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originally posted in: Credit Reset Disputes - 5/24/2011
5/25/2011 2:55:27 AM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AhnsHellow And then you wonder why people prefer Black Ops over Reach. Nice work Jeremiah, keep reseting players just because they played the way they wanted for a couple games. Hm, I see where the population is now and why. Hey Jeremiah, just a question: Do you think Treyarch would do this BS to their players?[/quote] Agreed, then see they sold halo so they can run to sony and look at the ps3? It copyed xbox360 a year after its released, copyed wii, and got its network hacked. So either way fps player are stuck at a stand still because of minor people who have power over others to make their selves feel important. Times like these you play minecraft or runescape while drinking and beer and wait for their bullcrap to rub off on them. [Edited on 05.24.2011 6:57 PM PDT]

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