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9/10/2010 1:21:49 AM

Honestly, was it wrong of me to do this?

I work at GameStop and today a Latino woman and her son came in. The son (who looked like he was around 13 or 14 years old) spoke English fine but the woman had very broken English. What I could make out from her is that she wanted to pre-order Halo Reach for her son. I was very concerned because she might not realize what kind of violence and language she would be exposing her son to so I had my other GameStop employee (his name is Ricardo, speaks Spanish and English) warn her about the game's violence in Spanish and she was able to understand and then scolded her son for trying to get such a game. Did I do the right thing?
#Halo #Reach

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sinful killer86 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] King Droid [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] w4r3w0lf yes, he was manipulating her to gve him something he shouldent have, shame on him[/quote] Ratings are suggestions not laws, therefore, they shouldn't be treated as such.[/quote] They are laws. Gamestop isn't permitted to sell an M game to anyone under 17. They can only sell it to someone older. Whether or not someone younger plays it is the persons choice.[/quote] He had a parent with him. It is legal.

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  • Depends. But yeah, you probably did do the right thing, one less screamer online.

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  • You did the wrong thing. Anyone who thinks Halo: Reach is too violent for their kid shouldn't have bought them an xbox in the first place.

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  • Yes the decision was the right one. Ultimately it's the parents decision and since you allowed her to make a more educated decision you did the right thing. It's better than the mom seeing the violence and taking the game away after the kid has played it.

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  • no. i played gears of war when i was 9. video game violence is overrated

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  • Halo isn't M rated for no reason.

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  • I think OP did the right thing. The woman obviously did not understand what the game was about, and so could not make an informed decision about buying it for her son. Because the child was in her care, she obviously gets to make the ultimate choice on whether he plays or not, and she decided not to let him, based on the information she had been given. You did the right thing OP. Also, I hate kids who manipulate their parents.

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  • Good move. You successfully contributed in keeping 13- year olds off of XBL.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Hi iTs SlayeR Heres how I view it as... *If he was Mature: YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF FOR LETTING THE KID NOT HAVE SUCH AN AWESOME GAME IN A FEW DAYS... *If he was infact a immature kid: im proud of you my man. You saved us from another little kid on Halo. [/quote] Stole my thunder. Well played.

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  • You sir are pure evil

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  • I think you did the right thing, though the ESRB rating has no legal standing it should (at least in theory) be recognized. This is especially true when it comes to kids trying to exploit their parents ignorance about the world of video games. Off topic, I wish you worked at my local gamestop. I was there the other day and a mom was buying her 11 year old fallout 3 and the gamestop person just off handedly mentioned the rating stuff and made no effort to actually explain it to the idiot woman. [Edited on 09.10.2010 1:34 AM PDT]

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  • its still the parents choise, and you gave them that choise, and thats a good thing, probably a lot of the community is going to be happy that you kept a 13/14 year old boy from Halo XD

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  • There's much worse games out there when it comes to violence and language, and your actions have not only pushed this child to get one of said worse games, but have as well prevented the company that gave you a job from obtaining $60+ from sales.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] LukeExplosion No... considering Reach doesn't even feature language. It's rated 'M' for; "Bloooood viooleeeeeencce".[/quote] Tobuscus

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  • 0
    Just doin your job man. Well, I might add.

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  • No... considering Reach doesn't even feature language. It's rated 'M' for; "Bloooood viooleeeeeencce".

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  • Halo reach is rated MA 15+ here in Australia and I happen to be 15. BUT remember maturity>age. [Edited on 09.10.2010 1:15 AM PDT]

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  • Well you did the right thing but... I would feel devistated if it happend to me, but it wont beacuse I am an Australian 15 year old and we dont have R18 so im safe from the ESRB. So yeah right thing to do but you probably crushed a child's dreams. Doing the right thing sucks...

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  • If that's what your job tells you to do then yes. If my kids wants that game, or any other game for that matter, I give it to them. But my kids know the diff. between reality and fantasy, but it's a families choice.

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  • games dont hurt people, I hurt people

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  • Yes, we don't need another high-pitched voice on another XBL game. You are a hero to us all.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Shepherd214 Congratulations, you ruined the kid's young life. The game isnt even rated for language, and most of the blood you see is blue and purple. Probably 90% of his friends will be playing it and he will be twiddling his thumbs with nothing to do because his well-intentioned but ignorant mother doesnt want him to hear next to no cursing and to see fake alien blood. And to top it off, the kid is a teen. If he cant handle a game's mild violence, he has more problems to worry about. Once again, congrats.[/quote] This is complete BS. No one's life is ruined because their parents didn't buy them a video game on release day. Actually, OP gave excellent customer service to the person who was actually buying the game. The kid can always play the game when he's at his friends' houses. You know basically nothing about the kid's mom, so you really aren't qualified to speak to her intentions or her intelligence. 86.26% of all quoted percentages are made up on the spot. And for all you know, the kid could have a messed up past that makes him particularly sensitive to violence. In short, nothing you said should be taken seriously. [Edited on 09.10.2010 1:00 AM PDT]

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  • You did the right thing. When i was a youngster of 12, this fantastic new game came out called "Mortal Kombat" with a 13+ rating. I was denied the ability to play this game for nearly a year. The Ratings on video games are slightly more then suggestions. If the parent says No, then its no.

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  • Congratulations, you ruined the kid's young life. The game isnt even rated for language, and most of the blood you see is blue and purple. Probably 90% of his friends will be playing it and he will be twiddling his thumbs with nothing to do because his well-intentioned but ignorant mother doesnt want him to hear next to no cursing and to see fake alien blood. And to top it off, the kid is a teen. If he cant handle a game's mild violence, he has more problems to worry about. Once again, congrats.

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  • Honestly I think you're kind of a nosey person for doing it. It's none of your business to be trying to protect that kid from seeing alien blood. Video games don't ruin kids or make them violent. Being raised by terrible parents that don't care for them do. If a kid is naturally violent, then of course someone has to find something to blame.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RenoScott You did the right thing really, if she knew her kid would be ok with it she wouldn't have done anything, my dad made sure what he was getting me and if id understand it before it got in my hands as a kid[/quote] This [Edited on 09.10.2010 12:45 AM PDT]

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