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9/10/2010 1:21:49 AM

Honestly, was it wrong of me to do this?

I work at GameStop and today a Latino woman and her son came in. The son (who looked like he was around 13 or 14 years old) spoke English fine but the woman had very broken English. What I could make out from her is that she wanted to pre-order Halo Reach for her son. I was very concerned because she might not realize what kind of violence and language she would be exposing her son to so I had my other GameStop employee (his name is Ricardo, speaks Spanish and English) warn her about the game's violence in Spanish and she was able to understand and then scolded her son for trying to get such a game. Did I do the right thing?
#Halo #Reach

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  • No, you made the CoD fan numbers go up, jack ass.

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  • Been thinking about it for awhile now, and I don't think you shouldve done it, bro. First time I played CE, I was 14. It would have absolutely SUCKED if the guy at Babbages had told my parents that the game is too violent for me to play. Now this kid - which is probably much like you used to be - can't play Reach without sneaking around to his friends' house. Its like ratting out your friends because you can, and for no other reason. I just hope this kid's able to show his mom that - all in all - the game isn't that violent.

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  • Yay for good employees!

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  • Good Job dude... A lot of others would simply just have handed it to the kid without even looking at the mom...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MA5C 7RUTH Because Reach has so much violence and language. Hell, the game isn't even RATED for language. Bungie keeps it clean. Now watch the kid go get Call of Duty: Black Ops which has probably 50 times more violence and language.[/quote] Better to let CoD keep they 12 year old community :)

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  • wow, you must be a horrible person. that was truly evil.

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  • Did the right thing. that is you informed the parent about the game so they could in turn make an informed decision. too many parents are ignorant of what their children are doing, what they are playing, watching and most importantly learning. in that ignorance many are nothing more then their child's pass to get their hand on games rated above their age and maturity.

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  • You did the right thing.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Harknara I work at GameStop and today a Latino woman and her son came in. The son (who looked like he was around 13 or 14 years old) spoke English fine but the woman had very broken English. What I could make out from her is that she wanted to pre-order Halo Reach for her son. I was very concerned because she might not realize what kind of violence and language she would be exposing her son to so I had my other GameStop employee (his name is Ricardo, speaks Spanish and English) warn her about the game's violence in Spanish and she was able to understand and then scolded her son for trying to get such a game. Did I do the right thing?[/quote] absoulutly i am also a game advisor at gamestop you did the right thing its our job to make sure that parents understand these things and if they say no Oh well you did nothing wrong its our job man =)

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  • Quite right. The fact he lied about the game shows he was not mature enough to be playing it.

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  • I think you were doing your job, however, lets be honest with ourselves for a moment, does anyone watch day time TV? How many add for summer movies, like the Expendables or movies like that have graphic depictions of violence in there ad's? The fact is Halo Reach is not a violent game. Yes there is shooting, and killing, its tame compared to many other game, movies or TV shows, and I'm talking about the Shows/Movies/Games that 13 year old's can buy. Should you have informed the mother yes, however, I believe there is a not only language but cultural difference, between you understanding of Halo and mature videogames, and her's. Not to sound racist or anything, but if she had a 13 year old child and assuming he's been in the US all his life, than it shows a distinct disregard on her part for our language/culture. Do I think the kid was trying to pull a fast one on his mother, no, do I think if the mother more so understood the concepts of what was being explained to her better than I think it would have gone down for the kid differently. Can I expect all parent to under stand video game? No. I worked in a WaldenBooks for 3 years and explaining things from English to Spanish, and finding the right worlds so that the customer understood was often hard, even when you speak the language, I still think there is a disconnect on the customers part. Anyways don't worry you were just doing your job, from the way it sounds SHE didn't under stand what level of violence was in this game, and the kid is paying for it.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] HaloIsMegaKewl You did the wrong thing. Anyone who thinks Halo: Reach is too violent for their kid shouldn't have bought them an xbox in the first place.[/quote] Parents choice. If I worked in a game shop I'd have been honest to.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ahotcupofhoffee Yes. It's the parents choice on how to raise their kid. She obviously didn't want him to get it once she found out what it was. So even though you may feel -blam!-y you did the right thing.[/quote]

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  • That was the right thing to do.

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  • Definitely not. I think a 14 year old can handle mild violence (I mean, even 10 year olds play halo!) and there is no language.

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  • Well if he was scolded, it can't mean his mother thinks he's overly mature, so yeah good job.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] WidowMaker9394 You just ruined that kids life methinks.[/quote] Maybe if the kid has been taught that games are just that, games, then he won't take it so badly. On the other hand, I think your post says more about how YOU would feel in that situation. How old are you?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Eat Lead Cobra lol I say it's the right move. But I still feel bad for the little guy[/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Seneka The 5th There's much worse games out there when it comes to violence and language, and your actions have not only pushed this child to get one of said worse games, but have as well prevented the company that gave you a job from obtaining $60+ from sales.[/quote] Or maybe it'll prompt the kids mother into taking more interest in the games that her son plays. It can work both ways, but if the parents have common sense it'll make them think twice about such games.

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  • one less overexcited brat i dont have to listen to thanks

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  • OP your a true employee that follows the rules kudos! [Edited on 09.10.2010 2:54 AM PDT]

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  • @ OP: I know a lot of game store employees who would have just taken the sale. Good on ya for being honest with the kids mum.

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  • While Halo Reach is hardly hardcore compared to todays standards assuming she didn't want her kid exposed to anything of the sort... you did the right thing. Just make sure you do it again and again on titles that really deserve it. Read (Mafia 2, Gears of War, Fallout etc.)

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  • Yeah, you did the right thing. I would have done the same.

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  • You just ruined that kids life methinks.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sinful killer86 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] King Droid [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] w4r3w0lf yes, he was manipulating her to gve him something he shouldent have, shame on him[/quote] Ratings are suggestions not laws, therefore, they shouldn't be treated as such.[/quote] They are laws. Gamestop isn't permitted to sell an M game to anyone under 17. They can only sell it to someone older. Whether or not someone younger plays it is the persons choice.[/quote] He had a parent with him. It is legal.

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