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12/27/2017 6:59:47 PM

Dial Back Eververse and Make Destiny Worth the Money You Spend

Bungie please read your freaking feedback! can you not see that literally every single person playing your game wants Eververse gone??? I don't mind the idea of Eververse but when you made a $20 DLC and made all the content in that DLC locked behind Eververse. Then to top it with the dawning event being completely in Eververse you are screwing your players so hard. You are making your most dedicated players hate you because they cant play the game to earn anything, if you want anything in Destiny 2 you have to pay even more money to earn it. I get that you want micro transactions in the game so you can make a few extra bucks, but when you lock all the endgame content (which is also sadly lacking) behind a paywall, after paying for the game, and then paying for the DLC thats ridiculous. Bungie get your head in the game please, you are throwing trash at us, sacrificing endgame content for useless micro transactions and cosmetics. I want to be able to PLAY the game AND look good while doing it, in its current state the only thing you can do in Destiny is look good. Whats the point of looking good if you can't/don't want to play cause there is nothing to play? Focus more on making the game fun to play and then maybe add in some paid micro transactions for people who don't want to grind that stuff out. If you guys stop being greedy and only wanting money, then people might actually play the game and feel good about buying the bright engrams. Currently there is no reason to buy anything because there is no reason to play the game. Bungie please make your game worth playing before you try to make players pay for something, I love your game but you need to give me a reason to make it worth playing.

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