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9/10/2018 11:21:32 AM

A Tale of PSN Identities and Pre-order Redemption

This will be [b]long[/b]. Just a warning. So I happily purchased the Forsaken Expansion and Season 4 pass at Gamestop. I was looking forward to the new content and the bonuses the pre-order offered. Come September 4th, I was stuck in [b][i]looooong[/i][/b] InfoSec and Governance meetings so I couldn't rush out to Game Stop to get the update codes. I asked a member of my family ([i]names with-held to prevent future recriminations[/i]) to take the receipt off the fridge and go get the codes for me. Seemed legit right? So, not only did the helpful soul get the codes but they also decided to go for [b]ONE UP[/b] and input the codes for me. This is where the woe begins. They used an older account on my PS4 ([i]which was code locked and it baffles me that they knew the code[/i]) and input the Redemption Codes. Sounds really helpful right? It would be if that account was actually my current PSN account where I've been playing on and all of my toons were. I didn't discover this fact until I got home later that evening and tried to hop on to play. I saw the receipt on my desk and went onto the the Playstation Store to enter the codes. This is where I started to get concerned. None of the pre-order bonus codes were working when I tried to enter them. I fretted for a bit but then thought, "[i]This isn't that important right now, I can submit a ticket later... Let's get the main game activation codes in.[/i]" Nope. That wouldn't work either. So I bellowed out asking if there were any other instructions that the guys at Game Stop gave about redeeming the codes. To which I was informed that they had helpfully entered all of the codes for me already. Huh. I went into my normal account and saw the updated Destinations menu and with giddy glee tried to go to the Shore. :-( Got an error about needing the new Content. I asked again about the code and was once again told that they had input all of the codes for me. Being an IT guy, I kindly ([i]with much with-held exasperation and frustration[/i]) to show me how "exactly" they entered the codes... It quickly became apparent that the codes were redeemed under the older (locked) PSN account. [b][i]Auuuuuuugggghhhh![/i][/b] Thanking the helpful party and sending them on their way with much effusiveness, I sat wondering what to do... I finally decide to try to go into the game using the older account. That worked. I got into the games main Character creation screen but I had no Guardians to choose from. After this, I logged out and back into the account I normally play on and I was able to get to the Shore and start playing for a brief time before ending my first day with the game. Finally several days later, I have my first Guardian (Hunter) to level fifty and have hit the soft cap (500). Now I need to figure out how to get the pre-order bonuses sorted out. Anyone on the Bungie side have any suggestions on how I can do this? Much appreciation. TLDR; 'Helpful' family member redeems game code on wrong account. Poster now seeks means to correct issue.

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