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Discuss all things Destiny.
8/14/2017 7:42:53 PM

Honest question, Is Destiny a good game?

Ego, emotion, religion, sexuality, blind-hate aside, is Destiny a good game ? Is it a game that will go down in the history books like GTA, Halo, Dark Souls, Need for Speed, (Some) CoDs, FIFA, and any other popular good game? Personally, I believe it will. I have 1500+ spent on this game alone, the last time I reached even 1000 hours in a game was GTA IV (and that was only because I had Mods lol) but yeah, I loved what Destiny has become and hope for it to prosper in the future.

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  • Edited by cambo: 8/14/2017 11:08:38 PM
    Let me put it to you this way. Sure Destiny has flaws and people like to pick at them but Destiny is by far one of the greatest game ever created and heres why. disclaimer: I know this is going to be very opinion based but I will you a lot of thought provoking points to really make you wonder if your opinion on this game is really justified. End Disclaimer:::: Alright so lets start off small. Destiny takes all the best parts of games that most people love, MMO, RPG, and FPS and put them all together to make one single cohesive game. It has an amazing loot system, a high replay ability, and tons of things to do. Sure the Vanilla game was different but it has grown into a beautiful mess. I would like for everyone reading this think to themselves. How many games have you put countless hours into, met a plethora of people, and had so many laughs other than Destiny? A lot of people will say not many. Which is one of the biggest reasons Destiny has never truly "Died". Countless times on the forums over the 3 years Destiny has been out people have made forum posts about this game will kill Destiny that game will kill Destiny. But what ended up happening? those games were fun for like a month maybe and then that games player base failed and Destinys rose. Time and time again people kept coming back to Destiny to either kill time or just have fun shooting things. Sure they may have talked bad about the nerfs and buffs and what have you but they still played and still had fun (even if they wouldnt admit it). Destiny honestly to me is more than just a game( insults about how im a nerd come flowing in now) its more of an escape. No other game that I have played in my 33 year old life have ever held my attention this long. Ive met countless people some bad but mostly decent people. When we raid we have conversations about life and work and what not and we just forget about all the problems in life for a few hours while we fill those Fallen or Hive or Vex with space bullets. Destiny isnt just a game people play because its popular. A lot of people play it because its the best escape from whatever problems may be happening in life. Its the most social game I have ever played and sadly enough it has kinda gotten me through some rough patches in my life. Its hard to explain what this game is and hard to read about it with so many opinions on it. But why do you think people have such strong opinions on this game? Its because they love and they dont know why. Just how we are with our family members. We love them unconditionally. Even if they hate Bungie most people who arent trolls still play and have fun even if its just low key. No other game has brought so many people together whether its good or fighting eith others about their opinions, no other game has EVER brought this many people together. Destiny was the culmination of what gaming has been for years and it was the start of a new gaming era. Because of Destiny a lot of developers have decided to let their MMO games be released on consoles because of how popular Destiny is in hopes their game would be too. Anyway Love it or hate it Destiny is always there and im sure if you hate it you still play it. See you guardians September 6! Lets GO GET GARY! Edit: I know my sentence structure is lacking and it may not make sense but im at work and I had to type this while the boss was out.

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    82 Replies
    • 9000+ hrs here

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    • Let me make it easy for you. Type in the Username and select platform for every user in this post that loves or hates the game. From there, it is simple math. I've got 4300+ hours. I love this game. I'm pretty sure you'll find out for yourself that even the "haters" have a ridiculous amount of time played - or they don't link their accounts because they like to talk stats but don't want people to see that theirs are worse.

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    • 7000 hrs here... Its a shitshow , built on addiction, chasing numbers, playing people like puppets. Whatever people say, the game is easy to play, not very good other than great gunplay visuals + feel , n some decent music here and there. The only people who play the same tiny amount of story missions and strikes over and over, chasing numbers, are addicts. The same people play 4th rate PvP , horrific connections and meta"s in the same tiny amount of maps, chasing numbers, addicts. The original idea was fantastic but the game, as expected felt way short. Bungie fell short, and in some aspects got worse, puppets themselves of the Activision machine. I'm an addict, I'm autistic, I'm housebound, what's you're excuse?

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      14 Replies
      • Edited by BannedMythicAccount: 8/18/2017 1:16:30 PM
        It was, IMO one of the best games out there during Y1, it was a game that had a lot of potential, but each crushing DLC release, undermined people's faith in that potential. By the end of Destiny's lifespan that potential was not only not reached, the game itself was left worse than how it began from a worth playing PoV. But it's only because Y1 Destiny was so good, that such a high bar and expectation was raised. Destiny had its faults during Y1, but people NOT wanting to play it wasn't one of them, it was more to do with people wanting to play it MORE, but lacked the content to do so. We're at a stage where we have more content but the gameplay is lacking. Which is why a lot of people have put that faith of Destiny's potential into Destiny 2 now. People were just addicted to the potential, this game ran on it and in the end, it didn't work out. Here's hoping D2 can learn from D1's mistake. But that's just more hoping on potential again, see this is a lesson that Activision and Bungie can keep it's consumers fooled because we want it to do well, but they're gaming us with that mindset.

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      • Yes

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      • No. Fuск the fanboy asskissing selected answer. The developers ruined their own game.

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        7 Replies
        • not because the game is good, but the marketing was.

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        • It is a good game only because of how addictive it is. If they took out the slot machine rng loot tables it would have died 2 years ago.

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          13 Replies
          • Destiny brought a lot of people that played solo campaigns to online play. A lot of people didn't (and still don't) play PvP, but the strikes and raids still brought these people together.

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            8 Replies
            • Destiny is the worst kind of game. It's a game where everything about it is so close to being good, but it always falls short. Still didn't keep me from putting 180+ days in it.

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              1 Reply
              • Simple answer, name one other game that you (or anybody else here for that matter) have spent 3 or so years and countless hours on.[spoiler]I know not everyone was here from the beginning but my point remains the same[/spoiler]

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                4 Replies
                • I used to think so, now .... not so much.

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                • Has a great feeling shooting mechanic that is very satisfying but the rest of the game always felt empty and mostly pointless after a short time. Overall the game falls somewhere between good and mediocre for me.

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                • Good? No. Addictive, yes. They hired psychologists to help them understand how addiction works in the brain, in order to intentionally implement addictive activities and qualities to the game.

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                  4 Replies
                  • You know I was thinking about this and if you just played through the campaign once and then tried like one raid and a handful of pvp matches I could see how one might be a bit underwhelmed.. But if you really experienced everything the game had to offer when the content was fresh then you'll know how great the game was and is. I mean the beta, launch, trying to get the nightfall done and get the blue flame, finding teammates and actually getting on the mic, the loot cave, the release of vog, running relic in vog early on and figuring out the encounters on your own and taking down the bosses with a bunch of lvl 27's running blues, running sword at crota and being a dedicated in demand swordbearer, soloing parts of the raids when everyone else dies off thinking it's a wipe, the early iron banners, material farming, the hunt and grind for gear, exotics, the cycling pvp metas, teaming up in 6 man IB teams, the twitch reveals of how and trials of osiris after which Destiny would never be the same, the day you came on here and learned there was a secret social space called the lighthouse after 9 straight wins, and then you went there, then you helped other people get there, formed friendships, maybe made a few foes, went unbroken, made crazy clutch plays in trials, kings fall, wotm. Gjallahorn, icebreaker, thorn. These weapons are now video game icons. Forbes even featured an article about Thorn! The hatemail, the squeakers, the streamers, the charity donations and lots more...doing it all with friends..and the community...trolls, haters, and all..Altogether an amazing experience IMO.

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                    2 Replies
                    • Simple answer is no. I put around 1200 hours into the game but there is no way you could call D1 a good game. Its campaign is terrible. Its lore implementation is terrible. It has no social features. It lacks content. Half the content is just reskinned. It took away as much content as it added, meaning nothing grew. The MP is just one big cluster-blam!-. Calling this a good game is like calling Arnold Schwaznegger a great singer.

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                      3 Replies
                      • Edited by EdeTheGod: 8/17/2017 8:39:28 PM
                        After a recent (and ongoing) playthrough of Borderlands 2: (I played on PC when it first came out and recently bought The Handsome Jack package for PS4) I would say that an ideal game, for me would be the best bits of both. B2 for humour, wit, adult content, weapon variety and sheer fun and D1 for the movement and gun-play. B2 looks and plays like an adult-targetted graphic novel whereas D1seems to me to be targetted towards a much younger, less mature, demographic. B2's biggest asset is it's subtlety (strange thing to say I know) but under the surface of the game there is a richness of content that is beguiling and warrants player perseverance. D1 had its lore (very rich and intriguing) but it wasn't in the actual game! Instead we got a very thin PvE experience and a lot of focus on PvP (not in essence a bad thing, but not what I bought the game for). The B2 community is still strong after 5 years (I think), I doubt D1 will have that longevity. As a series, things may be different. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing where D2 takes us and I'm really excited about the prospect of a B3 in the near future. Long story short: is Destiny a good game? Definitely yes. Is Destiny one of the best games ever? I have 3.5k hours in it (by far the most time in a single game) but let's see where the road takes us...

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                        4 Replies
                        • Edited by whateverman7: 8/17/2017 8:06:20 PM
                          I think history will look back favorably on destiny. Yes, the game had flaws when it dropped, but people still stuck with it. That's a testament that bungie got the most important thing right: the game was fun. It was fun as hell to run around with weapons doing space magic. Getting that right, kept people satisfied enough to allow bungie time to work on the other aspects of the game, which they did. Destiny 1 came a long way from the time it dropped to now. With that said, i think the franchise will be remembered more than specifically destiny 1. In fact, I think when people talk about destiny, they will start with destiny 2 more so than destiny 1. Say that cause i think bungie is going to take a serious leap between destiny 1 and 2, and the game will be that good. To compare it to another franchise: uncharted. Uncharted 1 was a good game, but uncharted 2 was amazing. When people talk about that franchise, they rarely mention 1 and go straight to 2. I think that's gonna happen with destiny. D1 laid the foundation, and we'll get to see bungie build upon that in D2.

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                        • Edited by DeusFever: 8/17/2017 12:33:53 PM
                          Honestly, I've liked the gameplay of Destiny since day one even though the campaign fell short of what I expect from a AAA game. Worse, the RNG kept crushing my spirit. At the time, I didn't know this whole generation of games would be disappointment after disappointment. Even this amazing year of games spat out Mass Effect Andromeda. Yet little by little, Bungie improved Destiny greatly. This is retrospective only, as any new player today would never enjoy the timed events and social aspect of the game the way we did.

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                        • It was the first MMO-like game to sustain a playerbase and keep the flag flying high for the MMO genre on Console. Most if not all MMOs on Consoles to date have literally crashed and burned.

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                        • Yes, it is. And it always will be in my opinion.

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                        • Yes

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                        • The only flaw I see is that when you restart a character/start a character for the first time, you get a VERY watered down PvE experience. You can't go back and play the same game you bought 3 years ago. I feel bad for people who started at Taken King.

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                        • With all feelings, emotions, & experience set aside. Yes, especially if someone brand new is getting in just now, it's worth it.

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                        • graphics/artstyle: pretty cool and quite a new universe. although storytelling was very odd in d1 because you had to read most of the lore on cards that you found playing the game but could not be viewed ingame. controls: smoothest console fps controls hands down. gameplay: still wondering why so few fps games include looting and levelling. its just so much fun running around with friends killing mobs with spacemagic and all those abilities and getting loot. just seeing multiple colours of loot pop up (even if the loot turns out to be poopy) amazes me. pvp: a nice option that sadly grew more important than the pve content over time in d1. i hope d2 makes that better. all in all: yes. for me destiny is something special. i have a lot of issues with bungies decisionmaking most of the time but destiny's core gameplay is what im looking for. a fps coop with tons of loot and activities.

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