs. It’s easy enough but I’m so sick of doing mundane busywork for literally no reason.

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    • The armor for sure cost a lot, too many armors have low stats and the affinity is the most annoying thing of them all. Crucible balance is trash too, nothing but hand cannons, shotguns, snipers and mountaintop. Is it so hard to make a game where not everything one shots? Some supers are still almost impossible to beat, some still have an insane amount of armor while others are as weak as paper and can get melted by one guy with a primary, chaos reach comes to mind. Idk why the double standards in the game, my suggestion is to remove armor completely from all supers and instead give all supers a full health regen on kills. Bungie would probably have to add more lethality on the supers too like increase in speed for the close range ones but hey no armor means you gotta stay alive or risk getting melted. Everything in the game already one shots so its not like there wouldn’t be any counter play to that, every shotgun in the game should require a shotgun melee combo. Recluse was nerfed because players were mindlessly moving around the map engaging every fight melting anyone with body shots. How is that any different from running around with a shotgun? You also move around mindlessly getting kills and if you happen to have the mindbender shotgun it shoots far enough to challenge chapperone sometimes. For snipers, I seriously hate how you can be taking in flinch and the game purposely helps players target the enemies head when the reticle comes back down. This has always been a destiny issue to help the lower skilled players but what we get instead is the higher skilled players landing some BS shots while taking flinch. As for hand cannons? They are fine, the issue is every other archetype in the game having a ttk of over a second. Why are handcannons and a just a handful of archetype primaries able to have a ttk of .67-.8? Bows have a ttk of over 1.5-2 seconds, thats ridiculous when we have hand cannons with a ttk of .5-.67. I could go on and on but we already know all these things, im sure a lot of you are tired of hearing the same thing on the forums over and over. I made my point, the devs just wont fix the game

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    • All of them honestly

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    • Bungie being a worthless -blam!-ing joke of a company is the problem. Hope that shithole goes bankrupt.

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    • No synergy between game systems. This is made most evident by the way that bounties work.

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    • I think what ruined it for me was the time I invested in the undying armour only for them to introduce new armour mods for this season making my investment seem worthless. If this continues into next season why bother with this seasons armour. Rehashed content is not great either. I literally just obtained the upcoming iron banner armour before season of the undying. I think they are running out of ideas. I honestly don't think people should get their hopes up either. I don't believe we will see another raid until next gen year 4 or D3.

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      2 Replies
      • The trajectory of the game in general.

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      • We can only pick 1........-blam!-

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      • Honestly crucible needs a massive rework. I'm a PvE player but I have to admit that it's about time Bungie did something to really balance the crucible

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      • For me? It's a lack of actual meaningful content. The only meaningful content we sort of got this season was 2 story missions that only lasted 5-10 minutes each also having quite a boring pre-requisite quest before hand. There really isn't any incentive to play anymore besides grinding the same bounties over and over to increase your season pass rank which isn't hard to do over 10 weeks. The dawning event for me lasted a grand total of like 30 minutes before I had the new recipes and I just had to wait till the timegate for S-14 was over so I could give him his cookie then it was only like another 10 minutes and I was done with the dawning. Raids are also surprisingly pointless now, why would I do GoS another time for a small increment of power and no other actual cool meaningful loot? The raid is fun but it gets less and less so when its the only raid that can actually give you something tangible at the current moment in time. Power leveling has been thrown out pretty much and there is no reason to do pinnicle activities since why would you do that when you can just grind easy bounties over and over? Most currencies/tokens or materials are pointless, due to power levelling being thrown out I have no reason to use materials on upgrade modules why do that when you can do the gunsmiths weekly bounties or just get a ton from the season pass? All tokens are just legendary shards with extra steps. Legendary shards have little to no meaningful use that they just get stockpiled. Since levelling also doesn't matter funnily enough enhancement cores also become pointless and just pile up like legendary shards. Armor 2.0 is kind of a joke since there is no reason to use the new seasonal mods when I can do just fine without them. The evolving world is kind of a joke at the moment as well, the Underwhelming Mind was a bad first impression, this season is quite an improvement but still is evolving way to slowly to keep any of my interest. So we save S-14 a legendary guardian and all he does is give us 3 boring quests and 4 "new" daily bounties that give us more seasonal currency?

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      • Armor 2.0 sucks. The cost is way to high to use mods, and almost all of the stat rolls are garbage. I like the ornament swapping and the IDEA of building sweet armor, but it’s too much of a chore

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      • PVP is aweful. Low skillgap because of so much broken stuff. Even my 90 years old grandpa could make kills in the Crucible. And SBMM in every mode except one is terrible

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      • I can answer this easily with another question, If you don't log in for the entire season what are you missing out on? Time lost Weapons? Sundial? Dawning? There isn't anything that has that over the top WOW, I GOT TO HAVE THAT feeling, I have yet to come across any weapon I feel like I need to farm for that "Perfect" roll because.... well, they are all like the ones I already have. I'm not farming armor again, I gave up on Raids a wile ago because there's no incentive.... and on and on and on and on.......

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      • Check all for me.

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      • We have entered a state of continuous micromanagement of gear. Armor 2.0 has too much customization for our own good. It's slowed everything down quite literally. Menu lag is horrible and the major problem the support team should be focusing on. Honestly, I always liked D2 year one armor the best. Resilience, Recovery, or Mobility focused with one mod slot. KISS.

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      • I voted 'other' cos i couldnt pick them all

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        1 Reply
        • All of it. The biggest problem for me and my pals who loved D1 is in D2 everything is pointless, not fun, or just flat boring.

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