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1/10/2019 11:01:27 PM

Problems with current Last Word.

From the looks of it the LW will just be used because why not. Unless it does have High Noon it will be outgunned by Luna/ NF and even Malfeasence. It's RPM is 180 so it's damage will be much lower than D1 since it will take a minimum of 4 out of your 8 shots to kill a guy. Unless the stats we've seen are what we'll see BEFORE perks are applied and unless Fan Fire increases RPM and doesn't change the numbers then it won't have much going for it. I understand it's not out yet, but from the looks of it the only things it has going for it are hip fire accuracy/ stability and fast reload. If the numbers are BEFORE perks are applied then RPM will be at least 200 if FF increases RPM, range will be 38, and stability will be almost if not over 60. As I said High Noon was not shown so if it will be on LW it will probably be a catalyst that will hopefully increase it's handling of 20 or something like that. It early to judge it, but I'm going by what I can expect and not what they want us to believe.

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