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10/2/2010 2:15:48 AM

Credit Resets

Good evening, We are in the process of applying credit resets to approximately 15,000 users who we have identified as the most egregious Challenge Reset abusers. A one day credit earning ban has also been applied, mostly to ensure that recipients receive an in-game notification of the action taken. As with any such measure, we have taken the time to carefully select our criteria to eliminate false positives. A more comprehensive pass will be occuring in the coming week as our automated Banhammer mechanisms grow accurate enough to satisfy our high bar for burden of proof. If you are thinking about getting an easy 50k credits by using this exploit, I would strongly advise you to reconsider. Thank you, and please direct any discussion of these resets to this thread. [b]Edit 1[/b]: a point of clarification. No bans were handed out tonight for a) Playing too much Gruntpocalypse (no such thing!) b) Using the target locator too much (no such thing!) Specifically, we targeted an exploit that allowed players to complete a Challenge 20+ times via itentional network manipulation (i.e., disconnects.) Spot checks have revealed the telltale signature of this behavior on every denier so far, so don't be fooled by the protests of innocence. We aren't. [b]Edit 2[/b]: 1) If you have lost your Legendary Helmet or any other downloadable offers, you can re-download them via your Download History. We're not sure this is affecting anyone (we haven't reproduced it internally), but just in case it is, give this a try. 2) We won't be resetting Commendations, as we do not feel that the exploit used affected them. It would not be fair to people who did use the exploit but who wish to retain the record of their playstyle, and we cannot differentiate between the two systematically. Sorry. [Edited on 10.01.2010 9:02 PM PDT]
#Halo #Reach

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Emperor Erno [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] jaythenerdkid [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] X BC73 X About to have two degrees and become an officer in the united states armed forces, I'd say that's respectable...then again, I am going to be fighting for you to be able to have the right to disrespect soldiers so what do I know...disrespect me and my degrees all u want, but not the young men taking bullets over there, that's too much! On that sensitive note, waha remember what I said about scrubs with mrs worse than mine, jay, med school is tough so good luck and don't disrespect the troops, they live and die for you the people, and should be honored as such, god bless.[/quote] My dad's an ex-Army officer. Lt Col when he retired. Was a prisoner of war for two years when his squad was ambushed behind enemy lines during a covert mission. [/quote] Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortu- sorry, that just reminded me of it. My parents met each other in the army, both Majors. Don't think they were ever on the front lines though.[/quote] Heehee, seriously, sometimes I listen to my dad's stories and wonder why the hell they haven't made a movie out of them yet. XD I want to join the Australian Army as a doctor once I graduate, at least for a few years. They don't let girls fight on the front line in any case, so that's not an option for me, but I hope I'll get a chance to help out anyway. I don't necessarily agree with all the policies behind the whole War on Terror, but I've known quite a few military people - some of them have even been my supervisors on clinical placements - and they're decent folks trying to do their best for their country. I'd like to do that too, if I get the chance. Not so I can do the whole Better Patriot Than You thing, but because it'd be nice to be able to do my bit and get some good experience doing it. (Plus, I hear the pay is amazing. XD)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Jeremy Callos Seriously. To those who were banned. You were banned for a reason, so stop crying foul. You obviously did something which warranted the action taken against you. To those who farm. Keep that tractor gassed up and good to go. I feel you. Its a marathon and not a race and I want to look fine when I do it and it takes credits to look fine for the ladies. To those who rank and continue to rank legit, good for you. Now get off your high horse, because everyone and their grandma has already pointed out that cheaters do not prosper. And farming is not cheating and just because I believe this does not mean I don't appreciate the effort, the story and characters that Bungie has offered to us. As soon as I picked up my copy of the game, I through on the tuxedo I were wore to my wedding and I started the campaign on solo legendary to knock out the achievement, the weekly challenge and hopefully a legendary ending to my favorite franchise. It took me the full week. my wife thinks im an ass for dressing in a tux every time I touched this game on the first week. I finished it. I soaked it up and now I grind. Now I farm. Because I take care of business. Get those credits. Go to work. Hang out with wifey. Everyone is happy. Because I just don't have enough hours in my day. So I grind it out in Reach, I grind it out at work and I grind it out of my wife. I know what the ladies like. And thanks to Bungie. I bought my first Xbox when it was bundled with Halo CE almost ten years ago and I bought the limited edition console bundled with the game on 9/14/2010. Every penny spent on the franchise through the years has been worth it and has yielded priceless memories between me and my friends from "LAN'ing" back in the day till now on Xbox LIVE.[/quote] This post made my day.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] jaythenerdkid [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] X BC73 X About to have two degrees and become an officer in the united states armed forces, I'd say that's respectable...then again, I am going to be fighting for you to be able to have the right to disrespect soldiers so what do I know...disrespect me and my degrees all u want, but not the young men taking bullets over there, that's too much! On that sensitive note, waha remember what I said about scrubs with mrs worse than mine, jay, med school is tough so good luck and don't disrespect the troops, they live and die for you the people, and should be honored as such, god bless.[/quote] My dad's an ex-Army officer. Lt Col when he retired. Was a prisoner of war for two years when his squad was ambushed behind enemy lines during a covert mission. [/quote] Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortu- sorry, that just reminded me of it. My parents met each other in the army, both Majors. Don't think they were ever on the front lines though.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Commander Waha I'm a veteran of the Iraq war, and I'm sick and tired of two things. A: "I'm in/going to be in/was in the army so you can no longer say anything bad about me or you're being unpatriotic" and B: "I joined the army and that makes me better than you" It's really not the manly man making experience war is hell -blam!- that everyone makes it out to be. It's just we keep sending softer and softer kids to fight, and they can't even handle getting fired from 7-11 or being dumped by the girl they dated in high school. [/quote] Yeah, it's funny how everyone I know who actually [i]did[/i] fight in the War on Terror doesn't use it as an excuse to be a -blam!-wit. Strange how that works, innit? My ex-Army dad and ex-Air Force uncle don't treat it like an access-all-areas pass to unlimited doucheness either. I'd love to see my dad's reaction to the idea that someone is trying to use joining the army as an excuse to be an idiot on an online forum. Somehow, I don't think "what a good idea!" would be the first words out of his mouth.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] X BC73 X About to have two degrees and become an officer in the united states armed forces, I'd say that's respectable...then again, I am going to be fighting for you to be able to have the right to disrespect soldiers so what do I know...disrespect me and my degrees all u want, but not the young men taking bullets over there, that's too much! On that sensitive note, waha remember what I said about scrubs with mrs worse than mine, jay, med school is tough so good luck and don't disrespect the troops, they live and die for you the people, and should be honored as such, god bless.[/quote] Everything you just said marks you as worthless scum, and I hope your drill instructor rapes you before you get put on IED finding duty you F-squad trash. You are giving us veterans a bad name.

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  • i did it once noteven for long and i got banned i hardly got any credits from it man id better get my rank back because all liutenant colonels still get to keep there rank even though they challenge boost everyday wow i was a major grade for god sake so my gamertag is - eL Magico Messi so give me back my rank now =(

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] X BC73 X About to have two degrees and become an officer in the united states armed forces, I'd say that's respectable...then again, I am going to be fighting for you to be able to have the right to disrespect soldiers so what do I know...disrespect me and my degrees all u want, but not the young men taking bullets over there, that's too much! On that sensitive note, waha remember what I said about scrubs with mrs worse than mine, jay, med school is tough so good luck and don't disrespect the troops, they live and die for you the people, and should be honored as such, god bless.[/quote] Awww, aren't you a dear? I'm Australian. You're not fighting for [i]my[/i] country. My dad's an ex-Army officer. Lt Col when he retired. Was a prisoner of war for two years when his squad was ambushed behind enemy lines during a covert mission. Some of the stories I've heard would turn your hair white. I'm thinking of joining my Army as a doctor for a few years after I graduate. Instant officer status, great experience and I get to do my bit for my country. None of this changes the fact that you're a butthurt, crying whiner.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] X BC73 X About to have two degrees and become an officer in the united states armed forces, I'd say that's respectable...then again, I am going to be fighting for you to be able to have the right to disrespect soldiers so what do I know...disrespect me and my degrees all u want, but not the young men taking bullets over there, that's too much! On that sensitive note, waha remember what I said about scrubs with mrs worse than mine, jay, med school is tough so good luck and don't disrespect the troops, they live and die for you the people, and should be honored as such, god bless.[/quote] Putting on a uniform doesn't get you respect. You have to earn respect and you've done nothing to deserve any.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] jaythenerdkid [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Commander Waha [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] jaythenerdkid [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Commander Waha [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] X BC73 X Well if wer'e gonna give a background Jay I might as well too. I'm 26, with a bachelors in history, with a focus in european history, a minor in psych and I'm currently working 50 hours a week while taking care of my 6 year old parentless half brother and trying to get a bachelors in CJ(almost done), I've been with my girl for three years nov. 16th and we're engaged, haven't set a date yet due to me enlisting in the army at the end of November... Now that being said, stop replying to my posts u scrub. Emp erno, I never called myself mpg pro, but compared to u, I might as well be lunchbox LOL. I posted to make a point, not to be criticized by scrubs...again, anyone with half a brain and some skill, I know your out there because halo isn't like cod, it takes skill to play, please answer my previous question of how I ruined your INGAME experiance. Also, emp, I like all the boosted camaign commendations, ur so legit bro. Captain Grade 2 two weeks ago, before challenge resetting as well. No animocity was intended in my posts but I'm not gonna be called unlegit by scrubs I wipe the floor with because I boosted for armour...I boosted for something that never affected anyone gameplay and I accept the punishment...I just don't like the idea of scrubs calling me unlegit.[/quote] You have a worthless bachelors and you're joining the Welfare Corps. And you're calling other people scrubs? [/quote] But he totally owned my "fourth year medical student" with his "history degree"! I mean, he's probably going to go on and get an entry-level job in a field unrelated to his degree, while I'm going to graduate and become one of those worthless "doctor" people. ...Wait.[/quote] But he's joining the army which means we can't make fun of him for being worthless even though he is. A bumper sticker told me so. [/quote] My dad's ex-Army. (Pakistan, special ops/engineers, back in the 60s/70s when the Bangladesh split was going on. War movies can [i]never[/i] match up to some of the stories I've heard.) Perhaps amusingly, his final rank was Lt Col. I have plenty of respect for army folks. I just don't have any respect for army folks who are dumbasses. Thinking back on it, this may be due to the fact that I have no respect for dumbasses in general. The army thing has nothing to do with it. Turns out, an idiot's an idiot, no matter what the profession. Who'da thunk it?[/quote] I'm a veteran of the Iraq war, and I'm sick and tired of two things. A: "I'm in/going to be in/was in the army so you can no longer say anything bad about me or you're being unpatriotic" and B: "I joined the army and that makes me better than you" It's really not the manly man making experience war is hell -blam!- that everyone makes it out to be. It's just we keep sending softer and softer kids to fight, and they can't even handle getting fired from 7-11 or being dumped by the girl they dated in high school.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Commander Waha [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] VirulentStrife Alright people, Day 3. I've cleaned myself up, got my coffee, and my new copy of GameInformer. What did I miss this glorious morning? Who's butthurt today?[/quote] X BC73 X, when he sees the stylin' being put on him.[/quote] You mean the one who [i]thinks[/i] he qualifies as an Officer in the Military? Fancy that.

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  • is there any to deleat my halo reach account

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  • Seriously. To those who were banned. You were banned for a reason, so stop crying foul. You obviously did something which warranted the action taken against you. To those who farm. Keep that tractor gassed up and good to go. I feel you. Its a marathon and not a race and I want to look fine when I do it and it takes credits to look fine for the ladies. To those who rank and continue to rank legit, good for you. Now get off your high horse, because everyone and their grandma has already pointed out that cheaters do not prosper. And farming is not cheating and just because I believe this does not mean I don't appreciate the effort, the story and characters that Bungie has offered to us. As soon as I picked up my copy of the game, I through on the tuxedo I were wore to my wedding and I started the campaign on solo legendary to knock out the achievement, the weekly challenge and hopefully a legendary ending to my favorite franchise. It took me the full week. my wife thinks im an ass for dressing in a tux every time I touched this game on the first week. I finished it. I soaked it up and now I grind. Now I farm. Because I take care of business. Get those credits. Go to work. Hang out with wifey. Everyone is happy. Because I just don't have enough hours in my day. So I grind it out in Reach, I grind it out at work and I grind it out of my wife. I know what the ladies like. And thanks to Bungie. I bought my first Xbox when it was bundled with Halo CE almost ten years ago and I bought the limited edition console bundled with the game on 9/14/2010. Every penny spent on the franchise through the years has been worth it and has yielded priceless memories between me and my friends from "LAN'ing" back in the day till now on Xbox LIVE.

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  • About to have two degrees and become an officer in the united states armed forces, I'd say that's respectable...then again, I am going to be fighting for you to be able to have the right to disrespect soldiers so what do I know...disrespect me and my degrees all u want, but not the young men taking bullets over there, that's too much! On that sensitive note, waha remember what I said about scrubs with mrs worse than mine, jay, med school is tough so good luck and don't disrespect the troops, they live and die for you the people, and should be honored as such, god bless.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] VirulentStrife Alright people, Day 3. I've cleaned myself up, got my coffee, and my new copy of GameInformer. What did I miss this glorious morning? Who's butthurt today?[/quote] X BC73 X, when he sees the stylin' being put on him.

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  • is there any way that i can get my commendations reset because the climb back up the ranks is going to be a painful one probably part of the point off the band but it would be apritated thank you for your time.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] X BC73 X My whole point being I got reset for never affecting actual in game content and to get technical I only affected my own player content, the use of the word cheater is a bit harsh, booster I can live with, cheater, nope...I own scrubs legit. As to the whole "look in the mirror" comment I was referring to someone who never ONI glitches and has a competitive KD way better than mine not .10 points higher. Again, I never misused ingame content, all I did was give myself cool armour, it's obvious u guys take your looks very seriously and your trueskill ehhh not so much. The quest begins anew today and anybody who wants to game with me I'd feel free to ignore the heated nerd rage and game with you, after all it's all about fun and not ranks and skill right?...wait, this is the halo nerd community I'm talking to LOL Gt is x bc73 x scrubs[/quote] Once again you have an arena kd of 1.13 and you're calling other people scrubs. YOU ARE A SCRUB.

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  • BUNGIE = The best Cherz guyz

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Commander Waha [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] jaythenerdkid [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Commander Waha [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] X BC73 X Well if wer'e gonna give a background Jay I might as well too. I'm 26, with a bachelors in history, with a focus in european history, a minor in psych and I'm currently working 50 hours a week while taking care of my 6 year old parentless half brother and trying to get a bachelors in CJ(almost done), I've been with my girl for three years nov. 16th and we're engaged, haven't set a date yet due to me enlisting in the army at the end of November... Now that being said, stop replying to my posts u scrub. Emp erno, I never called myself mpg pro, but compared to u, I might as well be lunchbox LOL. I posted to make a point, not to be criticized by scrubs...again, anyone with half a brain and some skill, I know your out there because halo isn't like cod, it takes skill to play, please answer my previous question of how I ruined your INGAME experiance. Also, emp, I like all the boosted camaign commendations, ur so legit bro. Captain Grade 2 two weeks ago, before challenge resetting as well. No animocity was intended in my posts but I'm not gonna be called unlegit by scrubs I wipe the floor with because I boosted for armour...I boosted for something that never affected anyone gameplay and I accept the punishment...I just don't like the idea of scrubs calling me unlegit.[/quote] You have a worthless bachelors and you're joining the Welfare Corps. And you're calling other people scrubs? [/quote] But he totally owned my "fourth year medical student" with his "history degree"! I mean, he's probably going to go on and get an entry-level job in a field unrelated to his degree, while I'm going to graduate and become one of those worthless "doctor" people. ...Wait.[/quote] But he's joining the army which means we can't make fun of him for being worthless even though he is. A bumper sticker told me so. [/quote] My dad's ex-Army. (Pakistan, special ops/engineers, back in the 60s/70s when the Bangladesh split was going on. War movies can [i]never[/i] match up to some of the stories I've heard.) Perhaps amusingly, his final rank was Lt Col. I have plenty of respect for army folks. I just don't have any respect for army folks who are dumbasses. Thinking back on it, this may be due to the fact that I have no respect for dumbasses in general. The army thing has nothing to do with it. Turns out, an idiot's an idiot, no matter what the profession. Who'da thunk it?

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  • Alright people, Day 3. I've cleaned myself up, got my coffee, and my new copy of GameInformer. What did I miss this glorious morning? Who's butthurt today?

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  • I just wanted to say the following; Hahahahahahaha, you cheating losers. Stop crying about getting reset, as you deserved it for being cheaters. Play the game properly, and you wont lose your precious armors, ranks and credits. "Wahwah, I'm taking the game back cause there's no point playing now I can't cheat my way up the ranks" Hahahahahaha. Pathetic losers. Well done, Bungie. Setting an example for all other devs out there.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] X BC73 X My whole point being I got reset for never affecting actual in game content and to get technical I only affected my own player content, the use of the word cheater is a bit harsh, booster I can live with, cheater, nope...I own scrubs legit. As to the whole "look in the mirror" comment I was referring to someone who never ONI glitches and has a competitive KD way better than mine not .10 points higher. Again, I never misused ingame content, all I did was give myself cool armour, it's obvious u guys take your looks very seriously and your trueskill ehhh not so much. The quest begins anew today and anybody who wants to game with me I'd feel free to ignore the heated nerd rage and game with you, after all it's all about fun and not ranks and skill right?...wait, this is the halo nerd community I'm talking to LOL Gt is x bc73 x scrubs[/quote] No, you were reset for a violation of the Terms of Service, which you agreed to not violate when you signed up for Xbox Live. And yes, you are a cheater. Sorry. A violation of the first thing you agreed to when signing up for XBL is about as good as cheating gets. Are you still trying to put yourself across as an awesome player? I have not once said 'I am better than you at Halo' or brought up KDs. I don't particularly care about them. Also, why bring it up if it's clear that I actually am better than you? Yes, you did misuse ingame content in that you completed the same challenge over and over again. That's blatant misuse. Also, if you're going to call us nerds, put your money where your mouth is and go and play the game rather than posting on a forum complaining about your perfectly fair punishment for breaking perfectly clear rules. Finally, "It's all about fun and not ranks and skill right?". Right. So stop bringing up your mediocre KD as a response to an argument.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Emperor Erno Your mum sounds like an intelligent woman.[/quote] Isn't it sad how even intelligent people can have dumbass kids?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] jaythenerdkid [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Commander Waha [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] X BC73 X Well if wer'e gonna give a background Jay I might as well too. I'm 26, with a bachelors in history, with a focus in european history, a minor in psych and I'm currently working 50 hours a week while taking care of my 6 year old parentless half brother and trying to get a bachelors in CJ(almost done), I've been with my girl for three years nov. 16th and we're engaged, haven't set a date yet due to me enlisting in the army at the end of November... Now that being said, stop replying to my posts u scrub. Emp erno, I never called myself mpg pro, but compared to u, I might as well be lunchbox LOL. I posted to make a point, not to be criticized by scrubs...again, anyone with half a brain and some skill, I know your out there because halo isn't like cod, it takes skill to play, please answer my previous question of how I ruined your INGAME experiance. Also, emp, I like all the boosted camaign commendations, ur so legit bro. Captain Grade 2 two weeks ago, before challenge resetting as well. No animocity was intended in my posts but I'm not gonna be called unlegit by scrubs I wipe the floor with because I boosted for armour...I boosted for something that never affected anyone gameplay and I accept the punishment...I just don't like the idea of scrubs calling me unlegit.[/quote] You have a worthless bachelors and you're joining the Welfare Corps. And you're calling other people scrubs? [/quote] But he totally owned my "fourth year medical student" with his "history degree"! I mean, he's probably going to go on and get an entry-level job in a field unrelated to his degree, while I'm going to graduate and become one of those worthless "doctor" people. ...Wait.[/quote] But he's joining the army which means we can't make fun of him for being worthless even though he is. A bumper sticker told me so.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Fessobia I'm pretty sure that I did the Target Locator 511 times and I didn't get banned. LOL I even have 2 of those commendations almost maxed out. So the target locator thing isn't what is getting everyone banned. then what did they do? Im going to LOL if I don't get banned and everyone else does. Seems like justice to me, maybe they will reset my halocharts info as well.[/quote] The target locator "glitch" (It's not a glitch just bad checkpoint placement) will NOT get you banned according to bungie

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  • is there any way i can reset my whole halo reach account??????????? [Edited on 10.03.2010 5:10 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Commander Waha [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] X BC73 X Well if wer'e gonna give a background Jay I might as well too. I'm 26, with a bachelors in history, with a focus in european history, a minor in psych and I'm currently working 50 hours a week while taking care of my 6 year old parentless half brother and trying to get a bachelors in CJ(almost done), I've been with my girl for three years nov. 16th and we're engaged, haven't set a date yet due to me enlisting in the army at the end of November... Now that being said, stop replying to my posts u scrub. Emp erno, I never called myself mpg pro, but compared to u, I might as well be lunchbox LOL. I posted to make a point, not to be criticized by scrubs...again, anyone with half a brain and some skill, I know your out there because halo isn't like cod, it takes skill to play, please answer my previous question of how I ruined your INGAME experiance. Also, emp, I like all the boosted camaign commendations, ur so legit bro. Captain Grade 2 two weeks ago, before challenge resetting as well. No animocity was intended in my posts but I'm not gonna be called unlegit by scrubs I wipe the floor with because I boosted for armour...I boosted for something that never affected anyone gameplay and I accept the punishment...I just don't like the idea of scrubs calling me unlegit.[/quote] You have a worthless bachelors and you're joining the Welfare Corps. And you're calling other people scrubs? [/quote] But he totally owned my "fourth year medical student" with his "history degree"! I mean, he's probably going to go on and get an entry-level job in a field unrelated to his degree, while I'm going to graduate and become one of those worthless "doctor" people. ...Wait.

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