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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by Maverick: 12/23/2019 6:28:52 PM

What do You Think is the Biggest Problem Right Now?

Armor 2.0/Mods/Masterworking Cost


Bright Dust Economy/Development Focus on Eververse


Crucible Balance/SBMM


Seasons/Season Pass/FOMO


Grinding (Whether it be too many bounties, or Pinnacle RNG)


Recycled Content




What do you think is the biggest problem affecting the quality of the game right now and why? Please be respectful of others and their opinions. Might as well not waste your time with responses just calling Bungie a -blam!-. Feel free to comment other problems you think the game has (big picture things, not nit-picking) and also suggestions to fix these problems. See Spoiler for my opinion [spoiler]Right now, I would really like to see armor 2.0 addressed. Masterworking is very expensive, especially considering the lifespan of seasonal armor (a related problem IMO). I’d also support making all armor ornamental. Lastly, having minimum caps for stats that armor can drop at for certain activities (to ensure you don’t get 50s from endgame content) would be nice. (Xur should also sell higher rolled armor).[/spoiler]

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  • The game constantly needing to be reinvented/updated/meta-shifted/etc every couple months or players who no life the game lose their minds.

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    • my own personal reason is I have just found most of the great guys and gals I have played D1 then D2 with over the years has gradually diminished. Fellow gamers would rather spend their valuable leisure time in other titles that respect that time and effort. The destiny model is somewhat unique so I do understand why there must always be a new carrot to chase for the player population. I also understand the current title has become bloated with so much dated content - content that simply can’t be removed as it would change the experience for new players. So in answer to this we now have temp content (on you snooze you lose basis) the problem with this is it’s now making the whole experience feel disposable. For collectors that miss out on content this can be rather off putting - the feeling that once something’s gone, it’s really gone - this is giving many that little extra nudge to just drop playing the title for good if they don’t pump the hours in week on week. I was absent throughout Season of the drifter but what made the return so much better was that I had plenty of missed content and quests to catch up on (thorn, last word etc) now if a season proves a bit dull or I simply don’t have the time (I might be playing cyberpunk!) my incentive to return will be so much less - as unlike last July there won’t be any of those quests available. The content will have been removed. I also have the distinct feeling that with a new console generation due bungies focus will inevitably shift - so is this just all short term eververse revenue to fund bungies next gen ip or project??

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    • I want story content. Seasons are a poor excuse for DLC. Couldn't care less about armour 2.0 because I've got nothing that makes me want to play the game, anyway.

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      3 Replies
      • I don't have any problems

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      • Old ass people playing the game. If you’re over 30 stop playing. You’re a loser in real life and we don’t want you online with us.

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        6 Replies
        • More maps and dedicated servers

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        • Content trickle. Bad quest drops or mediocre bosses for an activity feel even worse when they wait weeks to give them to us. If they reverted back to the "throw everything and the kitchen sink" style of releasing content, content drops wouldn't feel nearly as empty, I'd wager. Even if there isn't a lot of content in the season, it will feel like a lot more if it's all dumped on us at once. I think Bungie should go to a 6 month content release schedule, and use the "kitchen sink" approach, and we'd be much happier.

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          4 Replies
          • The obvious answer is the management at Bungie.

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          • All of those issues should be considered but I also wish they had more creativity in quests and steps. In addition to that, I wish they would stop making quest steps that make a player abandon their team to do something that specifically helps lose matches and stuff.

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          • Tasks in D2 are the equivalent of a dead beat dad throwing us a flat football and saying Go Play while he sits on his ass drinking beer and watching his programs.

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          • It's the shitty [i]non-server[/i] issue. I'm convinced the P2P system is so badly programmed that you'd lag out at a LAN Party.

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          • You forgot the option “the rocket launcher kills iron banner quest step”

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          • The terrible armour drops... the rng involved and the mw cost

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          • Other than the cost to max out an exotic, I think masterworking is fine. It's easier than ever to get enhancement cores and infusion isnt that expensive anymore either. Enhancement prisms are decently dropped in the 920 nightfall which match makes and it doesnt take a ton to use in masterworks. Ascendant shards drop frequently in the high level nightfalls but if your not doing them or other endgame content, you dont have a reason to max out anyway. And I absolutely love the actual armor 2.0 system other than the element affinity being do strict and adding another element of rng on top of stat rolls. I honestly dont see the problems people have with armor 2.0 other than that. Now I'm not a major pvper, I play all aspects of the game pretty frequently. I will say, crucible and gambit are in possibly the worst state I've ever seen either of them in since they've been around. Now that's only a year for gambit, but for crucible, that's over 5 years. This "1 shot meta" we are in for crucible right now is way too much. Now I'm not saying revert back to the old weapon system or anything like that, but specials run the game right now, more so than they ever have in destiny's life time. All the classes have one shot abilities that are so frequently available, they might as well not even have cooldowns (most of them have ways to negate the cooldown anyway). Its way to much and while it's fun to dish out the pain, it's not fun to be on the receiving end knowing that there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. You're not getting outplayed, your just getting beat cause there is no counter play. There has to be something to bring the special weapons and abilities down a bit, and buffing primaires is not the answer cause that will just shorten the ttk even lower than it already is (which is perfect for primaires right now). Like I said, don't revert changes cause that really wasnt that fun of an environment (not to mention recluse or lunas/not forgotten would be the be all end all energy weapons). Maybe nerf the range of high impact shotguns and high impact fusions. Idk about snipers, increase flinch maybe? Bring ammo availability for specials down. Something. And then maybe make the 1 shot abilities less potent by reducing their effectiveness or make them less readily available. Let me say right now, I'm a hunter main and I am loving the 1 shot throwing knife, it's so fun to use but it was not needed. Make it like d1, 1 shot to the end and tap from a hand cannon for the kill. Make handheld super nova less accurate. Idk about shoulder charge though. And then gambit........well it's just gambit. That game mode is so bad, we'd sit here for ages on it. We know the story for that one. The main problem for that one, like before, still pvp. So yeah I would say pvp balance is the worst thing in the game right now and should be focused on the most.

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          • The best part of the game is experienced by so few. They really need to rethink raiding.

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          • Other: The rewards for various types of in-game effort aren't all that rewarding. Most of the rewards boil down to being random items with higher numbers attached. Honestly it's difficult to be motivated by that type of thing when there's not much obvious benefit to the higher number.

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          • I’ve been grinding since hitting 900 for the past like three weeks and guess what I’m barely 920 like that’s super annoying I don’t mind grinding but when it’s this excruciating and like plus 6 of my level is from my artifact come on

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          • My vote was other. I think the biggest problem is the same issue that destiny had which is leaving older content behind. The game has a ton of content and lots of vendors in it but nothing has been refreshed to keep any of it relevant. Also not having enough gear to go for anymore. Faction vendors are still missing. Lack of unique strike gear that made destiny strikes worth playing. Just my thoughts

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            2 Replies
            • Really good points here

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            • Everything you said and much more. Destiny 2 is a giant mess with a game included.

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            • Edited by Woz: 12/24/2019 2:10:09 AM
              Honestly I think a lot of these go hand in hand. The Armor 2.0 system seemed like a great idea at first, when it seemed like they were giving us freedom over our armour essentially turning every armour piece in the game into an ornament that we could then customise to our desired play style and giving us full control over our aesthetic. However the reality is that it actually just locked us into another set of arbitrary grinds. The freedom over our aesthetic doesn't really happen because of season exclusive mods, and it costs so much to masterwork gear that you're hesitant to waste those materials on items that you could get a better alternative to any day. Grinding shouldn't be an issue for most people in this game, since the game is a grind. However that grind does become tedious and irritating when players don't feel like the game is respecting their time. It's that idea that I find is the core issue with Bungies strategy lately, it's that they aren't respecting the players time and that's what leads to burnout. Recycling content, having you do more and more busywork, spending more time chasing fewer rewards (for instance Ascendant Shards are stupidly hard to come by, I've only ever had 5 drop), which you'll never not need because every armour piece comes in 3 flavours with completely random stats. Then you add the time gating of content into the mix and it's very hard to not see through the cynical motivations for doing so. The hardcore player base are going to want to do their pinnacle grind, so by only giving them 1 raid source and 3 outside raid sources (not including IB) for that gear you're needlessly holding them back from their goals for 5 weeks assuming they're lucky. Because people like myself are getting nothing but energy weapons and arms which is making things very tedious. So why do Bungie feel the need to do this? Because there isn't that much in the game to work towards, so they throw tons of busy work at you hoping you don't realise that you're not really doing anything. Why is this the case? Because at least half the rewards you should be grinding for and getting your clan together to do triumphs for are sitting in Eververse for 500 - 1000 silver. Like for real, does there really need to be 6 exotic ships and 6 exotic ghosts in Eververse for The Dawning? How about taking 4 of those ships, and 4 of those ghosts and putting them into the actual game as rewards for people who play the actual game? How about using those items as an incentive to make people play and achieve things in the game? Give people something they want to work towards. I'm not even against Eververse, I currently have 3800 silver sitting on my account. I haven't spent it because random crap in the Eververse store doesn't compel me to spend it. For me to spend that silver the thing has to be something I like for its own sake, because when I wear Eververse items I don't feel like I have anything over other players. For instance my Wormhusk Crown, I got a really good roll on it, use it all the time, it's my main first choice exotic that I go to. Truth be told I feel kinda naked without it. I bought the Gate Lord's Eye ornament for it because I really liked it, regardless of it being an Eververse item. But you know what? I would have loved this ornament so much more if it was a reward for completing every Nightmare Hunt on 980 or something. Because then it says something about how you spent your time in the game, rather than how you spent your money in the game.

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              1 Reply
              • I think at some point you just have to say the problem is Destiny 2. It started as a turd, got polished briefly but that’s now worn off and we’re now stuck with a slightly shinier turd. Bungie lost their way a long time ago and we’re left with a clueless and arrogant dev team that don’t even know what they want the game to be and lurch from one bad decision to another hoping they get lucky. They won’t.

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              • Edited by Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds: 12/25/2019 12:05:14 PM
                Same as it’s always been. Detrimental rigidity and impracticality. There’s a lack of variance as everything is meticulously specific to a fault. Severe lack of player choice and control. Destiny is one of the best fictional universes I’ve encountered and has some of the best feeling combat I’ve encountered, but it’s also wrapped up in one of the worst game models I’ve encountered.

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              • The community

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                3 Replies
                • They are all big problems.

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                • Elemental Affinity

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