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10/1/2010 5:36:55 PM

**UPDATED 07/11** Halo 1/2/3/PC Remakes

[quote][b][u]Weekly Update:[/u] [i]July 11, 2011[/i][/b][/quote] [b]** Registration for our upcoming Tournament [u]HAS ENDED[/u]!! **[/b] - Our first Official Tournament will be this weekend and the hype is out of the roof! Registration has ended so we are NO LONGER accepting any team submissions. Good luck to the competing teams! -We have recieved quite a few submissions and are currently evaluating and testing them to get them ready for you. Stay tuned.(: - As always guys, if you don't see your maps listed in the OP, that does not mean your map was not good enough. We have tons of maps to go through so just be patient as we continue to get them all tested and posted onto the thread for everyone to see. That's it for this week. Frag ya'll later. - [b]Halo Legacy[/b] [quote][b][u]All things Official[/u][/b][/quote] [u][b]Official Private Group - Halo Legacy: Forging Evolved[/b][/u] - Halo Legacy is in charge of the nuts and bolts of this thread and all the remakes submitted. Your maps will be put through the ringer behind closed doors. If active map makers show potential in updating their map and work well with feedback, the group will work with you to perfect your map! [u][b]Official Group - Halo Legacy[/b][/u] [url=]Join Now![/url] - Game Nights - Tournaments (Prizes) - Weekly Challenges (Prizes) - Work personally with Halo Legacy - Create your own threads for Map Submissions/Feedback - Plus much more! [u][b]Official Website[/b][/u] [url=]Check out the Official Website for our group[/url] - The wikia provides a more interactive way to find your favorite remakes! [u][b]Classic Gametype Master Thread[/b][/u] [url=]Maps, Gametypes, and Discussion[/url] - To talk about everything that is Classic Playlist, head over to the Optimatch forum! [quote][u][b]Posting Rules[/b][/u][/quote] - Please only submit true remakes. [i]Inspired by's[/i], [i]spiritual successors[/i], [i]campaign mission remakes[/i], etc. do not apply to this thread. Please do no submit them. - [b][i]REQUIRED[/i][/b] post a hyperlink directly to your map. - [b][i]PLEASE[/i][/b] leave the following information about the map: What map you remade, the history in terms of editing/testing(how did you go about creating it), anything that will help us recognize your map out of the huge ocean of submissions is always a good thing! [quote][u][b]Classic Gametypes[/b][/u][/quote] [url=]Classic Objective(+ 1 Slayer) Gametypes[/url] [quote]Key[/quote] [b]R[/b] - Reach settings compatible [b]C[/b] - Classic settings compatible [quote][quote][b][u]-- Halo 1 --[/b][/u][/quote] [b]Battle Creek[/b] [url=]Battle Creek Variation 2 By BlazeJP (Edited by DWEIGHT)[/url] R/C [b]Blood Gulch[/b] [url=]Sanguine Ravine by Arsirus UK[/url] R/C [url=]Bloody Canyon by FTG Insanity[/url] [b]Boarding Action[/b] [url=]Ship To Ship By Masta Chief 009[/url] R/C [b]Chill Out[/b] [url=]Cryogenics By Munchiebox[/url] R/C [b]Chiron TL-34[/b] [url=]The Janitors Closet By nillapuddin626[/url] R/C [b]Damnation[/b] [url=]Hydra XXIII By Frightmare[/url] R/C [url=]Salvation v3.2 By xXMrMojoRisinXx[/url] [b]Derelict[/b] [url=]Dreadnought By Dragull[/url] R/C [b]Hang 'Em High[/b] [url=]High Noon By Decadence Night[/url] R/C [b]Longest[/b] [url=]Yonder by Arsirus UK[/url] R/C [b]Prisoner[/b] [url=]Convict By Nillapuddin626[/url] R/C [url=]Conviction by Psychosis687[/url] [b]Rat Race[/b] [url=]Rat Trap By Vincent Torre[/url] R/C [b]Sidewinder[/b] [i]Remakes in the works[/i] [b]Wizard[/b] [url=]Magus By Empyrean Legacy[/url] R/C [/quote] [quote][quote][u][b]-- Halo CE (PC) --[/b][/u][/quote] -[b]Danger Canyon[/b] [url=] By used man (Edited By Arsirus UK)[/url] -[b]Death Island[/b] [i]No Remakes submitted[/i] -[b]Ice Fields[/b] [i]No Remakes submitted[/i] -[b]Infinity[/b] [i]No Remakes submitted[/i] -[b]Gephyrophobia[/b] [url=] By Archiphres[/url] -[b]Timberland[/b] [i]No Remakes submitted[/i] [/quote] [Edited on 07.12.2011 7:53 AM PDT]
#Halo #Reach

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  • so many lockout remakes i think i'm gonna explode. we'll take a look though b/c the FH screens look impressive.

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  • Hello! Try my remake! I hope you enjoy =) [url=]Lockout[/url] & [url=]ForgeHUB's thread[/url]

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  • All these wonderful people deserve cookies.

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  • I made a version 2 of my remake of headlong in my fileshare. I added more cover on the catwalks and thats about it lol. The links in a previous post that someone helped me with.\ nvm, try this link: still not sure how to make a hyperlink. [Edited on 08.09.2011 1:32 PM PDT]

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  • Ugh I can't download those maps at the mo' due to maintenance. I will download some of them once its over. Love this thread :D

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  • Take a look at [url=]The Valley[/url]. This could fill in the spot for Valhalla.

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  • The Classic Gametype Master Thread has a new home here in the Reach forums. [url=][b]Link[/b][/url]

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  • I wasn't the one who modded it, that's why I said it was revamped from Lord crusnik's map. Even though his remake wasn't as nearly exact as other remakes it still had more of a feeling of headlong to it. And what gave me that feeling was based on the skyscrapers and buildings. So i kept it, changing everything. His is called Neon Headlong, you can compare his to mine too see the major changes. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MajorGroove You don't care if people use the modded over limit maps?[/quote]

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  • Nah, we don't care. Might want to watch out when promoting it though. Could get banned for modding if they think you did it. Thanks tubb311 for the link. Now I can check out his map. Been waiting for a good remake of Headlong. West 49, the reason why we don't narrow it down to one is b/c some maps are scaled to Reach's movement and others for Team Classic's. Also there is a lot of speculation of whose remake is the "best". We just put all of the decent ones we find on the thread for people to choose which ones fit their style most. There is no such thing as a perfect remake so each map will contain different details than others. So we let people choose which one they like best w/o forcing ones on them. Check out our updated thread over [url=]@ Waypoint[/url]. Due to the 343 changeover we've haven't been updating here very often. [Edited on 08.01.2011 1:53 PM PDT]

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  • You don't care if people use the modded over limit maps?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] IIII Uknown IM bad with links, but you can try to search my fileshare and download it. Try this link: I just linked it to my fileshare instead of the actual map because it doesnt seem to work when I do a more specific link. And I editted it a little so i'll try to put that up instead, but what really bugs me is the description and how it gets blocked if i spell the word Assault. [/quote]here is one that works for you, i'm downloading it to check it out. [url=]LINK[/url]

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  • Saved Thread! Nice work guys!

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  • You should narrow the remakes down to one for each map. I don't know which to download for maps with 5 remakes.

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  • IM bad with links, but you can try to search my fileshare and download it. Try this link: I just linked it to my fileshare instead of the actual map because it doesnt seem to work when I do a more specific link. And I editted it a little so i'll try to put that up instead, but what really bugs me is the description and how it gets blocked if i spell the word Assault. [Edited on 08.01.2011 11:32 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Uknown X2 Spent some months and I finally finish my Headlong remake (I took a lot of breaks as I was making it though). I basically took Lord Crusniks map and made an overhaul changing all buildings, roads, and everything else. I got lazy and since I don't know how to use spawns, just copied them from Jambo's remake. Only compatible with slayer, assault, and ctf since I ran out of global amount of pieces. links here: Uknown[/quote] Really wanna check this out, but can't seem to get the link to work.

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  • Thread saved. Got myself sum terminal

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  • Spent some months and I finally finish my Headlong remake (I took a lot of breaks as I was making it though). I basically took Lord Crusniks map and made an overhaul changing all buildings, roads, and everything else. I got lazy and since I don't know how to use spawns, just copied them from Jambo's remake. Only compatible with slayer, assault, and ctf since I ran out of global amount of pieces. links here: Uknown

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  • Took a look at it last night. It's decent, but i just don't understand the Cat head. Anyway, hey guys we just got pinned over in the Waypoint forums. Looks like we're back in business. : )

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  • I have a pretty decent Gemini remake. Only thing that isn't from the actual map is the prophet statue which instead is a giant cat head. [url][/url]

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  • Thanks. I did find other Standoff maps on and after looking at them and then mine, I think we both agree that its almost impossible to re-create an exact scale and map with all the accuracies of underground tunnel work, higher ground behind both bases and the perfect z-fighting you mentioned earlier and so on and so on. You either get a smaller map using the giant walls to get the tunnels but you also get clunkyness because walls act as dirt hills, or you get natural enviroment but sacrifices elsewhere. So for those reading this, send your feedback on the map 'Showdown'. There is not a chance I can make this map better without causing frame issues, so tell me about gameplay, spawning and weapons. Thanks to all those who took the time to download and give feedback on the map.

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  • It's the best Standoff I've seen so far, but due to the difficulty that it is to forge this map a quality remake probably isn't possible. I went ahead and added this map up in the thread over @ waypoint. Keep working on it. We'll be glad to test it out this Saturday with a bunch of players.

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  • The Standoff remake Showdown has again been updated. Fixed kill zones so jet pack users cannot fly out of the map and has fixed red vs. blue spawn points for team slayer or objective game types. As this map continues to be in the works I need feedback or recommends, if its seems like a great solid map. Thanks Here is the link [url] ICON[/url]

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  • Probably. I think the entire Team Classic playlist is being overhauled with the HCEA maps and title update gameplay. ATTENTION: we've copied this thread over to the waypoint forums after the shut down this afternoon. feel free to head on over and check it out. [url][/url] [Edited on 07.14.2011 6:09 PM PDT]

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  • Will Damnation be replaced by its CE:A counterpart? Because from what I have seen it is actually LESS accurate.

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  • I went by the OP of 7/11. I'll try and do this regularly. I'll be going off what the OP has, so the game admins need to make sure their list is updated. Otherwise I won't have all the info. I also might not be doing this every week. I'll try to do it after big updates, but probably every 2 or 3 weeks otherwise.

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  • I've actually seen a couple pretty good Ice Fields, Containment, Relic, Avalanche, and Standoff remakes. I'll be showing them off at the next gameday Saturday. - Gemini is no longer "in the works". - Sidewinder and Valhalla are currently still "in the works" though.

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