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10/17/2017 6:00:59 AM

Sticky Grenades are completely useless

I've seen it thrown around so I'm posting it as well to get more attention. STICKY GRENADES ARE USELESS!!! Not only does it only affect that 1 player or mob, when attached to its target it does LESS damage than any other grenade! Like WAY less. The whole, the entire, the complete point of that grenade is to do MORE damage to a single target when attached. But it doesn't.... Because it's ridiculously underpowered. A sticky grenade is as useless as the fighting lion....(maybe even worse).

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  • Thank god sticky grenades are gone so annoying in Crucible.

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    • I don't mind if they get buffed in damage in [b]PvE only[/b]. I don't wanna see stickies OHK in crucible ever again. we already got enough last hope users running around as is. adding OHK grenades and it'll feel like Y3 destiny which was garbage.

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      5 Replies
      • Edited by BoyarD: 10/23/2017 3:30:26 AM
        They aren't the only bad grenades. Most of the grenades are bad if you compare them to Pulse Grenades. Crucible: I don't think grenades should have as much damage output as Pulses. They shouldn't feel super strong because I think that weapon play should be more important.

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        • Edited by Athos SD: 10/23/2017 11:12:44 PM
          I've seen it rarely used so I'm posting it as well to get more attention. Shoulder charge Is USELESS!!! Not only does it only affect that 1 player or mob, when it connects ( I say that because of registration) to its target it does LESS damage than any other melee...Like WAY less. The whole, the entire, the complete point of shoulder charge is to do MORE damage as a charged attack than a standard melee to a single target when hit But it doesn't.... Because it's ridiculously underpowered. A shoulder charge is as useless as the fighting lion....(maybe even worse)

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          • Yeah they should buff the damage in PVE i think we can all agree stickies where OP in d1s crucible. I mean come on they have tracking on them which sometimes is bs but now you want more damage too? Wtf.

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            • Edited by Zurreal: 10/24/2017 1:01:39 PM
              I'm all for more damage on them but remove the tracking in that case.

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            • I remember playing my warlock... when I finally got a Starfire Protocol... grinding its perks all the way up... 3 stickies... I... had... the time of my liiiiiife. But it never seemed like a problem. It made PvP interesting, fast paced. You never huddled into a group, and if someone stickied you, you did your best to take them with you, and you had a good chance of it, because TTK was much lower and there were more 1HK weapons.

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              • Edited by InsaneActual: 10/23/2017 3:21:36 AM
                They ruled the crucible so hard in the end of D1 and left the meta in litterally a throw a sticky then run away tactic... They're in a perfect spot where they are now

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              • Edited by Athos SD: 10/23/2017 11:11:59 PM
                Yeah ok

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              • That's because an explosive device, stuck to your dome, will only give you a headache. Chemistry and physics be damned.

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              • All grenades are useless. Two minutes for a power to regenerate that does almost no damage.

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                • Oh no I can't panic nade because I can't shoot and get a free kill . We don't need that meta again sorry to burst your bubble.

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                  • blame pvp players from d1. actually blame them for D2.

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                    4 Replies
                    • I actually liked the ohk for a well placed grenade in d1, but the PvP is different now. 4v4 vs 6v6 with more emphasis on gun play and team work. Grenades in PvP are better used for area denial in d2. A stuck grenade in the current game would kill at least 25% of their team vs 18% in D1 if grenades ohk presently. I don't like the change, but I understand the reason for it in the context of the game. Still, it does make grenades seem weak, but that's when you try to use them how they were used in the first game; that doesn't really cut it anymore. For area denial they're still solid.

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                      • The titan void grenade barely pops another players shield in pvp even when stuck. Thats just trash

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                        • I think that depends a lot on armor stats, too. Just for grins, I set my armor's perks so it gave me 10 Resilience. I surprised a lot of players who stuck me with a sticky grenade and turned to walk away, thinking I was as good as dead. Always do a dead check.

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                          • Edited by Fujimoose: 10/19/2017 1:36:37 AM
                            They were complained about mostly at the end of the first game. It's no surprise at all. It all started with the primaries. Then they got nerfed along with some of the special and heavy weapons. So people flocked to their abilities. Shoulder charge and sticky grenades were used A LOT. I never wanted nerfs to any of them. I wanted the things that were nerfed into the ground buffed back to being competitive. Now if stickies don't ohk that's fine but their damage is horrendous. It should at least take down shields and a good chunk of health making it easy for a clean up kill. It's not even close. If you throw a sticky grenade you might as well throw yourself at the enemy because during that whole animation of throwing it you take way more damage than the grenade you just threw. A sticky only takes shields down by 75%. Another time I shot an enemy weakening him. I had all his shields down and a bit of health taken away. But I stuck him with a grenade only to watch it do absolutely nothing. The guy didn't even run away. He ran through it with his Uriel's gift. I could have dealt more damage by throwing a pebble at him.

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                          • Grenades are a complete mess right now... and their weaknesses are highlighted by how OP the pulse grenade is.

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                          • Edited by iDragonBaneTv: 10/18/2017 4:05:49 PM
                            I thought the whole entire point of a sticky grenade was to reward the player for actually sticking the grenade to a person. They copied sticky grenades from Halo over to D1 and they did exactly what they were supposed to, kill whatever it sticks to. (Unless armor of light inside a titan dome.) Now there is zero incentive to use sticky grenades, their sole purpose got taken out of the game. Either stickies should get buffed, or removed entirely and replaced with one of the other grenades. Sentinel should get Vortex as a replacement DawnBreak should get the flame pillar or incendiary. Arc staff should get Pulse. Edit: I do know the magnetism on the stickies in D1 was a bit extreme but that can get toned down to nothing as long as a sticky can OHK.

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                            • But it explodes twice hahahahahahha

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                              • D2 has grenades? Or pop-its? Feeling more like pop-its to me.

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                              • All grenades are under powered, but I will conseed that sticky grenades are the worst. 'All' grenades should be 'scarry'. 'All' grenades should be able to kill someone with full health and shields under the 'right' circumstances. If you get 'stuck' by a grenade, you should 'die'. If you stand on top of a grenade, you should 'die'. If you stand in an AoE grenades effect for half it's duration, you should 'die'. If you stand on a 'Pulse' grenades for 3 pulse, you should 'die' As of now I fear no grenades not even the dreaded 'Pulse' grenade.

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                                2 Replies
                                • Even a sticky that's supposed to explode twice barely puts a dent into another player in PvP, yet pulse grenades kill like crazy. Any other grenade other than pulse grenades are worthless in PvP. Hopefully Bungie buffs the other grenades instead of nerfing pulse grenades.

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                                  • The community as a whole is responsible for that, everyone complained about them.

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                                    • You can thank the whining snowflake section of PvP players for that. I can't understand why Bungie even bothered to include them in the game. They are as effective as throwing a rolled up sock. A lot of grenades are effectively useless in the game. I was running a Sunbreaker Titan for more than dozen matches in the Iron Banner. I got ZERO KILLS with its grenades. Not a single one.

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                                      • Honestly, if a thread on the Subreddit is to be believed, Fighting Lion is more useful since it can kill in one well aimed head shot.

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