Hey folks, I don't come to these forums often enough at all so I'll try to be totally blunt with you.
I've put together a clan pre-made for Destiny 2 known as Task Force Intervention. I was gonna call it just Intervention because it sounded cooler but someone took it before I could. :(
I also tried the Pathfinders and apparently it's... reserved? (How even?)
But anyway Task Force Intervention TECHNICALLY already has members on an Xbox club but I only just recently made the official clan so by all mean's join, it's completely open to the public and even has a cool description that [b]I did not spend 4 hours thinking up.[/b]
Also it won't let me edit the banner or any of the other stuff until it has 2 more members so please do join. Please. Please join. Please. ;-; The banner looks so plain. Please let me fix it.
GO BACK TO WILDLANDS WHERE TASK FORCES ARE THE FUQING GROUP NAME. who the fuq wants to be known as the task force intervention clan....