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1/17/2018 10:56:55 AM

Destiny 2 my review

Strongly Agree




I don't agree nor disagree




Strongly Disagree


Now, this is just my opinion your entitled to your all I ask is for respect. Feel free to add yours to the comments as long as its calm and respectful of anyone else's opinion. I'll start off by saying I'm a fan of Bungie, from the worlds they make to the stories they thread through a timeline, with there hidden details and easter eggs to fun jokes and references and the serious, dramatic and intense moments. Bungie normally nails these things with good music and good characters. I enjoyed Destiny 2, for the most part, I played for the MMO likeness the PvE less so the PvP. It's not that I didn't enjoy the PvP its just if I wanted to jump around a map etc I'd play CoD or Titanfall or the other games with the same feel PvP wise. Unfornutaly for me Destiny 2 suffers from a thing most MMO's don't, I understand Destiny 2 isn't trying to be a WoW scale MMO etc but you can't deny it has MMO qualities. So the late game you've done the main story and sides quests what is there to do?.... Raids and Strikes. Ok cool you play through these once or twice yet for me I felt no reward the raid gear whilst looking cool is pretty much no different from normal guns and armour (also why no armour set bonus? an armour set bonus would add a little grinding to the game which isn't bad. I'll go into this later.) So to me, the strikes and raids whilst they can be hard and fun the first few times what the point? I do a strike multiple times and get blue engrams and underwhelming progression in any sense my super (i play a hunter with nightstalker) feels useless unless I have exotics (Orpheus rig) equipped etc. In D1 the supers felt well more super, in D2 you have an awoken traveler a quest chain to reawaken your abilities so its understandable they come back a little different but a nightstalker tether which you can either have to make orbs (which goes away in what seems an instant) to a tether more enemies and stay around longer but get fewer orbs. Unless I'm wearing the boots above the orbs tether in raids is useless as it doesn't stay long enough to be effective. So I'm not sure if they have tried to make the powers more centred around crucible instead of PvE or what but that's how it seems to me. I understand its impossible to make everyone happy scale down the grinding aspects to much and after the raids and strikes your left with waiting until a DLC comes out to quickly blow through which happened in D1 and I found my self-doing in D2. On the other hand, having too much grinding and the more casual players will quickly get turned off for the game. However, there are sweet spots a balance can be found other MMO's have got close whilst giving casual players weapons and armour that keep them on the same level items you can grind for that give you that edge if you put the time it isn't bad. for example Thorn year 1 super strong didn't get nerfed until it was used a lot in crucible this nerf pretty much made it useless in my opinion why not have a PvE and PvP stat type for these weapons so in PvE they are still useful and in PvP you can nerf and buff to your hearts content without detracting from the point of this game the raids, strikes and story. Seekers and guides, So in D1 nightfalls and raids were annoying with the lack of multiplayer you found your self-sifting through forums and posting for raiders and strikes buddies. In D2 they tried to fix this with Seekers and Guides yet a 30 min wait as a seeker isn't exactly matchmaking. So what do you get if you go out of your way to help someone through a raid or nightfall in my opinion, not enough. even the chance of dropping 10 silver (D2 in-game currency) would be a reward enough for me and more people to be a guide and spend time in the game providing this service for Bungie and its players. I know you'll say but you get EXP or clan stuff and again that's not really enough is it why do that when events, crucible and raids etc all provide the same or similar stuff. So more incentive for people to go out of there way to be a guide isn't a bad thing and would add to the player experience. maybe even a rating system for the guides such as calm, helpful and toxic and aggressive might help lower the chances of people just running ahead and dying constantly causing strain on the team. If the guides get rated well (honoured) cosmetics can be rewarded. Guides and Seekers don't fix the more multiple parts of PvE in the game its difficult to make friends unless you go to forums etc. maybe having like a looking for group board or something in the tower would be good like a message board players can post asking for help in the game this would offer better rewards for helping people do there requests this then will help build and strangthen community. Also, a library where you can read up on the grimoire cards etc you collect. Now to increase the longevity of the game, in my opinion, isn't hard. Loot, variety and making the player feel powerful but balanced. So in most MMO type games you have randomised generic quest fetch quests etc D1 and D2 have tried to do something similar with bounties and events etc but they dont have substance you fly around a planet and see an event you do the event in 30 secs and move to the next they have side quests sure which you can do I would have prefered more sidequests the events and event types whilst being fun arnt the same subtance wise as a sidequest or quest giveing a small glimps into how and what the Destiny universe is about. I have had no issue with eververse the monetisation aspect of D2. other then Bungie's silly choice in how shaders work now limiting players customisation the eververse impacts my game very little unless I've overlooked some OP set of weapons and armour available from there. Paying for cosmetic items isn't bad and it's better than paying for a fast track to weapons etc WoW do this and Tera among others and is the lesser evils of monetisation in games. Fixing these issues for me would be a good step. Players not feeling powerful, armour set bonus, raid and strike armour, weapons being unimpressive, Seeker and guide incentives as well as a rating system for the guides calm, helpful or aggressive and toxic etc. Different stats for PvE and PvP Weapons (maybe armour). I'd like to end this by saying my review is still ongoing and will be until Destiny 3 or the DLC's or whatever comes out. I'm having fun, sometimes painful and underwhelming but fun none the less I find my self not playing for weeks or months and coming back with hopes of something new being around to interest me, sometimes there is most the time I'm confronted with nothing new. I'm interested in seeing what other members of this amazing and loyal community have to say about these issues I raised and any others. I hope to have a discussion and maybe help Bungie set goals for this game or future ones.

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