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Clan Recruitment

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11/28/2017 9:57:49 AM

PC | EU | Carry On Regardless Now Recruiting | Discord

[b]Carry on Regardless [CoR] is now recruiting PvPers in the EU. [/b] [u]What we are looking for:[/u] Active players on discord willing to group up with team mates for PvP, Nightfalls and Raids. Discord is mandatory for the clan. As there is no monitoring tools on destiny 2 to monitor is players are active or not. Once someone is accepted into the clan they will need to register with warmind on the discord server to allow monitoring. Our aim is to have 100 active clan members on discord that help when possible. [b]To join connect to discord and private message me (Smudge) your battlenet or link me your bungie profile. [/b] If you can spare the time an up vote really helps this post get seen by players looking for a lively helpful clan.

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