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8/11/2019 3:11:50 PM

SIVA’s story (as told by the lore):

[b] if you are seeing this through the main destiny 2 forum section, and you’re just going to be toxic, please leave. This is my request. To those who are actually here to read, please enjoy[/b] Ok. Now that that’s out of the way; originally I was just going to go over the Battle for Site-6 and the battle that saw the death of the Iron Lords. But I realised that the creation of SIVA itself is actually a lot more intertwined, and is definitely required to understand the battle. So I have chosen to cover the story of SIVA itself. From creation to present. So. What is SIVA? Transcript from the D1 RoI mission “the walls come down”: [quote] Ghost: I'm picking up some strange readings. It's like what was on Sepiks, but if I didn't know any better, I'd say this stuff is consuming everything around it. Saladin: That is SIVA. With the proper direction, it could create anything a civilization would need. At least in theory. [/quote] SIVA can also effect organic matter.....dead or alive. Transcript from the same mission: [quote] Ghost: These Fallen are different. They're augmented with some sort of technology, like Sepiks.[/quote] The final mission from the Rise of Iron campaign demonstrates the “dead” component. Taking control of the corpses of Felwinter, Jolder and Gheleon. So. Now we have an understanding of what SIVA is, where does it’s story start. Well we now consult the RoI expansion’s version of the calcified fragments, the SIVA memory pieces. [spoiler]To avoid the constant placement of quotes I’m going to place them in quotes based on what the number Fragment is. For example mem 1.0 to mem 1.4 will be in one quote. I have also used a bullet point and a hyphen (• and -) to show where new lines of dialogue start for each character in the conversation. Willa Bray will be shown with a hyphen and any other character will be a bullet point (character will be stated). [/spoiler] The following is a conversation between Willa Bray and General Chen Langshu and it comes from flavour text hidden in the WotM raid armour: [quote] -Let's get right to it. How can Clovis Bray help the Exodus project? ~SIVA.MEM.CL001 •We've found a way to push our matter encryption technology even further. ~SIVA.MEM.WB002 -Habitats, equipment, repairs of all kinds—all of these things can be made from one material. ~SIVA.MEM.WB003 •SIVA doesn't expire, degrade, or forget. It can remain dormant even on long voyages. ~SIVA.MEM.WB004 -Nearly any problem a deep-space colonist could have, SIVA can fix. ~SIVA.MEM.WB005 •And how long do the effects of SIVA last? ~SIVA.MEM.CL006 -Well, SIVA requires no external power source, so…forever. ~SIVA.MEM.WB007 -Just give it a directive, and it won't stop until it gets a new directive. ~SIVA.MEM.WB008 •This sounds like it could be invaluable to Exodus colonists. But Malahayati has some concerns. ~SIVA.MEM.CL009 -General, poorly worded or malicious code is the fault of the programmer, not SIVA itself. ~SIVA.MEM.WB010 •Doctor Bray, I'm sure you've realized SIVA's applications extend beyond colonization. ~SIVA.MEM.CL011 -I'm not sure what you mean, General. Is this still about the Exodus program? ~SIVA.MEM.WB012 •The Exodus program would be interested in exploring SIVA's defensive applications. ~SIVA.MEM.CL013 -General, my team did not intend for SIVA to have military applications. ~SIVA.MEM.WB014 •Willa, some of history's greatest inventions began as unintended side effects. ~SIVA.MEM.CL015[/quote] This conversation shows how SIVA became used in the exodus project as a military tool. The following is a conversation between Willa Bray and a scientist known as Zarin. From SIVA mem 1.0 to 1.4 [quote] •I can't in good professional conscience recommend further research in this direction without stringent review of protocol and mitigation of the undisclosed lethality risks. Which I should have been informed of. -"Should have been." Is this insubordination, Zarin? •It's a—what did they call it—it's a protest. ~SIVA.MEM.WB065 -You have no history of subversion, Zarin. No marches, no petitions, no action items. We screened you very carefully. Where did we go wrong? •I don't think you did. I am trying to act in Clovis Bray's best interests. -How would you know what Clovis Bray's interests are? ~SIVA.MEM.WB066 -I understand your concerns. You're a good researcher, Zarin. Your work here has been deeply appreciated. •So you'll listen? You'll cease this line of inquiry? -On the contrary, we'll take your valuable findings and run with them. Your work will live forever. ~SIVA.MEM.WB068 •I'm surprised, I have to say. Although perhaps I shouldn't be. It does save time to run experiments in parallel. I see the benefit to the colonization effort, but I can't support those plans. I won't help you. -Strictly speaking, Zarin, your participation isn't necessary. ~SIVA.MEM.WB069 -Do you see these access logs? They were flagged for my personal attention. •Yes. -Do you see the times on these unauthorized access entries? •I do. -Would you have any idea who might have been prying into unreleased data, Zarin? ~SIVA.MEM.WB070 ~consume consume consume~ [/quote] This conversation between Willa and Zarin is probably in relation to the work done to SIVA to make it “suitable” for military usage. The following is a conversation between Willa Bray and Dr Zhang and is taken from Mem 1.5 to mem 1.9: [quote] -What do you have to report, Dr. Zhang? •Full functionality of the test nanites in our two hundred tasks across multiple trials and environments. They'll be what Clovis Bray is remembered for, hundreds of years from now. All that's left is construction of the replication chamber and initiation of production. ~SIVA.MEM.WB071 -I am changing project requirements to include a kill switch. Is that feasible? •Completely. But if I may ask, why that, and why now? -Another scientist on staff—well, formerly on staff—brought up the possibility of undesirable outcomes. •And you believe her. -Somewhat. She’s was honest about other matters. ~SIVA.MEM.WB072 -Does the new research facility meet your expectations? •It surpasses them. We presented you with this sample of SIVA on your desk six months ago, and the speed of our prototyping was the direct result of our generous budget. -Clovis Bray prides itself on its talent and liberality, Dr. Zhang. From construction workers to researchers, we treat our staff royally. ~SIVA.MEM.WB073 •I see you've been trying out the capabilities of SIVA, Dr. Bray. -I have. And I'm very impressed. How is construction going on the replication complex? •Everything moves smoothly. ~SIVA.MEM.WB074 •The complex is ready for wholescale replication of the SIVA nanite. We are waiting for your signal to start. -Thank you for your faithful service, Dr. Zhang. I look forward to the wonders that come from this replication complex. The New Machine Age, shall we call it? Let's begin. ~SIVA.MEM.WB075 [/quote] And so the mass scale began. The scientist brought up in mem Fragment 1.6 (identified as ~SIVA.MEM.WB072) is who I believe to be Zarin. Given the shady nature that Cayde suggests Clovis Bray are involved in, it should be assumed that she was terminated based on rebellion against military pursuits of SIVA. Continued below:

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  • But regardless, with SIVA production in full swing we go from golden age Russia to the dark age Arabian Sea in the grimoire card “Lord Timur”. [quote] Timur rushes to Felwinter, examining his head with the intensity of a Cryptarch. “Hmm. Warmind. You are certainly as stubborn as one.” Felwinter awkwardly pulls himself away and out of Timur’s reach. “With all respect, Lord Timur, whatever game you are playing with me has gone on far too long. This is just another Dead Zone.” “Oh, is it?” Timur directs Felwinter’s eyes toward the eastern horizon, where a building crowned with the initials “C.B.” is now in view. “We all have creators — humans, Exo, Warminds, even those poor Awoken. Some are just easier to find.”[/quote] Lord Timur thought that SIVA could be used to respark the golden age. Give the remnant of humanity a head start at getting back to where we was before the collapse. He tracked it down to Old Russia. The replication chamber. Rasputin. The Warmind. And this was the beginning of their end. The ranks of the Iron Lords has racked up from tens to hundreds. Lords radegast. Felwinter. Skorri. Jolder. Gheleon. To the lesser known ashraven. Colovance. Bretomart. Finalla. The following are different comm transmissions from various Iron Lords. I won’t be using the same method of distinguishing between characters because it’s less clear here. SIVA mem 2.0 to mem 2.9: [quote]The struggle. Fighting my brother. Fighting myself. The SIVA ~consume enhance replicate~. A tendril reaches out, crushes my Ghost. I turn to face it. My boots slide in snow thick with blood. If I am gone, then why am I still here? ~SIVA.MEM.??0308 Colovance died by the tanker. Dozens of frames, hundreds, more... he cut them down until he ran out of bullets. Then he smashed them ~consume enhance replicate~. It was not enough. The same thing that killed Colovance killed me. ~SIVA.MEM.??0309 My axe’s flames are almost dead. Even its fire requires fuel. I need an Urn, but the SIVA has already taken them. The tendrils seek them out, wrap around them, and then ~consume enhance replicate~. More mites swarm out to feed on anything they can touch. The SIVA learns from what it consumes. ~SIVA.MEM.??0310 Ashraven’s cutting her way toward the bunker. Says we should meet her there. She’s got an idea – thinks we can hole up in there, maybe get those guns working. Draw off enough of the enemy to give Jolder’s group a shot ~consume enhance replicate~. It’s a bad idea, but it’s the best bad idea we have. ~SIVA.MEM.??0311 Finnala always says she doesn’t mind dying, because it doesn’t last. A few seconds and then the Light comes, bright and warm. And she rises again. Get up, Finnala! Please get up. ~SIVA.MEM.??0312 We should have been more careful. Should have never contacted the Warmind. Trying to help. Trying to rebuild. Thought ~consume enhance replicate~ was the key. Feels like we’ve been fighting for days. Weeks. But we’re close. Once we get to the replicator, we ~consume enhance replicate~ Go! I’ll hold them off! ~SIVA.MEM.??0313 Felwinter tried to communicate with the Warmind. Called it Rasputin. ~consume enhance replicate~ Said he could make it understand. Tell it we meant no harm. Rasputin didn’t answer with words. ~SIVA.MEM.??0314 I stood at the edge of Lords' Watch and watched the enemy ~consume enhance replicate~. SIVA curled and thrashed, creating tendrils that lashed out at us. It formed shapes that could grapple us, and angry swarms that buzzed around us before breaking apart to worm their way into every chink of our armor. Warlords I know how to fight. This is ~consume enhance replicate~ ~SIVA.MEM.??0315 I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die. I don’t want... ~consume enhance replicate~ Ghost? Ghost, where are you? ~SIVA.MEM.??0316 "I was beneath the Blind Watch for a while. A long ~SIVA.MEM.GH404~ while. It was fun! There were puzzles. No one was alive down there, though." This is not my end! I have come too far to die here! I've let one unknown force make me, now ~consume enhance replicate~ ~SIVA.MEM.??0409[/quote] The Iron Lords died. Saladin removed SIVA from all records and kept the details hidden. Nobody knew the fate of the Iron Lords. Until a little before Rise of Iron. After years of beating the fallen into the ground, and no kell for house devils, splicers went looking for upgrades. And they found it. The following is from Aksis in the mem Fragments 3.0 to 3.9: [quote] Long have we wandered in the blind prison of flesh. Those old lives now a memory, transposed by another. The gift brings pain, yes, but godhood must come at a price. ~consume enhance replicate ~ ~SIVA.MEM.AK0617 That which we were, we are no more. That which we are is undefined. We make our new selves. We need not machines, because we are machines. ~consume enhance replicate~ ~SIVA.MEM.AK0618 What is this complexity? ~consume enhance replicate~ The machine of a thousand parts, fashioned by single mind. From where does such complexity arise? What does the creation of a mind require? In the long march of life’s procession, order is created from disorder. The rise of complexity is not promised. Such things are not inevitable, and yet here I stand. ~consume enhance replicate~ ~SIVA.MEM.AK0619 ~consume enhance replicate~ Life requires death requires life. All in an unending circle. The expenditure of countless generations, slouching blindly toward uncertain ends, each step forward a mere accident of chance. But this... this is different. This strange complexity requires only the will to wield it. ~consume enhance replicate~ ~SIVA.MEM.AK0620 ~consume enhance replicate~ Life’s procession is written in the corpses of those who came before. But here the great chain breaks. Here we step forward, freed from that which has always bound us. Here we speak as gods. We are they who created themselves. ~consume enhance replicate~ ~SIVA.MEM.AK0621 We are they who created themselves out of themselves and died in the creation. No longer merely the god in the machine, but the machine in the god. ~consume enhance replicate~ Here we rise, made equal at last to that which we worship. ~consume enhance replicate~ ~SIVA.MEM.AK0622 ~consume enhance replicate~ To build a species requires epochs. Countless pairings and dyings. Countless generations. The simplest creature requires geological spans of time to develop. But not machines. Machines are free from such constraints. It is not life that matters, but the building of complexity. ~consume enhance replicate~ ~SIVA.MEM.AK0623 Past is connected to the present by only two things: chain reaction, and memory. ~consume enhance replicate~ But is not memory just chain reaction? ~consume enhance replicate~ These memories in my mind are not my own. They belong to a past version of myself, a different being entirely. ~consume enhance replicate~ One who could die. ~consume enhance replicate ~ I am that no longer. ~ ~SIVA.MEM.AK0624 It rises. I see clearly from its eyes, and breathe with its lungs, and stride with its legs, and kill with its hands, and yet it is not me. ~consume enhance replicate ~ I am me. And yet I am it. ~consume enhance replicate~ This is a paradox. ~consume enhance replicate ~ ~SIVA.MEM.AK0625 ~consume enhance replicate~ My thinking is clear now in ways it never was before. It is my mind that is changed, and yet it is not my mind, but another consciousness that is different from my own. ~consume enhance replicate~ I feel there is a choice to be made, and yet I have made no choice. ~consume enhance replicate~ The choice was made for me. ~consume enhance replicate~ ~SIVA.MEM.AK0626[/quote] The final entry is arguably most important. It shows that SIVA can take over the conscious mind. Aksis. The devil splicers. All of them. And we know what happens next. Rise of Iron. We return to the Plaguelands. Defeat the splicers. Destroy the replication chamber. Then into the heart of the command base to deal with the splicer priest and the archon prime. Aksis. And then we come to today. Exodus black. Has some SIVA in it. Splicer devils still exist in the system as seen in Cayde’s Six comic part 1. SIVA is still in the system. Rasputin probably still has access to it. Whether we see it in the future is another question. Hopefully we can see it again. Better yet, utilise it. Wield it as easy as the Light. Only time will tell. And time O reader mine, is a powerful force.

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    8 Replies
    • Nice work dude.

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    • THECHUBBYNINJA2 You make some valid points and i agree that eververse must be removed from this game but, Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather, he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank just outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.

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      1 Reply
      • I'd love to see more SIVA in the future, maybe Ana Bray will find a record on it.

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      • Thanks for this; I started by playing D2 but I have got D1 and haven't got as far as fighting the SIVA if that's what we do.

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      • ... Sorry, Lore is only for shitty fan-fiction now, please change the tag to "actual lore"... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]

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        1 Reply
        • I’ll do you one better: Why is SIVA?

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          2 Replies
          • Excellent work, as always! I love this! It may also be worth mentioning that Shiro-4 experimented with SIVA to create the Outbreak Prime rifle, which was inexplicably able to be used without spreading the SIVA techno-plague. He gave this weapon to us. Then this gun became Outbreak Perfected (perhaps Shiro-4 or someone else -like the Cryptarchs- upgraded it, or maybe it’s a new model entirely) and was sealed in a vault in the Tower, and is now the only known source of SIVA. Eramis attempted to steal this weapon, but we stopped her followers and the gun is now in our possession. Also, you included the lore that establishes what SIVA is, but you didn’t say it outright and I think spelling it out might be helpful for readers: SIVA are nanites that use matter encryption technology (the same tech as Glimmer, transmat, and the creation of Exos). The nanites consume matter, breaking it down into code, then convert it into something else. [quote]We've found a way to push our matter encryption technology even further. ~SIVA.MEM.WB002 Habitats, equipment, repairs of all kinds—all of these things can be made from one material. ~SIVA.MEM.WB003[/quote] It may also be worth mentioning that SIVA is so dangerous or “evil” because it’s still following the directive it was given in the Golden Age, which was not very well worded and led to ~consume enhance replicate~

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            • Great read

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            • Was nice going back over Siva lore cheers. Would like to see Ana convince Rasputin to help and see Siva work for our good for a change. Rebuilding our original tower 😏 or fixing the exodus black ship... the list could go on and on.

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            • Love these posts

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            • Tis‘ be mine bump

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            • I leave this upmote right here .o.

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              4 Replies
              • I enjoyed this. Thank you

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              • So basically it’s nanites combined with the symbiote from Spider-man [spoiler]GIMME RENT[/spoiler]

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